Field Description Sample Clauses
Field Description. Topology digest Two neighbors must have the same topology digest to reach an agreement. display spbm summary Use display spbm summary to display the SPBM digest. Any view network-admin network-operator # Display the SPBM digest. <Sysname> display spbm summary Summary information for SPBM Area address : 00.0000 System ID : 0011.2200.0001 System control address : 0180-c200-002e System name : spb-1 Bridge priority : 32768 SPSource ID : 200 SPSource mode : Static Agreement mode : Both MCID information: Format selector : 0 Region name : spb Revision level : 0 Configuration digest : 0x0253c1480d244e443b21e7c364d6e2a7 B-VLANs : 1-10, 100-200 Area address ISIS-SPB area address of the device. System ID System ID of the device in the ISIS-SPB area. System control address Multicast destination for ISIS-SPB protocol packets. System name Hostname configured with the is-name command. SPSource ID Shortest path source identifier uniquely identifies the device as a multicast source in an SPBM VSI. SPSource mode SPSource ID creation method: • Static—The SPSource ID is manually configured. Field Description • Dynamic—The SPSource ID is dynamically assigned by ISIS-SPB. Agreement mode AP mode: • Both—AP is enabled for both unicast and multicast FDB entries. The device issues a unicast or multicast FDB entry to the FIB for forwarding traffic only if it has reached an agreement with the neighbor. • Multicast—AP is enabled only for multicast. The node forwards multicast traffic only after the two ends reach a strict agreement. However, the node forwards unicast traffic unconditionally. • Off—AP is disabled. Digests are exchanged but a match is not required. MCID information Local primary MST configuration identifier. It contains a digest of B-VLAN to MSTI mappings on the SPBM node. SPBM nodes must have the same MCID for the same I-SID. Format selector Format selector. It is fixed at 0 for IEEE 802.1aq SPB. Region name MST region name. Revision level MST region revision level. The default level is 0. You can use the revision-level command to change the revision level. B-VLANs B-VLANs configured on the device. display spbm unicast-fdb Use display spbm unicast-fdb to display SPBM unicast FDB entries. display spbm unicast-fdb [ b-mac mac-address | b-vlan vlan-id | system-id system-id ] [ count ] Any view network-admin network-operator b-mac mac-address: Specifies a B-MAC address in H-H-H format. You can omit the consecutive 0s at the beginning of each segment. For example, you can...
Field Description. NET_ECON_SERVICING_FEE Calculated field - calculates the net economic servicing fee at the loan-level. See logic required field for additional information. REMITTANCE_TYPE_DESC Derived field based on values found in the RECON_METHOD field. ESCROW_EXPD_ADVANCE_BALANCE The expanded amount of corporate moneys advanced to replace overdrawn escrow funds. CALCULATED_PI_AMOUNT Derived/calculated P&I payment amount. Some types of loans do not have the FIRST_P_AND_I_AMOUNT field populated, thus it must be calculated. TTL_CORPORATE_ADVANCE_BALANCE Derived field - sum of the three fields above for total outstanding corporate advance GSE_DESCRIPTION Identifies the government sponsored entity associated with the loan. NEXT_PAYMENT_DUE_DATE The date the next payment is due. SNAPSHOT_DATE The date for which the entire data set is valid. This is always the prior month end date. Corp Advs Esc Advs P&I Advs P&I Contra - BofA Other Advs P&I Advs Other Advs MS Contra Advance Allowance for Advances Allowance for Countrywide
Field Description. Status CNPS CNPS ranking in the Latest edition of California Native Plant Society's Inventory of Rare and Endangered Vascular Plants of California (on xxxx:// Status Fed Federal status from United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Status CA State of California listing status. This includes plants on the special plant list. State Rank The state rank describing the rank for this taxon over its state distribution. Global Rank The global rank describing the rank for this taxon over its entire distribution. Family# The spreadsheet will be sorted by Family, Genus, Infra Name. Then a “1” will be placed in the Family# column the first time a family is encountered. Genus# The spreadsheet will be sorted by Family, Genus, Infra Name. Then a “1” will be placed in the Genus# column the first time a genus is encountered. Species# The spreadsheet will be sorted by Family, Genus, Infra Name. Then a “1” will be placed in the Species# column the first time a species is encountered. Taxa# A 1 will be placed in this column for all taxa. Contract Fiscal Year Added to List The fiscal year when the plant was added to the checklist. It will be stated if this plant was a New Addition, Updated Voucher, New San Diego County Record, Variety Added, or added due to a Spatial Query. Is this Plant Counted? All plants that have a “No” value in this column will be placed in the spreadsheet located on the Not Counted‐No Vouchers Tab. Legend Tab: This tab will be updated to include a description of all column headings. The rare plant locations, invasive plant locations, milkweed locations, and survey routes will be provided to the Base as a deliverable. All GIS deliverables will meet the Base specifications. The BTR will provide the Cooperator with the current data dictionaries, geodatabase templates, and metadata instructions. The Cooperator will ensure that all attribute tables will follow the most current data dictionaries, will use the most current geodatabase templates, and will complete the metadata according to the instructions. The Base currently uses ArcGIS 10.1, but this may change prior to the GIS submittals. Geographic data (regardless of format) shall be provided in U.S. Survey Feet and projected into the California State Plane, Zone VI, FIPS 0406 projection system. The maps and data shall use the GRS 1980 spheroid and the North American Datum 1983/World Geodetic System 1984 (NAD83/WGS84). Epoch 1991.35 shall be used. The vertical datum used is N...
Field Description. The Contracting Authority’s (Customer) unique identifier for a requirement. All references to requirements should be done using this number. Requirements in the Customer requirement specification in the customisation agreement are numbered as follows: • Gn (G1, G2, …) for general requirements (SSA-T Appendix 1A) • Fn (F1, F2, …) for functional requirements (SSA-T Appendix 1B) • Tn (T1, T2, …) for Technical requirements (SSA-T Appendix 1C) Requirement The Customer’s specification of the requirement. Importance O/H/M/L The Customer’s specification of the importance of the requirement. • O – mandatory. All mandatory requirements must be satisfied. If requirements with this classification are not satisfied at the time of delivering the Tender, the proposal will be rejected unless a specific time of deliverance is specified in a requirement. • H – high importance. It is very important that the requirement is satisfied. • M – medium importance. It is important that the requirement is satisfied. • L – low importance. It is not important that the requirement is satisfied. Mandatory requirements will only be assessed whether they are fulfilled or not. All H/M/L-requirements will be evaluated. The importance of the requirement is defined by the O/H/M/L categorization and not by the wording. I.e.: a requirement may be written “the Contractor shall…” or “the Contractor must…” but this does not automatically imply that the requirement is mandatory. Describe D The Customer’s specification of whether the Contractor should describe how the requirement is satisfied. In case a description is necessary, the requirement is marked ”D”. The requirements in SSA-T Appendix 1A specifies in which Appendix the description shall be given. All description/text from the Contractor shall be written in blue to separate this information from the information written by the Contracting Authority. Any information or description should primarily be written in the “Describe” column or description field. If it is necessary to refer to information in other requirements or in annexes, it must be clearly specified where to find the information and which requirement the information relates to. This also applies if the Contractor deems it necessary to comment or describe a requirement that is not marked “D”. The Contractors descriptions of requirements are to be answered in SSA-T Appendix 2A1/2B1/2C1 in a word document prepared for this. The phrase SSA-T Appendix 2x1 indicates to use one of the rele...
Field Description. Non Participants List of teams that are not participating in the current meet Participants List of teams that are participating in the current meet Event Judging - Vault • Bars • Beam • Floor This area of the window is used to define the number of officials that will be judging each event. You may select from 1 to 4 judges for each event. The number of judges on each event is independent of the other events. The names of the judges can be entered in the text boxes provided. This is not required. Judge 1 is assumed to be the superior judge for the event. Specifying the number of judges on each event determines the number of scores that will be accepted per event during the scoring process. The number of judges also determines how the scores will be averaged. For more information, see Mechanics or Scoring. 4 Judges o Drop the high and low scores of the four scores o Average remaining two scores 3 Judges o Average all three scores 2 Judges o Average the two scores 1 Judge o Use the single score FIGURE 5.6 Competing Teams Judges Specify the number of judges for the event Judge 1 - Judge 4 Enter the name of each judge (optional) Options This area of the window is used to set optional scoring parameters. You will use this to determine how team scoring is performed. You are also able to select how tie breakers are established.
Field Description. Context Context that the driver returned when the entry was set in the driver. display spbm unicast-fib statistics Use display spbm unicast-fib statistics to display SPBM unicast FIB statistics. display spbm unicast-fib statistics [ slot slot-number ] Any view network-admin network-operator slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device. The slot-number argument represents its IRF member ID. If you do not specify an IRF member device, the command displays unicast FIB statistics for all IRF member devices. # Display SPBM unicast FIB statistics. <Sysname> display spbm unicast-fib statistics SPBM unicast FIB basic statistics: RefreshMsg : 1 DeleteMsg : 0 AddUMACNumber : 1 DeleteUMACNumber : 0 DeleteNotFound : 0 AgeNumber : 0 DrvAdd : 1 DrvDelete : 0 DrvDelRefresh : 0 SPBM unicast FIB error statistics: UMACMsgError : 0 RefreshMsgFail : 0 DeleteMsgFail : 0 AddUMACFail : 0 DrvOtherFail : 0 DrvDeleteFail : 0 DrvNoResource : 0 SynMsgFail : 0 AllocEntryFail : 0 AllocReDrvMsgFail: 0 RefreshMsg Number of messages received for refreshing unicast FIB entries. DeleteMsg Number of messages received for deleting unicast FIB entries. AddUMACNumber Number of unicast B-MACs added to the unicast FIB. DeleteUMACNumber Number of unicast B-MACs deleted from the unicast FIB. DeleteNotFound Number of failures to find B-MACs to be deleted. AgeNumber Number of expired unicast entries. DrvAdd Number of unicast entries added to the driver. DrvDelete Number of unicast entries deleted from the driver. DrvDelRefresh Number of unicast entries deleted because of entry modification. UMACMsgError Number of unicast B-MAC error messages. RefreshMsgFail Number of failures to process messages for refreshing unicast B-MACs. DeleteMsgFail Number of failures to process unicast B-MAC delete messages. AddUMACFail Number of failures to add unicast B-MAC entries. DrvOtherFail Number of failures to notify the driver to add or update unicast B-MAC entries. DrvDeleteFail Number of failures to notify the driver to delete unicast B-MAC entries. DrvNoResource Number of failures to issue unicast B-MACs to the driver because of insufficient system resources. SynMsgFail Number of messages not synchronized. AllocEntryFail Number of memory allocation failures for adding unicast entries. AllocReDrvMsgFail Number of memory allocation failures for refreshing unicast entries. display spbm unicast-pw Use display spbm unicast-pw to display unicast PWs on a BEB. display spbm unicast-pw [ i-sid i-sid ] [ count ] Any ...
Field Description. Enable E-mail notification for callback If Yes, notification mails will be sent to given email address through Novalnet callback script. Deactivate IP address control (for test purpose only) This option will allow performing a manual execution. Please disable this option before setting your shop to LIVE mode, to avoid unauthorized calls from external parties (excl. Novalnet). Note: For LIVE, set the value as No. Send an e-mail using zend/magento template Merchant script e-mail will be received based the e-mail template selection. Notification URL Notification URL is used to keep your database/system actual and synchronizes with the Novalnet transaction status. 4.8 Miscellaneous
Field Description. With the cover page This is either the default page or you may select the page you want. Sender You may enter information about the sender. You may enter information about the recipient. Recipient: Name, Company, Department Comments If the word Auto is present in one of the fields, the field is updated during transmission if the recipient is in the directory, favorites, a group or a distribution list. This is a text window with all the basic facilities of a text editor and which enables you to enter text which will be sent in the cover page. Preview The preview lets you see the cover page you are about to send. Creating a cover page template Follow the instructions below: Creating a cover page enables you to create a template whose fields (fax number, comments, subject, etc.) will be filled in automatically by the Fax application according to information supplied for each document recipient. Creating a cover page template is done in two stages: • First stage: Create a background image with the desired logos and page formatting. • Second stage: Add the fields you want displayed on the cover page: fax number, comments, subject, etc. As mentioned previously, these fields will be filled out by the fax application when the fax is sent. • Option (A) : Create the background image in another application (e.g. Word, Excel, etc.) OR • Option (B) : Scan a sheet of paper containing the formatting of the cover page. More information on Options A and B: • Option (A) : Open the desired application to be used to produce the background (Word, Wordpad, etc.). Draw the background image then print this document on the "Companion Suite Fax" printer. At this point, the MFSendFax dialog box is displayed: Add recipients to the list of recipients. Click the "Advanced options" tab and select Fine Resolution as shown below: Lastly, click the "Save draft" button in the bottom right corner (this is the button with the diskette icon). The background image is created in the C:\Program Files \ Companion Suite Pro LM \ Documents \ FAX \ Temporary folder with a .fax extension. • Option (B): Run MFManager, select "New Fax", select the scanner as source as shown below: Add recipients to the list of recipients. Click the "Advanced options" tab and select Fine Resolution as shown below: Lastly, click the "Save draft" button in the bottom right corner (this is the button with the diskette icon). The background image is created in the C:\Program Files \ Companion Suite Pro LM \ Documents \ FAX ...
Field Description. Grid Font Size Defines the default font size used when displaying tables and grids. Meets
Field Description. ServiceMetadata Document element /Redirect The direct child element of ServiceMetadata is either the Redirect element or the ServiceInformation element. The Redirect element indicates that a client must follow the URL of the href attribute of this element. /Redirect/CertificateUID Holds the Subject Unique Identifier of the certificate of the destination SMP. A client SHOULD validate that the Subject Unique Identifier of the certificate used to sign the resource at the destination SMP matches the Subject Unique Identifier published in the redirecting SMP. /Redirect/Extension The extension element may contain any XML element. Clients MAY ignore this element. It can be used to add extension metadata to the Redirect. /ServiceInformation The direct child element of ServiceMetadata is either the Redirect element or the ServiceInformation element. The ServiceInformation element contains service information for an actual service registration, rather than a redirect to another SMP. ServiceInformation/ ParticipantIdentifier The participant identifier. Comprises the identifier, and an identifier scheme. This identifier MUST have the same value of the {id} part of the URI of the enclosing ServiceMetadata resource. See the ParticipantIdentifier section of the „Common Definitions‟ document [BDEN-CDEF] for information on this data type. ServiceInformation/ DocumentIdentifier Represents the type of document that the recipient is able to handle. The document is represented by an identifier (identifying the document type) and an identifier scheme, which the format of the identifier itself. See the DocumentIdentifier section of the „Common Definitions‟ document [BDEN-CDEF] for information on this data type. ServiceInformation/ ProcessList Represents the processes that a specific document type can participate in, and endpoint address and binding information. Each process element describes a specific business process that accepts this type of document as input and holds a list of endpoint addresses (in the case that the service supports multiple transports) of services that implement the business process, plus information about the transport used for each endpoint. See the Process section of the „Common Definitions‟ document [BDEN-CDEF] for information on the identifier format. /ProcessList/Process/ ProcessIdentifier The identifier of the process. See the „Common Definitions‟ document for a definition of process identifiers [BDEN-CDEF] /ProcessList/Process/ ServiceEndpointList...