Bargaining Teams. The Board and the Association shall be represented at negotiations meetings by a team of negotiators that is not to exceed six (6) members on each team, excluding that respective teams’ representation. Neither party shall have control over the selection of the bargaining representative for the other party.
Bargaining Teams. The bargaining will take place exclusively between the designated representatives of the Board and the Association. Bargaining will be comprised of not more than six (6) members for each team. Each team shall be allowed to bring two (2) resource persons in addition to the members of the team. Alternates may be designated; however, alternates will attend meetings only when serving in the place of a regular team member. All bargaining will take place exclusively between the designated representatives of the Board and the Association. Bargaining will be conducted in closed sessions. Representatives for the Board and for the Association shall have the authority to make proposals, counterproposals, to compromise, and to make agreements subject to the ratification by both parties.
Bargaining Teams. Collective bargaining between the parties shall be carried out by the City Manager or his/her designee, the City Human Resources Manager or his/her designee, the Union Staff Representative, the Union President, and four (4) additional members from each party. No additional representatives for either party shall be allowed without the consent of the other party. The Union Staff Representative and the City Manager shall exchange in writing the names of the person or persons representing the respective parties for collective bargaining purposes prior to the first bargaining session.
Bargaining Teams. Negotiations shall be conducted between no more than five (5) representatives of the Association and no more than five (5) representatives of the Board. These representatives shall be known as the bargaining teams.
Bargaining Teams. The Bargaining Teams of the Employer and the Union have a mutual obligation, pursuant to Act 379 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1965, to bargain in good faith with respect to hours, wages, terms and conditions of employment for personnel represented by the Union.
Bargaining Teams. Each bargaining team shall be comprised of a maximum of six (6) members inclusive of a Labor Relations Consultant (“LRC”) for the Association and a Consultant and/or Attorney for the Board. Each party may utilize expert witnesses upon the prior notification to the other party.
Bargaining Teams. Each party shall name its own negotiating team. The Association shall designate a team of up to six (6) members. The Board shall designate a team of up to six (6) members. Subject matter experts may be invited to speak as needed but will not serve as members of the negotiating team. The District agrees not to collectively bargain with any other employee organization or individual who is part of the Bargaining Unit on any matter subject to bargaining or the terms and conditions of this Agreement, in accordance with applicable law.
Bargaining Teams. In any negotiations described in this article, neither party shall have any control over the selection of the negotiating or bargaining representatives of the other party and each party may select its representatives from within or outside the school district. It is recognized that no final agreement between the parties may be executed without the ratification by a majority of the membership of the Association, but the parties mutually pledge that the representatives selected by each side shall be clothed with all necessary power and authority to make proposals, consider proposals, and make concessions in the course of negotiations or bargaining, subject only to ultimate ratification.
Bargaining Teams. The bargaining procedures shall be conducted between representatives of the Board and Association. These representatives shall be known as the bargaining teams. Each team may consist of no more than five (5) members. Each party represented in the bargaining procedure shall determine who will be its bargaining team representative but shall not select members of the other party involved in the bargaining procedure. Parties will make every reasonable attempt to retain the same team members throughout the negotiations process. Bargaining team members shall be authorized to bargain in good faith.
Bargaining Teams. 1. The Board or the designated representative of the Board will meet with the representatives designated by the Association for the purpose of discussing and reaching Agreements. All negotiations shall be conducted exclusively between said teams. The Board's negotiating team and the Association's negotiating team shall be limited to a total of six (6) members each. The Association team shall be comprised of five (5) employees and not more than one (1) member of the OAPSE staff. All employee team members shall be from the unit. Neither party shall have control over the selection of the other party's team members. While no final agreement shall be executed without ratification by the Association and adoption by the Board, the negotiating teams will have the authority to make proposals, consider proposals and determine items acceptable to both parties involved in negotiations.
2. Up to three (3) consultants may be used by each of the parties in any of the negotiating meetings, persons outside the employ of Xxxxxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxx Schools, in an advisory capacity. Consultants will not be permitted to enter into discussions unless both parties agree to permit them to address the team. The expense of such consultants shall be borne by the party requesting or hiring them.