Alcohol and Drug Use. This contract is subject to the rules and regulations and the statutes governing the Board of Trustees of Indiana University. University regulations restrict the use of alcohol and prohibit the use of illegal drugs on University property.
Alcohol and Drug Use. 1. In the event the Board should meet to modify its current policy pertaining to alcohol and drug use, the Board will consult with the Association prior to any such modification.
Alcohol and Drug Use. The use of alcohol and/or drugs in a non-medical fashion will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Any player found to have used these products will be immediately subject to the penalties established by both WHSBLA and the WIAA.
Alcohol and Drug Use. While abuse of alcohol and drugs among our members is the exception rather than the rule, the Employer and the Union share the concern expressed by many over the growth of substance abuse in American society. The drug testing procedure, agreed to by the Union/Employer incorporates state- of-the art employee protections during specimen collection and laboratory testing to protect the innocent. In order to eliminate the safety risks which result from alcohol or drugs, the parties have agreed to the following procedures:
Alcohol and Drug Use. The use of alcohol or drugs in a non-medical fashion will not be tolerated under any circumstances, and will result in penalties consistent with WHSBLA and WIAA.
Alcohol and Drug Use. No volunteer may use, possess, transfer, distribute, manufacture, or sell alcohol or any illegal drug while on the Council’s property, while responsible for the health and safety of girls, while operating a vehicle or potentially dangerous equipment or used at any Council, Association, Camp or Troop girl event. In addition, no volunteer may undertake a role as a Girl Scout volunteer while under the influence or impaired by any drug or alcohol, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs. • Violators of the alcohol and drug policy may be asked to leave the Council property or activity site and future participation in Girl Scouts may be jeopardized.
Alcohol and Drug Use. Federal law prohibits any alcohol misuse that could affect the performance of driving a commercial motor vehicle. This includes: • Use on the job; • Use during the four hours before driving a commercial motor vehicle; • Having prohibited concentrations of alcohol in the system while driving a commercial motor vehicle; • Use during eight hours following an accident; and • Refusal to take a required test. Federal law prohibits any controlled substance use without a licensed physician's written prescription. Federal law requires employers to implement certain drug and alcohol testing procedures in accordance with the requirements of 49 C.F.R. Part 382. The law mandates that drivers of commercial motor vehicles, which include school buses, be subject to pre-employment testing, reasonable suspicion testing, random testing, post-accident testing, return to duty and follow-up testing. Before performing alcohol or controlled substances test under this policy, the district will notify a driver that the alcohol or controlled substances test is required under the policy and federal law.
Alcohol and Drug Use. Alcohol consumption is permitted on board the boat, except for the Driver of the boat. The Driver must strictly adhere to the applicable laws and regulations regarding alcohol limits, which are equivalent to the limits for drivers in a car in the Netherlands. The same applies to being under the influence of drugs. It is essential to note that regular checks can be carried out by BOAs (Special Investigating Officers) on the water to ensure compliance with these rules. Failure to comply with legal regulations may result in fines, legal consequences, and immediate termination of the rental agreement. The use of drugs on our vessels is strictly prohibited. Samen Sloepen emphasizes that it is not responsible for enforcing alcohol limits or checking for drug use among individual Renters. It is the responsibility of the Renter, especially the designated Driver, to ensure compliance with legal regulations and avoid creating hazardous situations. The designated Driver is thus responsible for complying with these rules during the rental period. In case of damage or accidents caused by alcohol and/or drug use, the Driver under the influence is fully responsible for the costs and consequences towards Samen Sloepen, other passengers, third parties, and any relevant authorities.
Alcohol and Drug Use. The University will, within twelve months of FWA approval of the Agreement, and in conjunction with the MUCC, develop a University Drug & Alcohol policy for Staff. The University recognises that drug and alcohol addictions are health issues and in consultation with the MUCC, will develop University wide strategies to support staff suffering from such addictions. These strategies will aim to minimise the adverse impacts of drug and alcohol on the workplace. The University will provide two Quit Smoking seminars annually for Staff. Intellectual Freedom The University is committed to act in a manner consistent with the protection and promotion of intellectual freedom within the University and in accordance with the University’s Academic Freedom policy and Code of Conduct. Intellectual freedom includes: the rights of all Staff to express opinions about the operation of the University and higher education policy more generally; the rights of Staff to pursue critical open enquiry and to discuss freely, teach, assess, develop curricula, publish and research within the limits of their professional competence and professional standards; the right to participate in public debates and express opinions about issues and ideas related to their discipline area; the right of all Staff to participate in professional and representative bodies and to engage in community service without fear of harassment, intimidation or unfair treatment; and the right to express unpopular or controversial views, although this does not mean the right to vilify, harass or intimidate. In the exercise of intellectual freedom, Staff will act in a professional and ethical manner and will not harass, vilify or defame the University or its Staff. The University will encourage Staff to participate actively in the operation of the University and in the community. The University will take all reasonable steps to ensure that all governing bodies within the University operate in a transparent and accountable manner, encouraging freedom of expression and thought. This does not prevent a University committee from considering a matter ‘in camera’.
Alcohol and Drug Use. The University Administration recognizes the consumption of alcoholic beverages as part of the American culture. It is also recognized that alcohol abuse is a threat to the health and academic success of CSU students. Consistent with the University Strategic Plan, the administration desires to provide a safe and secure environment for all CSUSB faculty, staff and students. The University Alcohol Policy is intended to help enforce laws relating to the sale, possession, and consumption of alcohol, as well as to establish the campus policy and practices involving the use and sale of alcoholic beverages on the CSUSB campus. For more information on the CSUSB alcohol policy, please visit xxxx:// Students who choose to consume alcohol do so with knowledge that they remain responsible for their actions at all times and are expected to drink responsibly. It is prohibited to illegally distribute alcohol to students who are not of legal drinking age. Further, excessive and irresponsible drinking leading to intoxication and behavior that interferes with the program or the rights of others is subject to immediate disciplinary action, and may result in dismissal from the program.