Emergency Call-Ins. An employee may volunteer to sign up for emergency call-in situations. The emergency call-in process will be to call in members from the list who live the closest proximity to the University. Members called in for emergencies will not be charged overtime for purposes of overtime equalization.
Emergency Call-Ins. Employees who are on emergency call-in will be paid time and one-half (1 1/2) their hourly rate of pay, for each hour worked, for at least three (3) hours minimum. Compensatory time may be approved in lieu of overtime by Fire Chief at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) hours for each hour compensated.
Emergency Call-Ins. To be done on a rotating list based on seniority. The employee will be required to report in, within sixty (60) minutes or less. A rotating list for overtime shall be maintained by the employer and posted so all unit employees have access.
Emergency Call-Ins. 39.01 All employees properly reporting for work shall be guaranteed a minimum of four (4) hours work, at time and one-half, at such assignment set forth by the Service Director or Supervisor. This shall pertain to emergency call-in only. All employees are expected to report for emergency call ins. Any employee not responding for emergency call in, may be cause for disciplinary action. Employees given City cell phones, or by the employee’s choice has provided a single personal contact number, must answer when called for official duties or work-related issues, or provide a reasonable explanation as to why they were not available. Any costs related to the employee’s personal contact number shall be borne by the employee.
Emergency Call-Ins. Whenever an Individual Employer calls an employee in to work at a time outside the employee’s regular schedule, such employee shall be paid at the double time rate.
Emergency Call-Ins a. In cases for emergency call-ins, employees that are called must acknowledge the call in immediately, or the next available employee will be called. Emergency call-ins shall be contacted by seniority, beginning with the crew on the project, and then by seniority within each classification in the bargaining unit. Employees called are to indicate whether they are physically able to attend the site to complete the work.
b. The Employer shall pay a minimum of three (3) hours for any emergency call-in work on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday or after hours at the required overtime rate.
Emergency Call-Ins. 39.01 All employees properly reporting for work shall be guaranteed a minimum of four (4) hours work, at time and one-half, at such assignment set forth by the Service Director or Supervisor. This shall pertain to emergency call-in only. All employees are expected to report for emergency call in. Any employee not reporting for emergency call in, and found to be working another job, shall be cause for immediate disciplinary action.
Emergency Call-Ins. When an Employee is unexpectedly called in to work during the Friday off due to an emergency situation, the Employee shall be reimbursed in the same manner as if called in to work on a weekend.
Emergency Call-Ins. Unit members shall be paid at time and one-half with a minimum of two (2) hours guaranteed. The responding unit member shall not lose their turn in the overtime rotation schedule. Further, in any emergency, the Superintendent reserves the right to call any or all unit members wherein said unit member(s) shall respond to the situation.
Emergency Call-Ins. When maintenance, operations, and/or technology staff members are called in for or respond to emergencies, they will receive a minimum of two hours of compensatory time or hourly rate of pay. The hourly rate of pay or compensatory time shall be at the rate of time and one-half for all time worked portal to portal. When a disaster is declared by the Superintendent, the hourly rate of pay will be 2½ times the normal rate of pay (regular hourly rate plus 1½ times the regular hourly rate). Compensatory time will not be accumulated beyond 80 hours. All overtime and compensatory time must be pre-approved via an SMCPS overtime/compensatory time form and documented through the payroll system.