Unified Planning Work Program. The specific activities to be conducted and financed during the CONTRACT period are prescribed in the FY 2022 UPWP. The UPWP details the tasks, work responsibilities, costs, and funding sources of each activity to be undertaken within the TMA. The product of the UPWP will be a twenty-year comprehensive and multi-modal transportation plan for the ACOG MPO TMA. Approval of the UPWP by the PARTICIPANTS, the ACOG MPO PC, and FHWA will constitute acceptance of the UPWP as a part of this CONTRACT, subject to the financing provisions of Section 5 herein.
Unified Planning Work Program. A. Each year the MPO shall submit to the Department a program of work that includes goals, objectives, and tasks required by each of the several agencies involved in the metropolitan transportation planning process. This program of work is to be called the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), or any successor name. The UPWP shall be approved by the MPO Policy Board, in accordance with 23 CFR §450.314.
B. The UPWP will be prepared for a period of one (1) year or two (2) years unless otherwise agreed to by the Department and the MPO. The UPWP shall reflect only that work that can be accomplished during the time period of the UPWP, in accordance with TAC §16.52.
C. The UPWP shall reflect transportation planning work tasks to be funded by federal, state, or local transportation, or transportation related (e.g. air quality) planning funds. The budget and statement of work will be included in the UPWP. The MPO may not incur costs until final approval of the UPWP is granted. The maximum amount payable will not exceed the budget included in the UPWP.
D. The effective date of each UPWP will be October 1st of each year or the date of approval from the appropriate oversight agency, whichever occurs later. On that date, the UPWP shall constitute a new federal project and shall supersede the previous UPWP.
E. The UPWP shall comply with all applicable federal and state requirements and will describe metropolitan transportation and transportation-related planning activities anticipated in the area.
F. The use of federal metropolitan transportation planning funds shall be limited to transportation planning activities affecting the transportation system within the boundaries of a designated metropolitan planning area. If an MPO determines that data collection and analysis activities relating to land use, demographics, or traffic or travel information, conducted outside its boundaries, affects the transportation system within its boundaries, then those activities may be undertaken using federal planning funds, if the activities are specifically identified in an approved UPWP. Any other costs incurred for transportation planning activities outside the boundaries of a designated metropolitan planning area are not eligible for reimbursement.
G. Travel outside the State of Texas by MPO staff and other agencies participating in the MPO planning process must be approved by the Department if funded with federal transportation planning funds. The MPO must receive approval prior to...
Unified Planning Work Program. The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is developed on a two-year cycle by the MPO in cooperation with the State, local governments and public transportation providers as required under 23 CFR 450.308 Funding for Transportation Planning and Unified Planning Work Programs. The UPWP includes documentation of the metropolitan transportation planning activities anticipated within the region during the next two years. The UPWP also identifies the lead agency for the completion of major corridor studies including, alternatives analysis. The MPO will approve the UPWP and submit it to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and TxDOT for approval and funding. When necessary, the MPO can approve amendments to the UPWP subject to approval by the FHWA, FTA and TxDOT.
Unified Planning Work Program. The coordination, activities and procedure for the development of the annual Unified Planning Work Program shall follow Procedure PR-07-03 of the TPO’s Operating Manual, or as amended. Pertinent excerpts from the procedure are included here and incorporated as part of this agreement.
Unified Planning Work Program. Activities: • Mid-Year progress report. • Complete year-end report for FY2023. • Amend 2023 - 2024 UPWP as needed. • Review and modify the format of the UPWP as needed. 2413 - BUDGET AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Activities: • CDOT monthly Metropolitan Transportation Planning reimbursements. • Prepare MPO Budget for PACOG Board adoption. • Prepare Sub-Delegation Budget and Appropriation Ordinances for City of Pueblo • Prepare for and participate in PACOG audit(s) if required under Single Audit Requirements. Activities: • Actively participate in Statewide training and educational meetings hosted by CDOT/FHWA/FTA and other organizations within the State. • Make applicable transportation planning training available to staff, committee members, and member agency partners. • Develop staff training and document procedures as necessary. • Develop, implement, and conduct an orientation program for new commission and committee members. • Staff Training on Travel Demand Model, TransCAD (OUT/IN STATE). • Staff Training courses conducted by Nation Highway Institute or National Transit Institute (OUT/IN STATE). • Staff Attendance at Transportation Research Board’s Annual Meeting (OUT/IN STATE). • Staff participation in AMPO’s Annual Conference, AMPO’s Technical Conference (OUT/IN STATE). • Staff attendance/participation in Transportation Research Boards working groups. (OUT/IN STATE). Products/Activities: • Project specific public involvement. • Review and update the Public Participation Plan (PPP) as needed. • Amend Title VI and LEP Policy as needed. • Issue press releases and advisories related to transportation planning and projects in the region. • Develop and expand a stakeholder’s contact list for notification of planning activities. • Maintain MPO website. • Post notifications on PACOG/MPO social media feeds. • Work collaboratively with local, state, and federal officials and agencies to help achieve established transportation goals and objectives. • Actively participate in meetings and planning sessions of various public and private stakeholder groups that have direct or indirect involvement in transportation planning, land use planning, economic development, community development, infrastructure development. Products/Activities: • Improve access for multimodal or non-motorized travel in Underserved Communities • Improve access and service for public transportation in Underserved Communities • Plan for safety of all road users through infrastructure improvements and...
Unified Planning Work Program. Narrative: The 2016-2017 Unified Planning Work Program was written and reviewed by the MPO in accordance with the requirements of the joint planning regulations (23 CFR §450) and was formally adopted on May 19, 2016 via Resolution 16-12 Approval of the 2016-2017 Unified Planning Work Program.
Unified Planning Work Program. This CONTRACT provides XXXXXX the FTA 5303 funding for transit planning activities within the TMA as identified in the FY 2023 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP).
Unified Planning Work Program. Transportation planning activities anticipated within the region during the next year, regardless of funding sources, shall be documented and prepared annually by the Staff and TTC and reviewed and endorsed by the MPO Board. Prior to the expenditure of any funds, such UPWP shall be subject to the approval of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and the State for funding the activities. Any changes in transportation planning and related activities, regardless of funding source, shall be accomplished by amendments to the UPWP and adoption by the MPO Board according to the same, full procedure as the initial UPWP.
Unified Planning Work Program. Between October and January of each year or the final year of a multi-year UPWP, the MPO, PennDOT, and SCTA, in cooperation with the local jurisdictions and other MPO members will prepare the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) as required under 23 CFR 450.308: Funding for Transportation Planning and Unified Planning Work Programs, including documenting the metropolitan transportation planning activities anticipated within the region during the next program period. By February the MPO will approve the UPWP and submit it to PennDOT. In March, PennDOT will submit the UPWP to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for approval and funding. When necessary, the MPO can approve amendments to the UPWP subject to approval by the FHWA and FTA and PennDOT.
Unified Planning Work Program. The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is an annual description and documentation of proposed transportation and transportation-related planning activities in the Metropolitan Area. It also serves as the Council’s application for USDOT transportation planning funds. The Council prepares and approves the UPWP and submits the document to MnDOT for forwarding to USDOT for its review and approval. The metropolitan area transportation planning components of the work programs of MnDOT, MPCA and MAC are referenced in the UPWP. The TAB reviews and recommends the UPWP to the Council