Length of Work Day Sample Clauses

Length of Work DayThe work day shall be seven and three-fourths (7 3/4) hours for all employees except for employees on the block schedule whose day shall be eight (8) hours, including a thirty minute duty-free lunch period. The work day includes preparation time as outlined in Section C, and sixty (60) minutes outside of the student day.
Length of Work Day. ‌ 7.1 The workdays for teachers: a. Seven and one half (7 ½) hours, which shall include a 30-minute duty free lunch. b. On days teachers have no contact with students they may schedule their lunch at any appropriate time as determined by the principal and may be up to an hour in length. c. If no specific activities are planned for the last hour of a day on which they have no contact with students, that time may be used for lunch. d. Planning time shall be used for planning and evaluating classroom instruction and, up to once a week, an IEP, 504 and MTSS meeting, unless as required by law. If two or more planning periods within a school week are preempted by the administrator, then the planning period will be deferred to beyond the school day and compensatory time will be awarded in quarter hour increments based upon the length of time of the meeting. Meetings scheduled by the teacher during their planning period is not inclusive of the above stated limitations. Parent-teacher conferences, or other activities when pre-approved by the principal, that occur beyond the normal work day will be awarded compensatory time. e. For teachers working beyond 10 months, 10 +1 and 10 +2, an altered workweek or workday schedule will be established by the Superintendent. 7.2 Teachers may be required to attend one (1) open house (orientation/Back-to-School/1st of year parent meeting) each school year, which shall not exceed two (2) hours in length. Teachers of students in grades nine (9) through twelve (12) may be required to attend their school’s graduation exercises. 7.3 Teachers may be required to stay past the end of the normal workday to attend a faculty meeting no more than nine (9) times a year. Such faculty meetings shall begin as soon as feasible after the end of the student day. The meetings shall not extend more than thirty (30) minutes beyond the close of the workday. Compensatory time shall be awarded for faculty meetings exceeding thirty (30) minutes beyond the workday. Every attempt should be made to make faculty meetings concise and relevant. Teachers will be excused from attendance when they provide a valid reason as approved by the principal. 7.4 Teachers are expected to be at their work site during the school day unless their absence is covered by leave. If a teacher leaves their work site during the workday, they should notify their principal in a manner approved by the principal. 7.5 Teachers shall not be required to sign in at the start of the workday ...
Length of Work Day. 50 The length of the school day is 7.5 hours for substitutes. Except in the case of unusual circumstances, the 51 substitute shall have the same planning time as the employee for which the substitute has been assigned.
Length of Work Day. The regular employee work day shall be no more than seven (7) hours forty (40) minutes including the duty-free lunch period of thirty (30) continuous minutes. (a) The elementary student day shall be no more than six (6) hours and forty (40) minutes. The secondary student day shall be no more than six (6) hours and fifty
Length of Work Day. The length of the work day shall not be more than seven and one-half (7-1/2) hours, inclusive of a thirty (30) minute lunch period regardless of assignment. All employees shall be available for student and/or parent conferences in their regular assigned duty stations for a period of not less than thirty (30) minutes prior to the beginning of the students' school day and for a period of not less than thirty (30) minutes immediately following the students' school day.
Length of Work Day. The total length of the required work day shall not exceed seven hours and thirty minutes (7.5), including a thirty (30) minute duty-free lunch period. Employees shall be at their respective school building for the benefit of students and patrons at least fifteen (15) minutes before the student day begins. Specific report and end times will continue from the previous school year unless otherwise determined through shared decision making (Article IX, Section 8). In the event that faculty meetings extend beyond the work day, employees shall be granted flexible time to be used at a time mutually agreed upon by the principal and employees. A variance to the schedule shall be granted with prior notification. If the majority of the employees at a site determine it is desirable, at least one faculty meeting in each month shall have an agenda developed by staff and the meeting shall be facilitated by staff. Such meeting will be held the second week of each month unless a variance to this schedule is granted with prior notification and by mutual agreement to the alternative meeting date. If the meeting facilitated by staff is not needed, advance notice will be provided to the administrator who may develop the meeting agenda.
Length of Work Day. Required or district directed tasks that take place outside the contract day will be reimbursed at curriculum pay. Employees may, at their discretion, use employee directed optional days (Section 3.2) in lieu of curriculum pay. However, district directed instruction of students for which a supplemental contract is issued, such as for Summer School, shall be paid at per diem rate. Teachers will be informed how much curriculum time has been allotted to a project prior to being asked to volunteer. Teachers may request that curriculum pay be attached to a voluntary project prior to commencing the project. This does not include one building or district scheduled open house. The curriculum pay rate is calculated by taking the annual salary of the twelfth (12th) year step on the BA+45 column, divided by 180, divided by 7 hours per day.
Length of Work Day. The work day for a full time employee shall be eight (8) hours, including two fifteen (15) minute relief periods, plus an unpaid one-half (1/2) hour duty-free lunch period. Part-time employees working five (5) hours or more shall be entitled to one fifteen (15) minute relief period, and an unpaid one-half (1/2) hour duty free lunch period as part of the work day. Part-time employees working three and one-half (3.5) hours or more shall be entitled to one fifteen (15) minute relief period as part of the paid working day. Where practicable, relief periods should be taken at regularly scheduled times. When staggered lunch periods are assigned, a corresponding staggered starting time and end of work day shall be arranged. An employee may request an extended lunch period to a full hour with corresponding extension of the work day.
Length of Work Day. The length of a classified workday is governed by the number of hours for which the employee is scheduled. A “Full-time” employee shall be considered to be an eight-hour per day, 40 hours per week employee. The workday is exclusive of lunch but inclusive of breaks, except for Food Service employees whose workday is inclusive of both lunch and breaks. The Employer shall establish the duty day.
Length of Work DayElectronic Access Control (FOB) System: Each teacher shall be required to swipe their “fob” against the electronic access card reader located at an entry point to the school building upon entering and exiting the school building at all times. The reader records their time in the system. In order to prevent unauthorized individuals from access in the buildings, an employee will immediately report any lost or stolen fob to their supervisor. A fob assigned to an individual shall be used solely by the individual it is assigned to. At the time of separation from service, the fob will be returned to the district.