HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND REST PERIODS. 9.01 The regular work week shall consist of fifty (50) hours at the regular rate excluding lunch periods and travel time to and from the job, comprised of five (5), ten (10) hour days, Monday to Friday inclusive. 9.02 All work performed in excess of fifty (50) hours per week shall be paid at the rate of one and a half (1 ½) times the employee’s regular hourly rate. 9.03 All work performed beyond ten and a half (10.5) hours in a day will be paid at the rate of one and a half (1 ½) times the employee’s regular hourly rate. a. All work performed on Saturday shall be paid at one and a half (1 ½) times an employee’s regular hourly rate. b. Despite 9.04 a. above, if an employee takes time off during the regular work week, he shall not receive an overtime premium for work performed on the Saturday until he accumulates more than fifty (50) hours worked for the week. 9.05 Where Saturday work is required, notice of such work shall be provided, except in the case of emergency work, no later than noon on the preceding Thursday. The Employer shall enlist sufficient labour for the required Saturday work by offering suck work to suitable employees in order of seniority, beginning with the crew on the project, and then by seniority within each classification in the bargaining unit. If the Employer is unable to enlist suitable voluntary labour for the required Saturday work, the Employer may require suitable crew members on the project to work, by reverse order or seniority. 9.06 There shall be no regular work done on Sunday. If extraordinary circumstances necessitate work on Sunday, the Employer shall enlist sufficient labour for the available work by offering such work to suitable employees in order of seniority, beginning with the crew on the project, and then by seniority within each classification in the bargaining unit. Any hours worked on a Sunday will be paid at two (2) times the regular rate.
HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND REST PERIODS. Section 1. The normal workweek for Brampton drivers will consist of forty (40) hours to be worked within either five (5) days of eight (8) hours each or four (4) days of ten (10) hours each. However, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a guarantee of any hours of work or pay or restriction upon the number of hours or days that may be assigned or worked during any workday or workweek. The Company reserves the right to change, cancel, reduce, add to and/or otherwise modify work schedules and amounts of work in any workday or workweek without prior notice. Section 2. Work schedules and assignments, including each employee’s daily hours of work and starting times, will be established by the Company given the needs of the business and with due consideration to the employee’s qualifications, skill, knowledge and ability to perform the available work. All employees are required to complete their daily work schedule and assignments. Section 3. Employees will be paid one and one-half times (1.5X) their applicable straight-time hourly rate for all hours actually worked in excess of forty (40) in a Sunday through Saturday payroll week. Section 4. Employees will be provided with a thirty (30) minute period without pay. The employee will schedule the lunch period by mutual agreement so as not to interfere with normal delivery operations.
HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND REST PERIODS. 8.01 A normal workweek shall consist of fifty (50) hours for construction workers. For landfill operations it is forty-four (44) hours and for truck drivers it is sixty (60) hours. 8.02 Work performed in excess of fifty (50) hours per week shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1½x) the regular rate. For landfill operations it is work performed in excess of forty-four
HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND REST PERIODS. Section 13.01 The basic work week shall consist of five (5) eight (8) hour days for a total of forty (40) hours per week, Monday to Friday. Overtime will be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1 1/2) after working forty (40) hours in the week. Section 13.02 During a week in which a paid holiday occurs, the basic hours of work shall be reduced by one eight (8) hour day for each paid holiday observed if the employee has worked the day before and the day after the holiday unless he has been excused by the Employer. Section 13.03 It is agreed that it is the function of the Employer to determine when overtime is necessary and to schedule overtime work. However, both parties agree that overtime as such is undesirable and every effort will be made to keep it to a minimum. The Company recognizes the employee's right to refuse overtime work. Overtime work will be offered by seniority, skill and ability, the most senior first and then down the seniority list. Section 13.04 Should the Company desire to change any work week or shift hours, they must meet with the Union to reach an acceptable agreement, and this agreement must be reduced to writing, before any changes are made. Section 13.05 Paid Rest Periods There shall be one fifteen (15) minute paid rest period per day, taken before the lunch period. If an employee is scheduled to work overtime in addition to his regular shift he shall be allowed an additional fifteen (15) minute paid rest period at the beginning of the overtime period and after each two (2) hours of overtime worked. Rest periods shall not be added to or taken in conjunction with the lunch period. There shall be a one-half hour paid lunch break as close to the middle of the shift as possible. Section 13.06 (a) - Perfect Attendance Bonus The Company will pay a perfect attendance bonus of six (6) hours' pay at the employee's hourly rate who has a perfect record of attendance for a period of two bi-weekly pay periods. In order
HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND REST PERIODS. Section 13.01 The basic work week shall consist of five (5) eight (8) hour days Monday to Friday. Any time worked in excess of basic hours in any one day shall be paid for at time and one-half of the basic wage rate. Section 13.02 During a week in which a paid holiday occurs, the basic hours of work shall be reduced by one eight (8) hour day for each paid holiday observed. Section 13.03 It is agreed that in the case of an employee or employees scheduled to exceed a basic work day, they must then complete their work schedule. However, they may be excused on presentation of satisfactory personal reasons at the time of being requested to work overtime, or may be released from such work assignments if a satisfactory replacement is immediately available. Section 13.04 It is agreed that it is the function of the Employer to determine when overtime is necessary and to schedule overtime work. However, both parties agree that overtime as such is undesirable and every effort will be made to keep it to a minimum. The Company recognizes the employees right to refuse overtime work in conjunction with 13.04. Overtime work will be offered by seniority and qualification, overtime will be offered to the most senior qualified employee first and then down the seniority list.
HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND REST PERIODS. 10.01 The OPP Association’s normal operating hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. All staff members are permitted to leave the building during their lunch breaks. In addition to a one (1) hour paid lunch break, employees are entitled to two paid fifteen (15) minute breaks.
HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND REST PERIODS. 8.01 A normal workweek shall consist of fifty (50) hours for construction workers. For landfill operations it is forty-four (44) hours and for truck drivers it is sixty (60) hours. 8.02 Work performed in excess of fifty (50) hours per week shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1½x) the regular rate. For landfill operations it is work performed in excess of forty-four (44) hours and for truck drivers it is in excess of sixty (60) hours. 8.03 For those employees that have reported for work for five (5) days of the week, have worked thirty (30) hours or greater and have not taken personal time off throughout the week shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1½x) the regular rate for all hours worked on Saturdays. 8.04 Work shall not be performed on Sunday. However, if extraordinary circumstances necessitate work on Sunday, time worked exclusive of travel time shall be paid at the rate of two times (2x) the regular rate of pay. Such work requires the prior consent of the Union. The Employer agrees to respect the convictions of employees who prefer not to work on Sunday and will not discriminate against them. 8.05 The parties agree that all hours worked on Saturday, Sunday and statutory holidays shall be paid at the appropriate premium rate. For purposes of each such day, the day begins at 0:00 hours and ends at 24:00 hours.
HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND REST PERIODS. Section 11.01 The normal hours of work for employees will be forty (40) hours per week, but this shall not constitute a guarantee of any hours per week. Section 11.02 Employees shall be paid overtime at the rate of time and one-half (1 1/2) their regular hourly rate for all work performed in excess of forty hours worked per week. During a week in which a paid holiday occurs, the basic hours of work shall be reduced by one eight (8) hour day, or one (1) ten (10) hour day as applicable, for each paid holiday observed in that week. Section 11.04 It is agreed that it is the function of the Company to determine when overtime is necessary and to schedule overtime work. The Company agrees to allocate overtime in an equitable and fair manner. Section 11.05 There shall be two (2) fifteen (15) minute paid rest periods in each eight (8) hour shift and in each ten (10) hour shift, one taken before and the other taken after the unpaid one-half (1/2) hour lunch period. If an employee is to work two (2) hours of overtime, he shall be given a fifteen (15) minute paid break at the beginning of the overtime work and each two (2) hours thereafter a further paid fifteen (15) minute rest period. Section 11.06 Any work required by the Company on a paid holiday will be paid at time and one half (1 1/2) the employee's regular rate of pay.
HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND REST PERIODS. 8.01 The regular workweek shall consist of up to forty-four (44) hours, Monday through Saturday with variations based on shift pattern. The regular workweek for employees at the MRF and mechanics shall be Monday through Friday. a. Work performed in excess of forty-four (44) hours Monday through Saturday shall be paid at the overtime rate of one and one-half (1½) times the regular rate of pay. b. Despite 8.02 a. above, all hours worked on Saturday shall be paid at one and one half (1½) times an employee’s regular rate of pay, regardless of hours worked for the week. 8.03 There shall be no regular work done on Sunday. If the Employer and the Union agree that extraordinary circumstances necessitate work on Sunday, time worked shall be paid at two (2) times the regular rate of pay for such hours, irrespective of weekly hours. 8.04 Overtime needed by the employer will be offered in the following order: a. To the employee who would normally perform the work required; b. In order of seniority within the job classification; or c. In order of seniority within the bargaining unit provided the employee has the skill and ability to perform the work. 8.05 In the event an employee, of his own accord and for his own personal convenience, wishes to change shifts with another appropriately qualified employee, he shall submit such request to his supervisor twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the proposed change. The Employer shall not be responsible for overtime claims which arise for such an exchange of shifts. 8.06 The Employer shall recognize the principle of seniority when calling in employees to fill a short-notice vacancy provided the employee has the skill and ability to perform the work.
HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND REST PERIODS. 8.01 The regular workweek shall consist of up to forty-four