Credit Recovery Sample Clauses
Credit Recovery. A student who does not meet the minimum requirements of the credit system shall be given an opportunity to recover credits or complete an alternate mechanism in order to become eligible for promotion to the next grade level.
Credit Recovery. 2.9.1 Where the subject teacher is recommending a student for Credit Recovery, the subject teacher shall only be required to provide the following information: • the student’s final xxxx for the course; • a breakdown of all marks for the course attached to the Recommended Course Placement Form using whatever format the subject teacher employs for recording marks; • reasons for Credit Recovery recommendations.
Credit Recovery. Where a student is recommended for Credit Recovery, the subject teacher shall only be required to provide the following information:
Credit Recovery. If a student fails a course required for graduation, the student should contact the Xxxx of Studies to determine how credit recovery will be obtained. The following options are available: ● Retaking the course at Shawe ● Taking an approved summer school course ● Taking an approved correspondence or online course during the school year Shawe credit will be granted for approved credit recovery courses. When the course is taken at Shawe, the failing grade will be replaced on the student transcript. When an approved credit recovery course is taken through another institution, both grades will appear on the student transcript. Students may earn a maximum of eight (8) credits during the four years of high school for credit recovery. The minimum completion time for each course is six weeks and the maximum completion time is one year. Grades for credit recovery courses taken during the senior year must be reported to the Xxxx of Studies by May 1, of the year of scheduled graduation. Any exception to this policy must be approved by the Principal. Students have a four (4) school days at the beginning of each semester to drop/add a class. This will be allowed with the approval of the parent and the Xxxx of Studies. Upon the principal's approval, special circumstances may arise that would allow a student to drop/add a class after the drop/add period. Shawe students can expect to have nightly homework/study. Homework is an out-of-school assignment that contributes to the educational process of the student and is an extension of class work and related to the objectives of the curriculum. The homework projects and assignments are to be the work of the student. After an excused absence, students will be allowed to make up missed home and class work or be given an alternate assignment, but it is the student’s responsibility to take the initiative in making up the work. The due date for any previously given or missed assignments will be pushed back an equal number of days the student missed. Students should be in the habit of checking PowerSchool to find out what home or class work was missed. If the assignment or test was announced prior to an absence, students are responsible for the assignment or test on the day they return. Work will be made up and not counted if the absence was classified unexcused. If the work missed included a recorded grade, the grade is a zero (0). Any student who receives an incomplete (I) for a quarter or semester grade must turn in the assignmen...
Credit Recovery. Credit recovery is for students to re-take courses they have failed. The parties agree to form a subcommittee during the 2021-2022 school year of equal representation of the association membership, appointed by the SLACT president and the administration, appointed by the Superintendent, to discuss the issues and difficulties of the current Credit Recovery program. This Committee will make recommendations to improve the program.
Credit Recovery. Credit recovery periods are contact periods for the certified employee of record, and do not count as a preparation as long as the curriculum is developed by another resource.
Credit Recovery. Notwithstanding the language contained in Article V(Q), the District may utilize BOCES instructors to teach credit recovery classes to high school students, provided that unit members are offered by BOCES the first opportunity to teach such classes.
B. Online High School Courses
Credit Recovery. A. The purpose of credit recovery instruction is to enhance and expand class offerings for students who are at risk due to credit deficiency, expulsion, or other reasons as mutually agreed to by the department chair(s) (relevant to courses being considered), the building administration, and the certificated/licensed faculty who will do the monitoring. It is not intended to be a means to eliminate existing courses offered in the regular classrooms. It is the intent of the Board that the enrollment in credit recovery classes will not be the cause for reducing staffing allocations that would otherwise have been assigned to the schools.
B. Credit recovery courses to be offered will be reviewed by a joint committee of Department Chair(s) (relevant to courses being considered), the PLEA, and the Administration, and presented to the Superintendent and Board of Education for approval in accordance with Board Policy. Configuration and operations of the committee shall be mutually established by the Superintendent and the PLEA President.
C. Certificated/licensed faculty member approval is required if a student is leaving a regular course offering to participate in credit recovery.
D. A Credit Recovery Coordinator (CRC), who will be a bargaining unit employee, will have the responsibility to oversee the continuity of the program, be the conduit of information, and serve as a respondent to questions and/or issues concerning the credit recovery program.
E. Annually, a credit recovery overview will be provided for the faculty (9-12) to inform them of the process and to enlist any interested unit members in becoming Teachers of Record (TR) for the program.
F. Such assignments will initiate first within the appropriate department, and should there be no one accepting the request, then qualified bargaining unit members will be sought for the assignment. A TR’s assignment shall be within the contract day as defined in Section 8.04. The TR shall meet with credit recovery student(s) as mutually developed within the student responsibility contract [see below in Section (J)].
G. All students will be assigned through the IAT/IEP process of referrals and conform to agreed process, credit recovery documents, and signoffs. The TR shall actively and systematically monitor the student progress [as outlined in Section (J) below], and xxxxxxx the student at the end of course assessment at a pre-set time and location. Every attempt will be made to place students in an Academic Options c...
Credit Recovery. Where a student is recommended for Credit Recovery, the subject teacher shall only be required to provide the following information: the student’s final mark for the course; a breakdown of all marks for the course attached to the Recom- mended Course Placement Form using whatever format the subject teacher employs for recording marks; and reason for Credit Recovery recommendation. The subject teacher shall only be required to identify units, concepts, expectations not successfully achieved plus relevant learning skills information for a student accepted into the Credit Recovery program. All other consultation between the subject teacher and the credit recovery teacher is voluntary. Where a Special Education Resource Teacher delivers credits during their resource periods, they may deliver no more than credits per period and credits in total. Every reasonable attempt will be made to minimize the concur- rent delivery of non-credit withdrawal and special education credit programs for that teacher. Every reasonable effort will be made to ensure that the distribution of to special education teachers shall be done on an equitable basis. COPE teachers may be assigned an alternative timetable equivalent to regular teachers consisting of a maximum of minutes of assigned time.
Credit Recovery. Students in need of credits can recover those credits through the following options: 1. Online program 2. Classes created in Canvas by DaVinci approved instructors. There will be a charge for any credit recovery completed at DaVinci, this fee will equate to $25 per .25 credit needed for graduation. Math Labs can only be counted as credit recovery for failed math courses from prior academic years and math lab content must be equal or greater to standards in the math credit to be recovered.