ASSOCIATION CONFERENCES. A. The Board shall permit a person(s) designated by the Association a maximum of twelve
ASSOCIATION CONFERENCES. 1. Each school year, the Association shall be allowed to use to ten (10) days off with pay for the purpose of attending regional, state or national workshops, conferences and conventions which shall be used by employees who are officers or agents of the Association, such use to be at the discretion of the Association. No less than four (4) hours per person per conference shall be used. The Association agrees to notify the Board as soon as possible, but in no case less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the date for intended use of said leave.
2. The Association shall reimburse the District for all sub costs attributable to Association activities including Association Conferences, and shall also reimburse the District for all costs attributable to political action activities at Association Conferences.
3. It is agreed that the Association President may use a portion of the school day, other than assigned classroom time for the purpose of conducting Association business. This shall include, but not be limited to, discussions with employees and administrators on matters directly related to the administration of this Agreement and travel between schools in the District. The conduct of Association business shall not be allowed to interfere with the duties of any teacher at any time.
ASSOCIATION CONFERENCES. 1. The Board agrees to allow a designated, regular staff member of the Association or an off duty Association Representative to visit the schools on Association matters, providing such representative shall, in no way, interfere with the operation of the school or the function of staff member(s) or the instructional program.
2. Upon arrival, the representative shall notify the school administrator or her/his designee that s/he is visiting the school building.
ASSOCIATION CONFERENCES. Each building Principal shall meet at least once a month during the school year with two (2) representatives of the Association at their request to discuss school operation and questions other than grievances relative to the implementation of the Agreement.
ASSOCIATION CONFERENCES. Nondeductible Leave may be granted to teachers designated by the Association President to attend conferences and training sessions planned by the NEA/MEA at the discretion of the Superintendent.
ASSOCIATION CONFERENCES. A. The Board shall permit a person(s) designated by the Association a maximum of twelve (12) days total absence, without loss of pay, to attend Association business. The Association shall make such request one (1) week prior to the date of utilization.
B. The Board shall permit the Association President or designee a maximum of ten (10) days during the school year, without loss of pay, to conduct Association business. The Association will reimburse the district for the substitute cost for each day a substitute is necessary under this subsection. The Association President shall make the request one (1) week prior to the use of any days under this subsection. The one (1) week prior notice shall be waived in special situations and/or circumstances.
C. Requests for time off under this article are to be directed in writing to the superintendent with a copy to the building principal.
ASSOCIATION CONFERENCES. In the event that the Association desires to send representatives to local, state or national conferences or on other business pertinent to the Association’s affairs, representatives of the Association shall be excused without loss of salary or benefits in accordance with the following provisions:
A. The number of Association leave days shall be eleven (11) days per year not subject to accrual.
B. The President of the Association shall submit a written request to the Superintendent at least one week in advance of the anticipated usage.
C. No more than three representatives shall be excused at any one time except for the I.E.
A. Delegate Assembly when no more than four representatives shall be excused.
D. The frequency of such meetings shall not impair the quality of classroom instruction.
E. Additional days, up to five (5), may be purchased by the Association reimbursing the District at the current substitute teacher daily rate.
ASSOCIATION CONFERENCES. Should the Association send representatives to local, state or national conferences or on other business pertinent to Association affairs, these representatives shall be excused without loss of salary providing that the Association shall reimburse the District for the cost of the substitutes(s). A written notification for leave shall be submitted to the Superintendent by the president of the Association. No more than four (4) days may be used per year and no more than two (2) teachers may be gone at any one time.
ASSOCIATION CONFERENCES. A. The Board shall permit a person(s) designated by the Association a maximum of twelve (12) days total absence, without loss of pay, to attend Association business. The Association shall make such request one (1) week prior to the date of utilization.
B. The Board shall permit the Association President or designee a maximum of ten
ASSOCIATION CONFERENCES. 1. Each school year, the Association shall be allowed to use to ten (10) days off with pay for the purpose of attending regional, state or national workshops, conferences and conventions which shall be used by employees who are officers or agents of the Association, such use to be at the discretion of the Association. No one officer may utilize more than six (6) days. No less than four (4) hours per person per conference shall be used. The Association agrees to notify the Board as soon as possible, but in no case less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the date for intended use of said leave.
2. The Association shall reimburse the District for all sub costs attributable to Association activities including Association Conferences, and shall also reimburse the District for all costs attributable to political action activities at Association Conferences.
3. It is agreed that the Association President may use a portion of the school day, other than assigned classroom time for the purpose of conducting Association business. This shall include, but not be limited to, discussions with employees and administrators on matters directly related to the administration of this Agreement and travel between schools in the District. The conduct of Association business shall not be allowed to interfere with the duties of any teacher at any time.