Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Sample Clauses

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy. ‌ a. The Chair and the Minister acknowledge that the Agency is bound to follow the requirements set out in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) in relation to the collection, retention, security, use, distribution and disposal of records. b. The Chair is the institution head for the purposes of the FIPPA.
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy. ‌ a. The Chair and the Minister acknowledge that the Agency is bound to follow the requirements set out in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) in relation to the collection, retention, security, use, distribution and disposal of records. b. The Minister is the institution head for the purposes of the FIPPA. c. The Minister has delegated some of his/her powers and duties under FIPPA to the President and CEO with respect to the Agency pursuant to a Minister’s Delegation dated December 11, 2018. The President and CEO recognizes that the Minister is ultimately responsible and accountable to the Legislature for ensuring the Agency’s compliance with FIPPA.
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy. Act - All information obtained by the WCB is a record under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP).
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy. The Parties acknowledge that the Province is bound by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter F. 31, and that any information provided to the Province in connection with the Agreement may be subject to disclosure in accordance with that Act and as otherwise required by law.
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy. Personal information about you in the possession of VIU is bound by the British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will not be released to persons outside VIU administration, including parents or guardians, family members or friends, without your written consent, unless permitted or required by law.
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy a. The Agency is designated as an institution under FIPPA and prescribed as a health information custodian under PHIPA. b. The Chair and the Minister acknowledge that the Agency is bound to follow the requirements set out in the FIPPA and PHIPA in relation to the collection, retention, security, use, distribution, access, and disposal of personal and personal health information (collectively “Personal Information”). c. The CEO is the institution head for the purposes of FIPPA. d. The Board recognizes that the sensitive nature of Personal Information requires the Agency to ensure careful and responsible management of that information, in accordance with FIPPA and PHIPA. e. The Agency covenants that any Personal Information shall be collected, used and disclosed only as permitted or required by applicable law or judicial process and for no other purposes. The Agency further covenants that it shall have reasonable measures in place to maintain the security and confidentiality of Personal Information under its custody and control. f. The Board will ensure that the Agency implements policies and practices to protect the privacy of the individuals whose Personal Information it collects or accesses and to maintain the confidentiality of such Personal Information. All such policies and practices shall comply with applicable law governing the collection, use, disclosure, retention and disposal of Personal Information. g. The Board further recognizes that it will make good faith efforts to ensure that all arrangements or agreements entered into by the Agency with agents and third parties shall adhere to the industry best practices with respect to privacy and confidentiality, and shall be consistent with the provisions of FIPPA and PHIPA. h. The Agency shall prepare a Privacy Impact Assessment or shall require Ontario Health to prepare a Privacy Impact Assessment, as applicable, to accompany any proposals, whether for new initiatives or changes to existing initiatives that may affect the privacy of individuals.
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy. The Proponent acknowledges that: (a) The Personal Information Protection Act, SA 2003, c P-6.5 (“PIPA”) and other similar (and successor) legislation, both in Canada and abroad, may apply to information and Records relating to, obtained, generated, created, collected or provided in relation to this RFx or resulting Contract when in the custody or control of CPR. It is accepted by the Partyies that such legislation may allow any Person the right of access to Records in CPR’s custody or control, subject to the exceptions as set out in the respective legislation; (b) The Proponent shall protect the confidentiality and privacy of any individual’s Personal Information accessible to the Proponent or collected by the Proponent relating to this RFx or the resulting Contract; (c) The Proponent, if it considers portions of its Proposal to be confidential, shall identify those parts of its Proposal considered to be confidential to CPR and identify what harm could reasonably be expected from disclosure. CPR does not warrant that the Proponent’s identification will preclude disclosure under PIPA, FOIP or other legislation; (d) Materials, data, information or Records produced, possessed, or acquired by the Proponent in connection with or pursuant to this RFx or the resulting Contract, which are the property of CPR (including those which are made property of CPR pursuant to this RFx or the resulting Contract), could be subject to legislative control even before delivery to CPR. As such, the Proponent must conduct itself in compliance with such legislation in relation to such Materials, data, information or Records.. 10.1 Prior to providing Materials and prior to the start of providing Services and Materials to CPR, the Proponent must provide a detailed plan describing the security measures to be implemented to ensure the protection of Records and to ensure that only those Proponent employees, subcontractors and agents who are required to have access to, or to collect, Records for the purposes of providing the Services and Materials related to this RFP, are permitted access to the Records. To the extent the Proponent does not provide CPR with the security measures’ plan or plans and the Services or Materials delivery commences, CPR shall not be deemed to have waived this requirement and may demand the same during the Contract Term. The plan shall include the following requirements: (a) manner of collection; (b) notification of collection purposes; (c) assurance of accurac...
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy. 8.2.1 The Minister has delegated all of his or her powers and duties under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FOIPPA”) to the Chair with respect to the Tribunal pursuant to a delegation document dated December 11, 2008, as amended from time to time. The Chair recognizes that the Minister is ultimately responsible and accountable to the Legislature for ensuring compliance with the FOIPPA. 8.2.2 If the Tribunal or the Chair becomes aware of a breach, potential breach or allegation of a breach of the FOIPPA, it shall be reported to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Office of the Ministry which may provide assistance in assessing the breach, potential breach or allegation of a breach. The Freedom of Information and Privacy Office may report the breach, potential breach or allegation of a breach to the Office of the Chief Information and Privacy Officer at the Ministry of Government Services, as required. 8.2.3 The Ministry’s Freedom of Information and Privacy Office shall coordinate an annual meeting with the Tribunal and the Chair to review the Tribunal’s privacy and information management practices and any issues related to the application and administration of the FOIPPA.
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy. ‌ a. The Chair and the Minister acknowledge that the Commission is adesignated institution bound to follow the requirements set out in FIPPA in relation to the collection, retention, security, use, access, disclosure, distribution and disposal of records. b. The Chair is the institution head for the purposes of FIPPA.
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy a. The Chair and the Minister acknowledge that OEFC is bound to follow the requirements set out in the FIPPA in relation to the collection, retention, security, use, distribution and disposal of records. b. The CEO is the institution head for the purposes of FIPPA. c. The CEO delegates powers and duties of the head of OEFC for the purpose of FIPPA to specific positions. OFA staff act in accordance with such delegations, as may be amended or superseded from time to time.