LAY-OFF PROVISIONS. The College shall not release an employee without giving the employee, in writing, at least:
i) two (2) weeks' notice, or pay in lieu of notice, where the employee has completed a period of employment of at least six (6) consecutive months, and ii) after the completion of a period of employment of twelve (12) consecutive months, two (2) additional weeks' notice, and for each subsequent completed year of employment an additional two (2) weeks' notice up to a maximum of twenty (20) weeks' notice, or pay in lieu of notice. The College further agrees:
a. The right of employees on the recall list to contribute to benefit plans under this Agreement shall continue for the period of seniority retention, subject to the provisions of Articles 10.05 (Loss of Seniority) and 10.07 (Recall). This provision is subject to Carrier conditions and with the understanding that the employee bears the full premium cost of all benefits except for the Medical Services Plan of B.C. (Article 26.01a) which shall be paid by the College.
b. An employee in receipt of lay-off notice may elect to take any accrued holidays prior to being considered in a lay-off status.
c. Personnel on lay-off will not be considered College employees except for the purposes of benefit coverage described in 11.04 (a) and recall rights as described in Article 10.05 (Loss of Seniority) and 10.07(Recall).
LAY-OFF PROVISIONS. (a) In matters of lay-off and recall within the bargaining unit, lay-off of full-time nurses shall be in reverse order of seniority and recall shall be in the reverse order of lay-off. Lay-off of full-time nurses shall be separate and apart from the lay-off of part-time nurses.
(b) It is acknowledged that in order to continue the efficient operation of Huron Lodge, nursing staff consists of both full-time and part-time nurses. Any adjustment made to the mix of staff will be the object of discussion between the parties as set out in article 8.04 (c).
(c) In the event of a proposed lay-off at the Huron Lodge, the Corporation will:
i) Provide the Association with no less than thirty (30) days notice of such lay-off, and
ii) Meet with a staff representative of the Ontario Nurses' Association and representatives of the Local Association through the ONA- Management Committee to review the following:
(A) The reasons causing the lay-off;
(B) The services which the Huron Lodge will undertake after the lay-off;
(C) The method of implementation including the areas of cutback and the nurses to be laid off.
LAY-OFF PROVISIONS. (a) In identifying the position for lay-off, the Xxxxxxx and/or designate will consider core competencies needed in the Library. Where specific qualifications are not a consideration, lay-offs will be conducted based on years of service. Those with fewer years of service shall be laid off first.
(b) Once a position has been identified for lay-off, the Xxxxxxx and/or designate shall notify the Association President as far in advance as possible, but in any event at least two (2) months prior to any notice of lay- off being issued. The notification to the Association must outline the reasons for the lay-off. The Xxxxxxx, and/or designate, shall give the Association President the opportunity to present their views and input.
(c) The Employer will provide the affected Member with written notice of lay- off of no less than five (5) months. This notice will clearly indicate the reasons for the lay-off.
LAY-OFF PROVISIONS. The College shall not release an employee without giving the employee, in writing, at least:
LAY-OFF PROVISIONS. If an individual's contract is terminated or non-renewed, the Board agrees to continue the employee's insurance coverage under the provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act - 1985 (COBRA).
LAY-OFF PROVISIONS. Except as provided in (b) hereof, an Applicant shall be considered to be on a qualifying lay-off when he/she is not required by the Company to work and does not perform any work in a week, commencing on or after the week following the week in which this Plan becomes effective, because he/she was laid off work in accordance with the seniority provisions of the Agreement.
LAY-OFF PROVISIONS. City and Union agree that any employees represented by this MOU who may be affected by lay- offs, will be laid off by seniority in position. A layoff may result from the City’s need to decrease the workforce due to a financial crisis. The City and Union agree to meet and confer regarding the impact to the bargaining unit employees should the need for lay-offs be deemed necessary. Employees on layoff shall be offered re-employment within one (1) year in inverse order of layoff and no unit position shall be filled by new hires until all qualified employees laid off in the same classification shall be offered and refuse re-employment. Notification under this section to employees shall be by registered mail. An employee’s failure to respond by registered mail and/or personal email or by signed statement personally delivered to the City Manager or his or her designee within ten (10) business days from the date of the employer’s notice shall be deemed a rejection of an offer of re-employment. The employer then has no further obligation to the laid off employee. An employee, who is laid off, will have bumping rights to a previously held position.
LAY-OFF PROVISIONS. On lay off, employee may withdraw non-locked in funds only. To encourage employees not to cash these funds prematurely, withdrawal during lay off will be at market rate. If the lay off extends beyond eighteen (18) months, the penalty free sixty (60) day termination provisions described above will apply. Company “locked-in” funds remain locked-in to be used for the purchase of a pension, and may not be turned into cash. $10/Month AND WITH A SINGLE PLAN WILL BE $4/MONTH. Saint Xxxx Shipbuilding Limited has developed a Return to Work Program to assist ill or injured workers in making a successful return to the workforce. The purpose of this program is to provide a safe yet produc- tive environment for workers recovering from sickness or injury by providing work assignments that accommodate the physical limitations indicated by the worker’s physician. It is intended to provide workers with an effective way to return to work while reducing the risk of harm to themselves or others. Workers interested in this program may contact their union representatives or the Medical Centre for details.
LAY-OFF PROVISIONS. The College shall not terminate an employee without giving the employee, in writing, at least: weeks' notice, or pay in lieu of notice, where the employee has completed a period of employment of at least six (6) consecutive months, and after the completion of a period of employment of three (3) consecutive years, one additional week's notice, and for each subsequent completed year of employment an additional week's notice up to a maximum of eight (8) weeks' notice, or pay in lieu of notice. The College further agrees:
LAY-OFF PROVISIONS. If an individual’s contract is terminated or non-renewed, the Board agrees to continue the employee’s insurance coverage under the provisions of the Con- solidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act – 1985 (COBRA). Any contin- ued coverage is paid in advance by the employee. The payment should be monthly with payment prior to the effective date of coverage. Certified teachers with U.S.D. 476 contracts totaling half (1/2) time or more shall be eligible to receive benefits under Articles IV and V (Benefits and Leave) of the Xxxxxxxx U.S.D. 476 Comprehensive Teaching Agreement. Those teachers will receive a percentage of the benefits equal to the percent- age of time designated in their contracts. Teachers with less than half time contracts or who work on an ad hoc basis (substitutes, etc.) shall not be eligible for any benefit set forth in the Compre- hensive Teaching Agreement. Only time outlined in a bona fide U.S.D. 476 contract will be counted for the purpose of this agreement. Benefits in other areas, dealing with less than full-time certified personnel and not included in this section, shall be dealt with as recommended by the ad- ministration and approved by the board. Personal leave is to be two (2) days per year, accumulative to a maximum of 3 days. The personal leave days are to be explicitly subject to the superintendent’s prior approval as to the date such a day is taken. The superintendent is to be noti- fied at least 72 hours in advance of the day to be taken. Except in special circum- stances personal leave days may not be taken during the first three weeks or the last three weeks of the school year or immediately before or after any holiday or vacation period. Personal leave buy back options will be $50 per day, and the board will match it with another $50 (totaling $100) all being payable into a 403(b) pension account of the employee. If no 403(b) pension option is selected via the buy back option of personal leave, a current substitute rate will be re-distributed back to the employee for a maximum of 2 unused personal days (aka - Personal Leave Cash Out / PLCO)