EXAMINATION BOARD. The Examination Board will be composed as directed by the Fire Chief. The Examination Board shall consist of four (4) senior officers of the Xxxxxxx Fire and Rescue Service.
EXAMINATION BOARD. The Examination Board will be composed as directed by the Fire Chief. The Examination Board shall consist of up to six (6) senior officers of the Xxxxxxx Fire and Rescue Service. An executive committee member of the Vaughan Professional Fire Fighters Association shall be present as a non-participating observer with the exception of Platoon Chiefs or Division Chiefs where there may be an executive committee member of the Vaughan Professional Fire Fighters Association present as a non-participating observer.
EXAMINATION BOARD. The Examination Board shall consist of up to (2) Assistant Deputy Fire Chiefs (Co- Chairs), (4) Platoon Chiefs, or designate, (1) Human Resources representative and (1) member of the Xxxxxxx Professional Firefighters Association executive committee. An executive committee member of the Xxxxxxx Professional Fire Fighters Association shall be present as a non-participating observer.
EXAMINATION BOARD. Intermediate I. An employee having two (2) or more years training and experience in the trade under an I.B.E.W. Local 46 Contract with an employer in the home heating oil business.
EXAMINATION BOARD a. Taking into account the comprehensiveness and richness of the Consortium and its degree programme, the Examination Board of the degree programme is organised in a decentralised manner through a system of Local Examination Boards, or their equivalents, headed by the NOHA Master’s Board of Directors.
b. The Master’s Board is responsible for the overall quality and standards of the degree programme and for agreeing upon the academic standards. It monitors the universities’ compliance and is responsible for the degree programme being delivered to the highest academic standards.
c. The Master’s Board shall consider complaints about academic judgments, and about matters to do with the student’s course of study or research only if the candidate is not satisfied with the outcome reached at the First Semester University, Second Semester University or Third Semester University as appropriate.
d. The Master's Board does not deal with the effective organisation of the tests and examinations which are carried out by each university involved, and may function as a Review Committee only if the student is not satisfied with the outcome reached at the university level.
e. The Master’s Board in its function as Examination Board of the Consortium shall deliberate cases, brought to its attention with at least one week notice, during the first forthcoming meeting as stipulated in article 4.2.1.d of this Agreement. If the nature of the case brought to its attention demands a swift ruling, the Joint Programme Coordinator can organise a special meeting or written consultation of its members via electronically mediated systems instead. It is noted that conclusions of the review of cases by the Examination Board in regard to particular examination decisions may be considered as strictly advisory in relation to Partner Institutions that cannot release the power to overrule examination decisions to a board external to that Partner Institution.
f. Local Examination Boards at each of the universities or their equivalent authority (for instance in the form of a jury, a Prüfungsausschuss, an examencommissie, or certain ad hoc committees) have authority to make decisions in relation to the local implementation of assessment standards, study and examination regulations, the thesis and control of supervision quality, fraud and plagiarism cases, ex-matriculation, as well as other issues related to the aforementioned, but are bound by the Consortium Agreement, the Study and Examination Reg...
EXAMINATION BOARD. The Examination Board shall comprise three or five experts, at least one of whom shall come from a higher education institution other than the two Parties. Medical and technological scientific competence shall both be represented on the Examination Board.
EXAMINATION BOARD. This board consists of all the teachers of the programme. All teachers are invited to the deliberation meeting at the end of each academic year (end of June). Due to the international make-up of the programme, most teachers will however be excused from attending this meeting and will pass their evaluations via a representative (belonging to the same university). A second meeting will be organised electronically at the end of the second exam period (September). The examination board takes minutes of the scores given by the responsible teachers to each of the students. A full overview of the scores is generated within the central exam database of Ghent University (xxxx://xxxxx.xxxxx.xx). This board will also issue special awards, grades and prizes.
EXAMINATION BOARD. If the defence takes place at Saarland University, the Examination Board consists at least of:
1. a university professor at Saarland University’s Faculty of ... as the Chairperson who must not simultaneously fulfil the task of a referee
2. the doctoral thesis’ referees
3. a university teacher at the Faculty of … at the University of ... who has a doctoral degree The Chairperson of the Examination Board and its Member pursuant to section 1 number 3 shall be appointed by the Chairperson of the Doctoral Committee of Saarland University’s Faculty of ... .
EXAMINATION BOARD. The Employer does not waive its legal right to bargain about content, terms, administration or any other aspect of these examinations.