Climate Investment Plan. During 2022, Växjö municipality will begin the development of a climate investment plan based on the knowledge gained from Viable Cities. It will describe in more detail the actions that will need to be undertaken by different players in various sectors by 2030 and will try to put social costs and benefits on it. The climate investment plan can also be helpful in prioritising measures.
Climate Investment Plan. The climate transition will require significant resources, in the form of both new investments and new approaches that will guide investments and business development towards significantly reduced emissions and carbon sequestration. Efforts relating to investments and funding need to be reinforced in order to realise the municipality’s climate goals. This work involves systematically identifying the need for investments from a climate standpoint and ensuring that investments made assist with achieving the climate goals, but also developing sustainable forms of investment and identifying key stakeholders for investments. The municipality also needs to ensure appropriate and resource-efficient management of available funds, as well as facilitating private investments in the climate transition. Climate investments generate socio-economic benefits that result in profits or cost savings for many different stakeholders. There are no forms of dialogue regarding joint investment of funds or allocation of costs for such projects, taking into account the points where benefits and cost savings arise, which means that potential synergies cannot be exploited in a systematic manner. Uppsala has developed a framework for sustainability-linked bonds in order to fund future investments more sustainably, and with a clear structure for reporting the climate performance of these investments. Ownership of the climate transition is also expected to be strengthened throughout the municipal group by linking attainment of the municipality’s climate goals with financial incentives. The municipality intends to:
Climate Investment Plan. Xxxx Municipality sees climate transition as an opportunity for green transition in society and will continue to work on the process of developing a Climate Investment Plan. In sustainable finance, the municipal group develops work on green bonds and sustainable forms of financing, and intends to take the next step in this work during 2023. Xxxx Municipality has received funding from the European City Facility to pro- duce an investment concept for energy and climate investments. The investment concept includes energy efficiency in municipal buildings, innovative district heating systems, biochar, bio-CCS and electric roads.
Climate Investment Plan. The Climate Action Plan 2020–2023 lists proposals for measures to reduce green- house gas emissions, which in many cases require investment. The plan also describes the gap that remains to be addressed after 2023 (“Climate City deficit”). Under the heading The Route to 2040, a large number of areas are listed where investment and ventures are required. The plan also describes the work ahead to reduce the consumption-based emissions caused by the City’s activities. In the area of climate adaptation, there are additional measures for torrential rain and initiatives to counteract the effects of heat waves. The City of Stockholm's climate work is financed through the respective executive committee or company budget, through special climate investment funds that can be applied for by professional administrations and district administrations, and through the agreements the City has signed within the framework of state negotia- tions where the City co-finances regional transport infrastructure. The City is also an active player in seeking external co-financing from both national programmes and from the various EU funds and programmes.
Climate Investment Plan. The municipality of Enköping has great potential for working with strategic and long-term planning for climate investments but is in need of external support and a network for continued practical work with models and knowledge building. During 2022, Enköping will develop a carbon budget together with partners knowledgeable in the field. The budget is an important part of the efforts to create a thorough and well thought-out climate investment plan. Knowledge-raising measures linked to sustainable investments will be carried out within the municipality's own organisation in parallel with this work. Successful work on climate investment plans needs cooperation between the municipality, industry and players from civil society and a good understanding of each other's conditions. As a first step, Enköping will in 2022 initiate dialogues with external parties to listen to what needs and opportunities they see in the transition work linked to both sustainable business opportunities and climate investment plans. The aim is to further develop measurable sustainable business opportunities that make the geographical municipality even more attractive to investors. Dialogue will continue with several parties on financing where the vision is “a way in”. Our intention in the Viable Cities network is to engage in a dialogue with representatives of the government to bring about a more comprehensive approach to the financing of municipalities' climate investments. The transition in Enköping must be cost-effective, socially balanced and fair. Our efforts in transitioning to a sustainable economy presupposes large investments in all sectors and a transition to a climate-neutral and environmentally sustainable economy is challenging. A special aspect for Enköping is our living countryside and agriculture and by coupling the important rural perspective, we counteract an unnecessary polarisation in future issues, we look at the whole.
Climate Investment Plan. The economic module of the ClimateOS tool has been tested for a number of transition elements in 2023 in order to provide a foundation for climate investments. This module is similar to the tool used in Viable Cities. Eskilstuna’s ambition in 2023 has been to identify what boundaries are needed and the level at which the Climate Investment Plan needs to be in order to contribute anything useful to climate action. This work will be continuing in 2024 and will be concretised as part of the City Journey project, which will be conducted together with the City of Helsingborg, Afry and Climate View. The project granted funding by Viable Cities breaks down the city’s climate goals into the need for attributes and activities in order to achieve the climate goals, and a climate investment plan is devised for selected attributes and/or activities. Climate calculations in decision data for investments in the municipality’s own business premises will be tested and evaluated as part of a pilot project in 2024. The Eskilstuna municipal group works according to a category management model in which the strategically prioritised procurement categories are managed on the basis of a holistic approach which includes both economic and climate goals together with user needs, the maturity of the market and other factors. Carbon calculations and environmental analysis from a climate perspective are key inputs for the work of the category team and also capture climate impact from the agreements and categories with the greatest economic turnover. The municipal group’s consumption- based emissions are monitored from a climate perspective by means of spend data and the procurement authority’s climate templates for various categories. These templates have not been corrected for inflation, and so the analyses are very uncertain. The municipality intends to:
Climate Investment Plan. Nacka will begin to prepare a Climate Investment Plan taking central Nacka as its point of departure within the framework of the Climate-neutral Nacka 2030 project. The work will be based on the carbon dioxide budget and the action plans for waste and fossil-free transport, as well as the Municipality’s green bonds.
Climate Investment Plan. During the year, Umeå Municipality has participated in national dialogues with Viable Cities and the government agencies regarding the development of climate invest- ment plans, and has accessed the support received via NetZeroCities as part of the EU Cities Mission. A preparatory analysis of existing investment plans has begun within the municipal group to determine how they can be used in the methodological sup- port developed via Viable Cities and NetZeroCities. This work will continue to be devel- oped in 2023 in collaboration with other players in the public sector, business sector and academia, both locally in Umeå and nationally. As part of its work on the action programme for climate goals, Umeå municipal group has carried out an initial cost-impact analysis of the proposed measures. This ena- bles the organization to prioritize the measures that have the biggest environmental and climate impact for the economic investment. Work on climate investment plans creates the conditions to develop joint, long-term roadmaps with an economic perspective. Demonstrating the climate benefits and impacts of planned investments improves the basis for making decisions. It is also necessary to be able to better demonstrate the value of the climate transition and how the investments contribute to other sustainability goals.
Climate Investment Plan. In order to achieve the Municipality’s climate goals, work on investments and financ- ing has been intensified during 2022. Gävle has begun the process of systematically identifying the need for investment to achieve the climate goals, and how climate aspects and added values can better be highlighted in current planning and budget processes. An overarching gap analysis has begun in order to better understand and anchor climate aspects into different policies and action plans, and to identify key players and the need for institutional capacity to develop shared roadmaps and climate investment plans. The purpose is both to put an economic value on the climate benefits of the xxxx- sition, and to clarify how these contribute to other sustainability goals. This involves gradually implementing socioeconomic effects of climate investments. The Municipality has built on the work begun in the Viable Cities joint development project focusing on climate investment plans. The focus is on portfolio management, the land development process, and on transport and mobility, and we have drafted proposals on interventions in the planning and budget process in order to steer towards set climate goals. In Gävle Municipality, all major investments over the past 18 months have been financed using ‘green loans’. Gävle Municipality intends to intensify efforts to prepare joint climate investment plans during 2023 for our prioritized areas. We will also look into how a framework for green bonds might work for financing future investments in a more sustainable way, and with a clear structure for reporting the climate performance of the investments.
Climate Investment Plan. Already during 2020, Karlstad Municipality has prepared a Climate Study, and based on it a climate budget with accompanying action plan. The material provides a good foundation for continued work based on an updated idea of the emission allowance in Karlstad, and comparative scenarios for the climate transition. The study will be further developed with an accompanying cost calculation for players in the munic- ipality as a geographical area. This work is taking place alongside the development work being done within Viable Cities on the production of climate investment plans. With a Climate Investment Plan, the right conditions can be created to develop a shared idea of what investments are needed, investments that not only benefit the climate but other areas as well. Collaboration and dialogue are needed between more players to ensure a successful process towards the Climate Investment Plan. The climate budget in turn could evolve into an important source in the group’s operations and planning process. Efforts are also under way to review the group’s long-term investment planning and introduce a new project module, improving the ability to climate label the Municipality’s projects more clearly and ensure a coherent overview of the Municipality’s climate investments. In addition, the Municipality is currently reviewing its internal guidelines for investment management, and developing routines for efforts related to green loans and sustain- able forms of funding.