Evaluation Response Sample Clauses

Evaluation Response. As a component of the evaluation, the Probationary Unit Member shall respond to the Tenure Review Committee’s evaluation and formulate a plan relative to any recommendations. The Probationary Unit Member’s evaluation response shall be entered upon the Tenure Evaluation Report Form, in accordance with the provisions of section 17.7.5.
Evaluation Response. Within ten (10) working days of receipt of the final Performance Evaluation Form, the Unit Member shall sign the form as an acknowledgment that the Unit Member has been apprised of the content of the evaluation and return the Performance Evaluation Report Form to the Immediate Management Supervisor. The Unit Member’s signature shall not necessarily imply agreement with the content thereof. The Unit Member may respond to the Immediate Management Supervisor’s assessment by completing PART IV of the Performance Evaluation Form. The Unit Member may attach additional pages as necessary. The Unit Member may request a review of the evaluation, as provided in section 19.1.4, of any unsatisfactory ratings, including negative comments pertaining to the unsatisfactory rating, by completing the appropriate section in PART V of the Performance Evaluation Form.
Evaluation Response. The bargaining unit member may write a response to the evaluation. The response shall be submitted, within fifteen (15) working days of the evaluation meeting, to the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources. The bargaining unit member’s response shall be attached to the evaluation in his/her personnel file. A copy of the response shall be sent to the manager. 8.8.1 Within fifteen (15) working days of the evaluation meeting the bargaining unit member may request a meeting with the Vice Chancellor, Human Resources, to review the formal evaluation. This meeting shall be scheduled at a mutually convenient time.
Evaluation Response. During a conference with the evaluator, the coach or sponsor shall receive a copy of the evaluation form completed by the evaluator. The form shall be signed by the evaluator and evaluated person. The evaluated person’s signature does not indicate either agreement or disagreement, only that the conference has taken place and the evaluated person has read the evaluation. The evaluated person has the right to make a written statement concerning any part of the evaluation results. If the evaluation form is one that may be filed, such a statement shall become part of the individual’s evaluation record and will be included in his/her personnel file. Any written statement by the evaluated person shall be provided no more than ten days following the conference. Each evaluation of a coach’s or sponsor’s performance will be based on a written policy established by the Board. A “Needs to Improve” rating will be accompanied by an explanation of the reason for the rating on the evaluation form accompanied by suggestions for improvement. Each year, no later than April 15, each coach or sponsor will receive formal notice of the superintendent’s recommendation for their future activity employment. The recommendation will be “Recommended”, “Recommended with Qualifications” or “Not Recommended” and will be presented to the coach or sponsor in writing. The coach or sponsor will sign a receipt in writing that the recommendation was received. If the recommendation is “Recommended with Qualifications”, it will be accompanied by a statement of types and areas of deficiencies. The superintendent’s employment recommendation will also be presented to the Board for final employment action of the coaching or activity sponsorship assignment. A Plan of Assistance will be developed for those coaches or sponsors hired “With Qualifications” and will be given to them with their contract. A Plan of Assistance may be implemented at any time and shall consist of:
Evaluation Response. Within ten (10) working days of receipt of the final Performance Evaluation Form, the Unit Member shall sign the form as an acknowledgment that the Unit Member has been apprised of the content of the evaluation and return the Performance Evaluation Report Form to the Immediate Management Supervisor. The Unit Member’s signature shall not necessarily imply agreement with the content thereof. The Unit Member may respond to the Immediate Management Supervisor’s assessment by completing PART IV of the Performance Evaluation Form. The Unit Member may attach additional pages as necessary not to exceed five (5) pages.
Evaluation Response. The ESP shall have the right to attach a response to the evaluation. A response to an evaluation shall be read and signed by the evaluator before it is attached to the evaluation. The ESP may submit written, dated notification of a forthcoming response to be attached within one (1) work week from receipt of the evaluation.
Evaluation Response. The unit member will receive a dated copy of all written evaluations to be 29 placed in their personnel file, which will be signed by the evaluator and the bargaining unit
Evaluation Response. If the Teaching Bargaining Unit Member feels his/her formal written evaluation is incomplete or inaccurate, the Teaching Bargaining Unit Member may put his/her objections in writing to be included with the written summative evaluation in each Non-Teaching Bargaining Unit Member's personnel file. Both the Teaching Bargaining Unit Member and evaluator shall date and sign all copies of the written objection. The signature of the evaluator shall not necessarily indicate agreement with the written objection, but rather shall indicate that the evaluator is in receipt of a copy of the written objection. A copy of the written objection shall be attached to the written evaluation. If a Bargaining Unit Member objects to their written evaluation, they may request an additional evaluation by another member of the Namaste administrative team of their choosing within five (5) days of receiving the written evaluation. The additional evaluation request should occur no later than two (2) weeks from receipt of request. Non-provisional Bargaining Unit Members, who receive a summative rating of Unsatisfactory may grieve the rating up to and including arbitration. Evaluation ratings are otherwise not subject to the grievance procedure. Teaching Bargaining Unit Member shall refer to the Namaste Evaluation plan for additional information.
Evaluation Response. During a conference with the evaluator, the coach or sponsor shall receive a copy of the evaluation form completed by the evaluator. The form shall be signed by the evaluator and evaluated person. The evaluated person’s signature does not indicate either agreement or disagreement, only that the conference has taken place and the evaluated person has read the evaluation. The evaluated person has the right to make a written statement concerning any part of the evaluation results. If the evaluation form is one that may be filed, such a statement shall become part of the individual’s evaluation record and will be included in his/her personnel file. Any written statement by the evaluated person shall be provided no more than ten days following the conference. Each evaluation of a coach’s or sponsor’s performance will be based on a written policy established by the Board. A “Needs to Improve” rating will be accompanied by an explanation of the reason for the rating on the evaluation form accompanied by suggestions for improvement.
Evaluation Response. If the Non-Teaching Bargaining Unit Member feels his/her evaluation is incomplete or inaccurate, the Non-Teaching Bargaining Unit Member may put his/her objections in writing to be included with the written summative evaluation in each Non-Teaching Bargaining Unit Member’s personnel file. Both the Non-Teaching Bargaining Unit Member and evaluator shall date and sign all copies of the written objection. The signature of the evaluator shall not necessarily indicate agreement with the written objection, but rather shall indicate that the evaluator is in receipt of a copy of the written objection. If a Bargaining Unit Member objects to their written evaluation, they may request an additional evaluation by another member of the Namaste administrative team of their choosing within five