Application of All Salary Scales. Employees at Bay of Plenty and Taranaki DHBs will translate onto the salary scales set out below in accordance with Schedule 7.
5.1 Clinical Physiologists – Cardiac, Respiratory & Sleep (formerly known as Cardiac/Pulmonary/Respiratory Technologists and Sleep Technologists/Scientists) -
5.1.1 Progression through the scale from step 1 to step 5 shall be by way of automatic annual increment. Attention is drawn to the annual review provisions (clause 5.9 below).
5.1.1 The salary steps above the automatic steps provide employees with a pathway for career development. Progression from step 5 shall be through operation of the merit progression process set out in schedule 4 to a maximum of step 8, except as provided below.
5.1.2 Where an employee is required to undertake; advanced clinical/technical practice, leadership and / or management responsibilities, they shall be able to progress beyond step 8. The employer will determine the appropriate salary and range within the scale for such employees, based on the duties, responsibilities and scope of their role having regard to the above. Progression Progression from Step 1 to Step 2 shall be on the achievement of the minimum practical competencies required to operate within the discipline autonomously. The employee shall progress to Step 3 after 12 months on Step 2. Progression from Step 3 of the Provisional Clinical Physiologist Salary Scale to the Clinical Physiology Salary Scale occurs when the employee has met the requirements for registration.
5.2 Renal/Dialysis Physiologists (aka Renal/Dialysis Technicians) Progression
5.2.1 Progression through the scale from step 1 to step 5 shall be by way of automatic annual increment.
5.2.2 Progression from step 5 to step 6 is dependent on the achievement of mutually agreed objectives, which are set prospectively when the employee reaches the top automatic salary step. This would normally occur in conjunction with the employee’s annual performance review.
5.2.3 The employee will write to the team leader/ manager requesting a meeting to set objectives. In the event that the manager and the employee cannot agree on the objectives the employee may consult with APEX. If there is still no agreement the manager will set the objectives. This objective setting process is to be completed in three months of the employee requesting the meeting.
5.2.4 Progression will not be denied where the employer has failed to engage in the objective setting process and/ or the assessment of whet...
Application of All Salary Scales. Employees at Bay of Plenty and Taranaki DHBs will translate onto the salary scales set out below in accordance with Schedule 7.
5.1 Clinical Physiologists – Cardiac, Respiratory & Sleep (formerly known as Cardiac/Pulmonary/Respiratory Technologists and Sleep Technologists/Scientists) -
5.1.1 Progression through the scale from step 1 to step 7 shall be by way of automatic annual increment. Attention is drawn to the annual review provisions (clause 5.9 below).
5.1.2 The salary steps above the automatic steps provide employees with a pathway for career development. Progression from Step 8 shall be through operation of the merit progression process set out in schedule 4 to a maximum of step 10, except as provided below.
5.1.3 Where an employee is required to undertake; advanced clinical/technical practice, leadership and / or management responsibilities, they shall be able to progress beyond step 10. The employer will determine the appropriate salary and range within the scale for such employees, based on the duties, responsibilities and scope of their role having regard to the above.
Application of All Salary Scales. Employees at Bay of Plenty and Taranaki DHBs will translate onto the salary scales set out below in accordance with Schedule 7.
5.1 Clinical Physiologists – Cardiac, Respiratory & Sleep (formerly known as Cardiac/Pulmonary/Respiratory Technologists and Sleep Technologists/Scientists) - Steps Current 1 August 2014
5.1.1 Progression through the scale from step 1 to step 7 shall be by way of automatic annual increment. Attention is drawn to the annual review provisions (clause 5.9 below).
5.1.2 The salary steps above the automatic steps provide employees with a pathway for career development. Progression from Step 8 shall be through operation of the merit progression process set out in schedule 4 to a maximum of step 10, except as provided below.
5.1.3 Where an employee is required to undertake; advanced clinical/technical practice, leadership and / or management responsibilities, they shall be able to progress beyond step 10. The employer will determine the appropriate salary and range within the scale for such employees, based on the duties, responsibilities and scope of their role having regard to the above.
Application of All Salary Scales. Full Time Salary Rates The following salary scale is expressed in full time forty hour per week rates. Where an employee’s normal hours of work are less than forty per week the appropriate salary for those hours shall be calculated as a proportion of the forty hour rate as in Schedule 1. Translations onto the scale are as set out in the Allied, Scientific and Technical Pay Equity Claim In Principle Agreement (September 2023).
5.1.1 Designated positions scale Designated Grade Step 1-Jun-23 PEQ 9 March- 24 9 March- 25 Designated F 4* $142,000 $147,000 $151,410 3 $138,000 $143,000 $147,290 2 $134,000 $139,000 $143,170 1 $130,000 $135,000 $139,050 Designated E 3 $130,000 $135,000 $139,050 2 $127,000 $132,000 $135,960 1 $124,000 $129,000 $132,870 Designated D 3 $124,000 $129,000 $132,870 2 $121,500 $126,500 $130,295 1 $119,000 $124,000 $127,720 Designated C 3 $119,000 $124,000 $127,720 2 $116,500 $121,500 $125,145 1 $114,000 $119,000 $122,570 Designated B 3 $114,000 $119,000 $122,570 2 $111,500 $116,500 $119,995 1 $109,000 $114,000 $117,420 Designated A 3 $109,000 $114,000 $117,420 2 $106,000 $111,000 $114,330 1 $103,000 $108,000 $111,240
5.1.2 Designated position scale – Placement & Progression
a) The employer will place staff appointed to Designated Positions into a specific grade based on:
i. the relevant career framework; and
ii. taking into account relativity with the grading of existing designated positions within the service, District and across the employer. The parties have committed to undertake work to develop a common job-sizing methodology to underpin the operation of the Designated Positions scale.
b) Progression through the steps included within each grade will be on an annual basis, on the employee’s anniversary date, subject to satisfactory performance which will be assumed to be the case unless the employee is advised otherwise. Progression does not occur beyond the top step of each grade.
c) Movement between designated salary scale grades shall only be on the basis of appointment to a higher graded position.
5.1.3 Core salary scale Step 1-Jun-23 PEQ 9 March - 24 9 March- 25
Application of All Salary Scales