EMPLOYEE’S UNDERTAKINGS. Employee hereby undertakes as follows:
EMPLOYEE’S UNDERTAKINGS. 15.1 For the purpose of this Section 15, the following expressions shall have the following respective meanings:
EMPLOYEE’S UNDERTAKINGS. The Employee shall not either during the continuance of his employment hereunder divulge to any person whomsoever or to any body corporate or unincorporated and shall use his best endeavours to prevent the unauthorised publication or disclosure of any trade secret or any confidential information concerning the business or finances of any member of the Group or any of its dealings, transactions or affairs which may come to his knowledge during or in the course of his employment.
EMPLOYEE’S UNDERTAKINGS. The Employee hereby undertakes: 3.1. To perform the duties and assignments imposed upon him in the scope of his employment with the Company with devotion, honesty and fidelity, subject to the Company's policy in existence from time to time, and subject to the provisions and instructions given to him from time to time by the Officer In Charge, and to dedicate to the performance of the said duties all his know-how, qualifications and experience and all the time, diligence and attention required for the performance thereof efficiently, with fidelity and in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement, and to use his best endeavors in order to advance the affairs and business of the Company and the realization of its objectives. 3.2. Not to engage, during the Term of the Agreement (as defined in Section 10.1 below), in any engagement not within the scope of his employment with the Company pursuant to this Agreement, other than with the Officer in Charge's prior written consent, provided however, that such consent shall not be required for voluntary, cultural, sportive or lecturing activities or for holding of securities of any company other than companies which are in competition with the Company and in which the Employee holds more than 1%.
EMPLOYEE’S UNDERTAKINGS. The Employee undertakes the following towards the Company: 3.1. The Employee will be employed by the Company in a full time position as shall be required and according to the instructions of the Company's management, in the position of a CFO (Chief Financial Officer). 3.2. The Employee represents that he is aware that his position at the Company is a position which requires a special degree of personal trust, and undertakes that throughout his term of employment with the Company as aforesaid, he will treat it with honesty, devotion, skill and loyalty and do everything in his power to promote the Company's goals and business and safeguard its interests. 3.3. The Employee represents that he is not a party to any obligation or agreement contrary to the provisions of this Agreement, including all implications thereof, including with his previous employers, and that within his employment with the Company he will not use information contrary to the provisions of any agreement or undertaking. 3.4. Subject to the Company's requirements from time to time, the Employee undertakes to dedicate all of the time and attention required, his qualifications, knowledge and experience for fulfillment of the Office solely for the Company's benefit and interests. The Employee will have to be available to the Company to the extent required by the work conditions and the needs of the Office. 3.5. That he will be reporting, within his Office, to the Company's CEO, and will comply with his instructions pertaining to his work and/or Office, including but not limited to, instructions and/or directions regarding work procedures, carrying out resolutions of the Company's board and any other instruction of the Company's CEO. 3.6. That he shall neither make any representation nor any statement nor shall he provide any undertaking and/or consent and/or waiver and/or guarantee in the name of the Company nor will he impose any liability thereon, nor will he use the name thereof, exceeding as necessary in his capacity as a CFO and the authorities conferred upon him according to this Agreement and/or authorities which will be explicitly defined by the Company's management. 3.7. Not to engage in any other occupation, whether with another employer or independently, in any form whatsoever, and/or fulfill any other office in any entity or in person, whether for or without compensation, directly or indirectly, except for giving lectures provided that it does not interfere with the normal course of...
EMPLOYEE’S UNDERTAKINGS herein under Section 9 shall be binding upon Employee's successors, heirs or assigns, and shall continue until the later of (i) the expiration of one year from the date of execution of this Agreement or (ii) the expiration of one year. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event the Company fails to make any severance payment due to Employee pursuant to Section 2.1 and the Company fails to cure such payment default within ten (10) business days of receipt of written notice from the Employee notifying the Company of such payment default, the provisions of Section 9.1 shall expire and be of no further force and effect.
EMPLOYEE’S UNDERTAKINGS. The Employee affirms and undertakes: 4.1. To devote his entire working time, know-how, energy, expertise, talent, experience and best efforts to the business and affairs of the Company and to the performance of his duties with the Company. 4.2. To perform and discharge faithfully, with devotion, and honesty, his obligations and duties hereunder. 4.3. To comply with all the Company’s regulations, rules, policies, and procedures, as may be determined by the Company from time to time. 4.4. To travel abroad from time to time if and as may be required pursuant to his position. 4.5. Not to, without the prior written consent of the Company: (i) assume directly or indirectly any employment or consultancy obligation unrelated to the Company or any affiliate thereof or (ii) receive, at any time, whether during the Term and/or at any time thereafter, directly or indirectly, any payment, benefit and/or other consideration, from any third party in connection with his employment with the Company. 4.6. To inform the Company of any affairs and/or matters that might be in conflict of interest with the Employee’s employment with the Company or his duties hereunder. 4.7. To maintain the terms of this Agreement in strict confidence and refrain from disclosing to any third party, any terms of this Agreement.
EMPLOYEE’S UNDERTAKINGS. The Employee confirms that clause 15 (Confidentiality) of the Contract of Employment shall remain in full force and effect after the Termination Date.
EMPLOYEE’S UNDERTAKINGS. 2.1. It is hereby agreed that the Employee's obligations towards the company shall be, inter alia, as following: 2.2. To carry out his duties in accordance with the general guidelines he shall receive from the company's Board of Directors ("THE BOARD") from time to time, and to devote all his time, efforts and attention to the performance of his duties. 2.3. To serve the company in a loyal and integral manner and to do his utmost in order to represent the company's best interests. 2.4. Not to accept any other position as an employee of any third party, regardless of the compensation he may or may not receive from said third party, without the company's written consent. 2.5. Not to disclose any professional information and/or other information pertaining to the Employee's position and duties and/or information that has come to his attention as a result of his employment by the company, to any third party, throughout the term of this agreement and at all times thereafter. 2.6. It is mutually agreed that any and all patents, invention and/or copyright work, developed by the Employee during his employment by the company and relating to his employment by the company, shall be the exclusive property of the company, and the Employee hereby waives any and all right and/or claim of any kind or sort, arising out of the above. 2.7. The Employee shall report directly to the board, shall follow the board's instructions according to the provision of the company's Memorandum and Articles of Association, and supply the board with all information required by the board. 2.8. The parties confirm and agree, that the Company undertakes to cause that the Company's parent company, Multimedia Kid Inc. ("Jenkon"), shall appoint Employee as Jenkon's CEO and President. It is hereby agreed, that the appointment of Employee as Jenkon's CEO and President is subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of Multimedia Kid Inc. The company undertakes to obtain such approval. 2.9. All of Employee's undertakings under this agreement shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to Employee's position in Jenkon, and the company and Multimedia Kid shall divide between them, at a rate decided between Multimedia Kid and the Company, the obligation to pay Employees salary and other compensation under this agreement. Without derogation from the above, Employee shall not be entitled to any additional payment and/or compensation, other than as stated in this agreement, for serving as Jenkon's CEO.
EMPLOYEE’S UNDERTAKINGS. The employee agrees to: act in good faith in all matters affecting the employment relationship; respect the confidentiality of case notes, records and other material relating to patients of the business, or to the business affairs of the employer during and after employment; not disclose to any unauthorised persons confidential patient or business information at any time during the term of this agreement, after its termination, or after termination of employment. Any unauthorised disclosure of information will be considered “serious misconduct”; comply with any reasonable requirement to cover for absent staff and to work after hours in any emergency or other situation where the needs of the employer so require; at all times be caring and sensitive to the needs of patients with whom he/she comes into contact at work; take all reasonable precautions for the health and safety of themselves, their co-employees, patients and other visitors to the employer’s premises; comply with all instructions of the employer relating to security, including security of any drugs kept on the premises; on termination of employment immediately return any property of the employer in his/her possession.