Catastrophic Sick Bank. When an employee has nine hundred sixty (960) hours accumulated in the regular sick leave bank, he/she shall accumulate additional time in a catastrophic sick leave bank at the rate of four (4) hours for each full month of service. The catastrophic sick bank cannot exceed four hundred eighty (480) hours. Sick leave in the catastrophic sick leave bank may be utilized for serious illness or injury when the regular sick leave bank has been exhausted.
Catastrophic Sick Bank. 1. All employees will donate one sick day in the 2021/2022 school year to form the P.C.A.E.O.P.
Catastrophic Sick Bank. Employees who retire from P-CCS or resign from P-CCS will donate all remaining sick days to the P.C.A.E.O.P. Catastrophic Sick Bank. If the bank falls below 300 days, the P.C.A.E.O.P. has the right to assess individual contributions from all employees to whatever extent is needed.
Catastrophic Sick Bank. The MEA shall manage the sick bank and report all action to the Superintendent to be recorded in each employees personnel file. The MEA shall be solely responsible for determining which employees may receive sick bank benefits. At the beginning of each year each bargaining unit member may designate one (1) sick day to be used in a sick bank. The sick bank will be audited annually (more often if necessary) by a representative of the MEA and the results will be reported to the Board of Education for verification of the number of days available. The MEA will defend and indemnify the Board of Education members of the administration in any action brought as a result of the administration of the sick bank. The sick bank will follow these procedures:
(a) A member may not use the sick bank during his/her first year of contribution.
(b) New members must contribute for three (3) years.
(c) A member may use days from the sick bank only after all of his/her accumulated sick days have been used.
(d) A member may use two (2) days from the bank for every year of participation in the sick bank with a maximum of twenty-five (25) work days per year.
(e) A member may then use up to fifteen (15) additional sick bank days with a catastrophic illness or injury, but never to exceed twenty-five (25) in total per year. An individual may never use more than 100 days in total. Any day used under section (e), days will be repaid to the sick bank at a minimum rate of two sick per year.
(f) Once a member contributes to the sick bank he/she must contribute as required in letter “h” below in order to use the bank. If a member fails to contribute, all personally donated days will be counted as days used by the member and therefore lost, and may not rejoin the sick bank.
(g) A member leaving the district may not add or withdraw sick bank days or count any of the donated days for retirement credit.
(h) When the number of days drop below two times the current membership of the sick bank each member will contribute (1) sick day at the beginning of the next school year.
(i) Part time employee’s sick bank member days will be prorated equal to employment status.
Catastrophic Sick Bank. SECTION A: PURPOSE AND DEFINITION The purpose of the Sick Leave Bank (the “Bank”) is to provide additional sick leave days to members of the Bank who because of a pregnancy, or catastrophic illness or injury and have exhausted all categories of paid leave days. A catastrophic illness or injury is defined as a severe condition or combination of conditions affecting the mental or physical health of the employee that requires the services of a licensed medical practitioner for a prolonged period of time and that forces the employee to exhaust all paid leave earned by that employee and to lose compensation from the District. ● The maximum number of days that can be accrued in the sick bank will be 1,500 days. ● An individual employee may utilize up to sixty (60) days from the sick bank. ● A retiring employee may donate up to forty- five (45) days of unused sick time to the bank upon retirement. ● An employee’s health insurance will continue in full effect during the time that an employee is in catastrophic leave status. ● Sick leave and annual leave do not accrue during the use of catastrophic leave. ● All leave donated to the bank is irrevocable. Requests to use leave from the Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank must be in writing and addressed to the Crestwood Federation of Teachers. The request must include: ● Reason for the request, ● Written verification from attending physician (indicating nature, severity of illness or health problem and projected recovery date). ● Number of days required for the leave. The Union reserves the right to approve requests, deny requests, or to approve only a portion of the days requested. Employees receiving catastrophic sick leave can only use catastrophic leave for the reason(s) for which it was granted (doctor’s instruction and recuperation). Employees should follow doctor’s instructions and should not work elsewhere while receiving catastrophic sick leave. Working while on catastrophic sick leave is an abuse of leave and is cause for discipline including termination. The Crestwood School District has the right to investigate abuse. If there is abuse, the District has the right to have the employee pay back the days used.