BLUEPRINT Sample Clauses

BLUEPRINT. The goal of this task is to formalize the information gathered through the Task 2 Community and Stakeholder Engagement and Xxxx 0 Blueprint Information Assessment into a formal Blueprint that can be shared with key stakeholders. • Prepare a Blueprint Outline that conveys the intended structure of the Blueprint and the intended goals and outcomes of major sections. • Integrate findings from the Technical Tasks into the Blueprint Outline • Complete Blueprint draft • Incorporate feedback as provided by the CAM • Prepare Blueprint final • Blueprint Outline • Blueprint (draft and final) STATE OF CALIFORNIA‌ STATE ENERGY RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION‌
BLUEPRINT. The goal of this task is to formalize the information gathered through all Technical Tasks into a formal Blueprint that can be shared with key stakeholders.
BLUEPRINT. The goal of this task is to formalize the information gathered through Task 2 Community and Stakeholder Engagement, Task 3 Flexible Adaptation Pathways, and Task 4 Innovative XXX Approaches into a formal Blueprint that can be shared with key stakeholders. • Prepare a Blueprint Outline that conveys the intended structure of the Blueprint and the intended goals and outcomes of major sections. • Integrate findings from the Technical Tasks into the Blueprint Outline. • Complete Blueprint draft. • Incorporate feedback as provided by the CAM. • Prepare Blueprint final. • Blueprint Outline • Blueprint (draft and final)
BLUEPRINT. The goal of this task is to produce a comprehensive Kern County Blueprint for MD/HD XXX Infrastructure. This plan will include information and findings gathered in all the previous tasks. The Blueprint will include not just detailed and actionable plans for XXX MD/HD electric charging and/or hydrogen refueling infrastructure but will also address other concerns as described in previous tasks, including recommendations and analysis for workforce development training, safety plans, previous actions taken by Local Jurisdictions, benefits to DACs, future job opportunities, etc. The Blueprint will be a comprehensive resource not just for fleet and facility owners involved in the project themselves but the community at large, as it will also function as a regional planning document. The Blueprint will include in its appendices example project materials such as schedules, outlines, and important presentations for other jurisdictions to rapidly replicate this effort as well. • Compile all reports and memoranda from the previous tasks into a draft Blueprint plan. • Submit the draft Blueprint plan for stakeholder working group feedback. • Integrate feedback and check back in with stakeholders as necessary. • Submit draft and final Blueprints to the CAM for feedback and approval. • Revise draft and final Blueprints as necessary based on CAM feedback. • Outline of Blueprint • Draft Blueprint • Final Blueprint STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE ENERGY RESOURCES‌
BLUEPRINT. The goal of this task is to provide a Blueprint document that provides all technical analyses, financial projections, incentives, and other costs and benefits necessary to enable the School District to move forward with a long-term electrification program converting its bus fleet to BEBs. • Develop a Blueprint that outlines transitioning to a BEB fleet while mitigating the operational challenges and risks of deploying new technologies into existing operations. The Blueprint should include: o A baseline assessment of existing BEB plans o A detailed analysis of the technologies chosen by the school district for its future fleet o Recommendations for charging infrastructure o An evaluation of the facility infrastructure o A resiliency plan o Full cost analysis ● Draft Blueprint ● Final Blueprint
BLUEPRINT. The goal of this task is to develop a comprehensive School Bus Fleet Electrification Blueprint (SBFEB) that guides and facilitates a step-by-step implementation of the GUHSD school bus fleet electrification over the next 20 years. The SBFEB builds on and leverages all the analyses, findings, recommendations, information sharing, and engagement activities in Tasks 2-7, in order to ensure clarity, emphasize transparency, stimulate enthusiasm, secure commitment, and track progress among all parties involved in implementing this transition. • Define an aspirational and inclusive Vision for the electrification of school bus fleet, to serve as the overarching “mission statement” • Articulate three strategies for the school bus service electrification, stemming from the Vision, including: o Strategy 1: covers the essential electrification of existing fleet service. o Strategy 2: covers the essential electrification of expanded fleet service, with additional routes. o Strategy 3: covers the advanced electrification of expanded fleet service, with school buses providing energy and grid services atop their mobility services. • Is consistent with state and local environmental goals • Supports disadvantaged and low-income communities • Covers intangible benefits such as nurturing innovation and creating economic opportunities o Provide detailed description of combination of technologies and systems that offer the best mix of economic, environmental, and technical performance for the school bus fleet; this includes selection, sizing, and replacement schedule of school buses, selection and sizing of EV charging stations, impact on grid infrastructure, sizing of onsite energy supply, and choice of utility billing rate. o Set major implementation Milestones/Goals that must be reached at or before specific dates; those milestones include but are not limited to: ▪ Environmental milestones related to: (i) CO2 emission reduction; (ii) electric bus and EV charging infrastructure deployment. ▪ Societal milestones related to: (i) extent of mobility and/or energy/grid services provided; (ii) extent of mobility and/or energy/grid services provided specifically in DACs and low-income communities; and (iii) workforce development. o Define concrete Metrics to quantify, measure, and track progress on the set milestones. o Identify and assign Stakeholders that should be involved to fulfill each milestone, as well as their roles and responsibilities. o Determine Business Enablers that c...
BLUEPRINT. B must construct according to the blueprint approved by A. If for any reason the blueprint needs to be modified, B shall draw modified blueprints to reflect the changes in the construction. After the coverage project is completed, B must immediately draw project completion blueprint. All the modified and project completion blueprints shall be well preserved and filed.
BLUEPRINT. 4.1 Employer should provide the blueprint to contractor according to provided date and number sets. If the contractor is in need of increasing the number sets of blueprint, employer should provide the copies to contractor. The cost of copies should be assumed by employer. If employer has confidentiality requirement, the requirement should be put forward in Special Terms and Conditions and also the cost of it should be assumed by employer. Contractor should fulfill an obligation of secrecy within a certain time. 4.2 Contractor should not give the blueprint to the 3rd person without employer’s agreement. When contractor complete the warranty of engineering quality, all the blueprint should return to employer except some blueprints for record-keeping. 4.3 Employer should reserve a complete blueprint in job site which is used for inspecting by engineer and concerned person.
BLUEPRINT. Blueprint is a HIPAA compliant software program that Legacy Counseling Services, PLLC partners with to help us administer and monitor measures to improve the quality of care you receive. You will be invited to participate in Blueprint but not required to. There are three ways you can send information to your provider using Blueprint: Assessments, Check-Ins (for Worksheets and Symptoms) and Phone Sensor Data. These exist to collect and deliver information related to your treatment from you to your provider. This information helps your provider measure outcomes and results over time so they can make informed treatment decisions. Blueprint is not a tool to use for emergency purposes in the event of suicidal or homicidal thoughts/feelings/urges, as your provider may not see your Blueprint data right away.
BLUEPRINT. The goal of this task is to prepare the final Stockton case study report documenting findings, recommendations, and generalized conclusions to help accelerate electric school bus adoption throughout the State of California. • Create a Blueprint for the lowest cost way to electrify the Stockton Unified School District school bus fleet that can be replicated throughout California. • Include project background, project goals, recognition of project partners, methodology, analysis of operating and charging scenarios, financial considerations and opportunities to lower costs, and final conclusions. • Outline of Blueprint • Draft Blueprint • Final Blueprint