District Contributions Sample Clauses
District Contributions. Post-retirement District contributions will be made based upon rules and regulations of the medical benefits program in effect and shall be no less than provided by Public Employees' Medical & Hospital Care Act (PEMCHA) minimum with the third-party health and welfare administrator.
District Contributions. District contributions for the term of this Agreement shall be seventy-five percent (75%) towards Single/Two Person/Family Coverage [8.3] TERM LIFE INSURANCE A term life insurance policy will be made available to each faculty member who qualifies. The premium for this insurance coverage will be paid by the Timberlane Regional School District as follows: The amount of insurance will be $40,000 with an employee option to buy an additional $50,000 worth of insurance at the employee’s expense if permitted by the insurer.
District Contributions. Retired unit employees and eligible dependents shall receive district-paid benefits in accordance with the current medical/dental plans (see Section 5.2.1) based upon the following eligibility criteria: For employees whose first paid date of contract service is prior to May 31, 1986, who have fifteen (15) years of service, the District will pay its portion of the insurance premium for life. For employees whose first paid date of contract service is on or after May 31, 1986, who subsequently qualify for the foregoing fifteen (15) year retiree service benefit, the District will pay its portion of the insurance premium until the retiree reaches age 70, after which such retirees may continue coverage at their own expense. Employees retiring on or after July 1, 1975, with less than fifteen (15) but with ten
District Contributions. The district shall contribute towards the insurance premiums in 1 and 2 above as follows:
3.1 The district shall contribute $675.00 per month toward the health premiums for full-time employees. Individual employees shall pay any excess of health premiums through payroll deductions. The contribution shall be prorated for part-time employees working 20 hours or more per week.
3.2 If the Williamette Dental option is chosen, the District will contribute the amount equal to the Delta Dental individual premium.
District Contributions. Beginning with the 2016-17 contract year: The District’s contribution to health insurance premiums shall be: XXX-X-XX XX00 Single 85% 85% 2-Person 85% 85% Family 85% 85% The District’s contribution to the health insurance premiums for ABSOS 20/40 IK DED shall be 100% of the single, two- person or family plan. [Please note: It is understood that an employee currently on the Lumenos Plan may enroll in any of the offered plans.]
District Contributions. The District shall contribute to the Trust an amount equal to a percentage of the base biweekly salary of eligible employees as follows: Contributions to the Trust shall not be considered earnable compensation.
District Contributions. 23.1.1 Effective October 1, 2013, the District agrees to pay lessor of the actual insurance costs or a contribution of a monthly amount in accordance with the following schedule to purchase employee insurance. Should the actual insurance cost be less than the cap, the cap will not be reduced. This will not however, imply that the Association or any employee has a right to the difference.
a. The District's monthly contribution for the above insurance for this contract shall be for full-time, eight (8) hour employees, as listed below: 2021-2022 $1130 2022-2023 $1140 2023-2024 $1150
b. All other employees shall receive a monthly contribution based on the following pro-ration formula. No benefits will be paid for a position of less than 3.5 hours per day. Less than Length of Work Day Pro-ration 8.0 hours 100% 7.5 hours 100% 7.0 hours 100% 6.5 hours 93.75% 6.0 hours 87.5% 5.5 hours 81.25% 5.0 hours 75.0% 4.5 hours 68.75% 4.0 hours 62.5% 3.5 hours 62.5%
District Contributions. Retired full-time unit members and eligible dependents shall receive district-paid benefits in accordance with the current medical/dental plans based upon the following eligibility criteria:
District Contributions. The District will match 403(b) contributions for each member who contributes to a 403(b) up to 1% of the salary base. The District contribution will be made the last pay period in June.
District Contributions. 23.1.1 Effective October 1, 2013, the District agrees to pay lessor of the actual insurance costs or a contribution of a monthly amount in accordance with the following schedule to purchase employee insurance. Should the actual insurance cost be less than the cap, the cap will not be reduced. This will not however, imply that the Association or any employee has a right to the difference.
a. The District's monthly contribution for the above insurance for this contract shall be for full-time, eight (8) hour employees, as listed below: Contract Year Monthly District Contribution 2018-2019 $1100 2019-2020 $1111 2020-2021 $1122
b. All other employees shall receive a monthly contribution based on the following pro-ration formula. No benefits will be paid for a position of less than 3.5 hours per day. Less than Length of Work Day Pro-ration 8.0 100% 7.5 100% 7.0 100% 6.5 93.75% 6.0 87.5% 5.5 81.25% 5.0 75.0% 4.5 68.75% 4.0 62.5% 3.5 62.5% 3.5 0
c. Regardless of any other provision to the contrary, all bargaining unit members will be provided term life insurance with AD and D.
d. The District shall contribute two hundred dollars ($200) per month into a Health Savings Account (HSA) for employees who elect an HSA qualified medical plan. Less than full-time employees will receive a prorated HSA benefit in accordance with the percentages listed in Article 23.2.1 (b).
e. Bus Drivers will receive a minimum contribution of 87.5% of the health insurance allocation regardless of average route and trip hours determined in September of the contract year. All other bus driver benefits beyond the health insurance allotment of 87.5% will be determined by averaging their first month’s daily hours including both regular routes and event trips.
f. Up to twenty dollars ($20) per month, per individual under the insurance cap, will be contributed to an insurance pool. The members whose insurance premiums are over the cap can use resources from the insurance pool. For the purpose of calculating the insurance pool dollars, the District will take the employee insurance cap less insurance premiums and any H.S.A.