Merit Progression Sample Clauses

Merit Progression. The salary scale provides movement to salary steps above the automatic steps that provide employees with a pathway for career development within their professional role. Employees on these steps will be required to function at an advanced level. The process providing for movement through these steps is set out in progression criteria for Social Workers agreed between the parties.
Merit Progression. Waitemata District Health Board (WDHB), Auckland District Health Board (ADHB), and Counties Manukau Health (CMH) supports the development and implementation of criteria which provides clerical and administrative staff with an opportunity to progress through the merit salary scales in a structured, supported, flexible and achievable way. Progression from the top automatic step in the salary scale to the first merit step, and to subsequent merit steps, is dependent on the achievement of mutually agreed Merit Objectives. The procedure outlined in the “CMDHB/ADHB/WDHB/PSA Clerical and Administration Employees Merit Progression Guidelines” and the “NDHB/PSA Merit Progression Guidelines” will be followed. These Guidelines are available on each DHB’s intranet. Managers and employees should familiarise themselves with the guidelines prior to undertaking the process. If at any point of the Merit application process the guidelines are not followed either the manager or employee can escalate the application to the one up manager and/or relevant Human Resources representative, and/or PSA representative.
Merit Progression a) There are salary steps above the automatic steps that provide employees with a pathway for career development within their professional role. Employees on these steps will be required to function at an advanced level. The process providing for movement through these steps is known as Career and Salary Progression (CASP) and is available on the DHB intranet.
Merit Progression. The work stream will address the following and a written report produced for the parties’ consideration no later than December 2014. The parties shall meet to discuss the report and progress matters on February 10, 2015 (unless otherwise agreed between the parties).
Merit Progression. 2.2.1 Progression to the Merit step may occur when Employees have completed one year’s service on step three (3), are performing competently in all aspects of their jobs and are contributing one or more of the following: a. Demonstrating extra skills (either skill development or new skills) that are useful to the Institute. b. Making a positive contribution to enhancing the reputation of the Department, Division or the Institute. c. Initiating or implementing improvements to systems within the Employee’s control. 2.2.2 Justification of the non-recommendation of merit will be necessary and will be reviewed centrally. 2.2.3 The parties will meet during the term of the Agreement to discuss the wording of 2.2.2 and possible appeal provisions.
Merit Progression. (a) The minimum salary increase shall be $1,300. (b) Successful applications for promotion to SASM and progression within the SASM or PASM grades will attract an increase in remuneration at the time of promotion and again in the second and third years, both subject to verification from the employee's Director or delegate of continued performance as evident as at the time of promotion. (c) In the year following the promotion/progression outlined above, a payment of a minimum of $1,300 will be made, and in the third year an amount equal to 50% of the second year payment will be made. (d) If there is less than $1,300 movement available before reaching the maximum amount for the grade, the increase shall be adjusted to reach the maximum and no further movement will apply.
Merit Progression. Progression to merit is not automatic. It may occur when an Employee has completed one year’s service on step three (3), is performing competently in all aspects of the job and is contributing in one or more of the following:- (a) Demonstrating extra skills (either skill development or new skills) that are useful to the division. (b) Making a positive contribution to enhancing the reputation of the Division / Institute. (c) Initiating or implementing improvements to systems within the Employee’s control.
Merit Progression. 13.1 Employees may apply for progression to a higher salary step at any time, but not more frequently than once a year unless otherwise agreed by both parties. 13.2 The employer will consider the application in good faith and will process the application on a timely basis using a merit progression process typically involving the employee, an appropriate representative of the employer (e.g. the employee’s line manager), and the Professional Leader - Audiology or (if not available) other appropriate senior audiological colleague. Where an application is unsuccessful the employee will be advised promptly of the reasons in writing and have an opportunity to have the decision reviewed, should they request in writing, by someone senior to the decision maker. 13.3 Successful applications will have their pay backdated to the date the application is received. 13.4 Progression from the top automatic progression step into the performance band will be considered first after 12 months service at the top automatic progression step. Performance progression will be based on the following performance progression criteria: (a) Job content, complexity and the level of responsibility. (b) The employee's skills, relevant qualifications and on-the-job experience. (c) The employee's achievement in the job as measured against the requirements of the position as detailed in the job description or other documentation. (d) The employee's contribution to the output of their employing work unit; (e) The degree of difficulty in recruiting and retaining staff in the job position held by the employee.
Merit Progression. The merit progression process will be based on the principles of Transparency, Consistency and Fairness. Merit steps are linked to the number of top salary steps as outlined in the DHB specific schedules. Employees will be eligible for progression to the appropriate merit step either; • one year after reaching the top ‘automatic’ salary or • one year after reaching any merit step below the top step in their salary band The Merit step acknowledges an employee who is continually performing above the expectations of the job and who consistently demonstrates good behavioural standards and role models the values of the DHB.
Merit Progression. 11.3.1 Progression above step 5 shall be according to the TDHB Dietitian Progression Criteria. During the term of the document the parties will meet to discuss and agree a new Career Progression Criteria that will form part of the SECA. This work will be completed by the end of May 2019 so that employees have an agreed process to apply for merit progression.