Regular Routes Sample Clauses

Regular Routes a. A regular route is any regular schedule a.m. or p.m. pick up or delivery of students to or from school. b. All regular routes shall be bid by seniority at a meeting during the two- week period before the beginning of each school year. Every driver must attend except in the case of emergency. In the case of emergency, the driver may send a person to bid by proxy. c. If a route is eliminated or created or becomes vacant during the school year, it and all other routes affected by the bid for that route will be filled by seniority at a special bid meeting.
Regular Routes. Two weeks prior to the first day of school, bus-driving assignments will be made for a period of one year. Driving assignments will be made on a seniority basis. For the purpose of bidding routes, seniority will be based on date of hire. If more than one (1) person is hired on the same date, a lottery will be held to determine seniority. The first individual driver with the most seniority will have first choice of a bus route. The second most senior driver will have second choice, and so on. If a bus route becomes available during the school year, it will go back to bid for those drivers with less seniority than the driver leaving the assigned route. If a driver is on an approved leave, the driver may not take part in the bidding process.
Regular Routes. A. Only full time drivers covered under this agreement will drive regular routes unless it is necessary to use substitute drivers. In the absence of a full time driver, a substitute driver will be given first priority in driving said route. A full time driver cannot take a substitute drivers run if it is a regular route for the substitute driver, unless assigned by the Transportation Director/or Appointee. B. Transportation Director/or Appointee will assign all bus routes. C. It is each driver’s responsibility to keep the bus clean and to report any mechanical problems to the Director of Transportation/or Appointee daily. D. Bus drivers will wait for seven minutes after the dismissal time of school for students to load the bus. The responsibility for students to arrive at the bus on time will be the students’ and their teachers’. E. All district drivers will be issued keys to available buses as needed. F. Drivers will be notified of any special education students on their buses and will be alerted as to their particular needs and problems. Bus drivers will be alerted to any potentially serious medical problems of any student riding their buses. G. Bus drivers will receive a school calendar, and notice of route two weeks before the start of school year. H. If a student misbehaves on the bus or at the bus stop in view of bus driver, a disciplinary notice will be written by the driver and, if agreed to, signed by the principal. One copy will go to the parent(s) of the student; one copy will go to the student’s building principal; and one copy will be filed with the Director of Transportation. If a student receives three disciplinary notices in one school year, the student’s bus privileges may be discontinued after a Board hearing. I. Drivers will be notified ½ hour in advance when their assigned buses are not available, when possible, by the Director of Transportation. J. Bus drivers will be paid one (1) hour’s pay when school is cancelled less than one (1) hour before he/she must begin duty. K. Full time bus drivers will be paid (2) hour’s pay if trip is cancelled less than (1) hour before he/she must begin duty or delayed more than (1) hour and the full time bus driver gave up their regular route for the day.
Regular Routes. A. Morning, afternoon, kindergarten and preschool routes that are vacant prior to the start of the school year shall be posted in the journal at least one week prior to the beginning of the school year. Vacant routes during the regular school year will be posted in the Weekly Journal. Vacancies in morning and afternoon routes shall be posted and assigned following the procedures set forth in Article VIII. Where the vacancy occurs after the start of the school year, an employee who successfully bids on a position is ineligible to bid again for one calendar year. B. All midday runs – academies, preschools, early childhood and kindergarten – will be reevaluated at the beginning of each school year. Starting with the most senior driver, midday runs shall be assigned by virtue of seniority with the most senior driver selecting the midday run of his/her choice, and proceeding through the seniority list until all midday routes are assigned provided no driver’s regular daily hours exceeds eight (8) hours. Reevaluated midday runs shall be posted at the bus garage one (1) week prior to the start of the school year. The midday postings shall include the anticipated number of hours, schedule and route as known at the time of the posting. Once started, the list shall run continuously for the school year. 1. After the initial assignments are made at the beginning of each school year, the following shall apply: a. All newly created midday runs (meaning an additional midday driver must be hired) – academies, preschools, early childhood and kindergarten - - shall be assigned by virtue of seniority from the seniority list starting with the next driver in seniority. b. Any midday driver whose time is to be reduced by .5 hours or more shall have the opportunity to bump the least senior midday driver with the same midday hours. If there is no less senior driver with the same hours, then the driver shall have the opportunity to bump the least senior driver with the next highest hours lower than the affected driver. Any midday driver whose time is to be increased by .5 hours or more shall have their midday route offered to all current more senior midday drivers. Midday routes that are subject to this section will only be offered at the end of each grading period. c. Previously assigned middays that subsequently become vacant due to terminations, resignations, or retirements will be offered to other midday drivers starting with the next driver less senior than the driver vacating...
Regular Routes. All regular route changes resulting in an addition of two and one- half (2.5) hours or more per week will be posted for re–bid immediately. Any addition or reduction of route time between the original bid date and re–bid will be considered as part of the restructuring period and the above re–bid stipulation will not apply. Any reduction of route time of two (2) hours or less per week after re– bid will result in no loss of pay thereafter for the employee. If it becomes necessary to reduce a route by more than two (2) hours, the employee will suffer a loss of pay not to exceed the difference between two (2) hours and the actual time reduced. If the employee elects to bid off of their route, then the route will be posted for bid as structured.
Regular Routes. 1. A regularly scheduled morning and a regularly scheduled afternoon run involving regular pre K - 12 students. 2. A vocational education and/or Math/Science Center run involving a regularly scheduled route leaving from Union City and returning to Union City. 3. A regularly scheduled morning and/or a regularly scheduled afternoon run involving Preprimary Impaired (PPI) students.
Regular Routes. To / from routes (am/pm), mid-days (kinder and pre-school) and extended
Regular Routes. Drivers will select based upon seniority and ability from the regular routes as posted for A.M., noon, and P.M. routes. The Transportation Department will establish a replacement list of seniority drivers for runs between regular A.M. and P.M. (noon) runs. In the event a regular driver is off his/her noon run, that run will be assigned by seniority and rotation from that list.
Regular Routes. 8 Regular routes are defined as any route segment or group of segments serving schools on a 9 home-to-school or school-to-home basis and may include all repetitive assignments occurring 10 on a daily or near daily basis and that fall within the obligated route time.
Regular Routes. Drivers living in the district shall use their residence as storage. Any driver living outside the District shall store their bus in the District or may keep the bus at their residence at the discretion of the Superintendent. A driver living outside the District shall begin and/or end the timing of their routes and extra trips at the District’s border line.