Funding Rates Sample Clauses

Funding Rates. For all Continuing Students the rate per Scheduled Hour (SCH) will be determined in accordance with the hourly rate per scheduled hour for the course as described in Clause 12.6 and 12.7 of Schedule 1. This will include any relevant loading and/or RPL adjustment as described in Clause 12.6 of Schedule 1.
Funding Rates. Training delivery funded under this Agreement will be valued and reconciled in accordance with the following: * The category refers to the Securing Jobs for Your Future – Skills for Victoria course categories as advised in the Securing Jobs for Your Future – Skills for Victoria policy document and detailed in Attachment 2 of Executive Memorandum 2009-21 and any subsequent updates. ** The Rate per Student Contact Hour will be adjusted according to a weighting determined based on the Industry Sector of the qualification being delivered, or the cohort for whom the training is delivered, as described in Table 2 of this Schedule, whichever is greater. Table 2: Weighted funding rates for training delivery in 2010 Business and Clerical, Community Services, Cross Industries, Finance, First Aid and Occupational Health and Safety, Government Administration and Services, Property Services, Scientific and Technical, Wholesale and Retail 0.8 $7.57 Foundation = $7.80 Skills Creation = $7.54 Skills Building = $7.37 Skills Deepening = $6.06 App’s & T’ships (AQF 1-4) = $7.57 App’s & T’ships (AQF 5-6) = $7.57 Communications, General Preparatory, Information Technology, Language and Literacy, Languages Other Than English (LOTE), Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) 0.9 $8.52 Foundation = $8.78 Skills Creation = $8.49 Skills Building = $8.29 Skills Deepening = $6.82 App’s & T’ships (AQF 1-4) = $8.51 App’s & T’ships (AQF 5-6) = $8.51 Arts and Design, Hospitality, Personal Services, Tourism 1.0 $9.46 Foundation = $9.75 Skills Creation = $9.43 Skills Building = $9.21 Skills Deepening = $7.58 App’s & T’ships (AQF 1-4) = $9.46 App’s & T’ships (AQF 5-6) = $9.46 Electrical and Electronics, Entertainment, Floristry, Health, Printing, Recreation 1.1 $10.41 Foundation = $10.73 Skills Creation = $10.37 Skills Building = $10.13 Skills Deepening = $8.34 App’s & T’ships (AQF 1-4) = $10.41 App’s & T’ships (AQF 5-6) = $10.41 Agriculture and Production Horticulture, Amenity Horticulture, Animal Handling, Civil Operations, Cookery, Fish Harvesting, Food Processing, Forest and Forest Products, Furnishing, General Construction, Process Manufacturing, Public Order and Safety, Racing, Storage and Distribution, Textile Clothing and Footwear, Transport, Water 1.2 $11.35 Foundation = $11.70 Skills Creation = $11.32 Skills Building = $11.05 Skills Deepening = $9.10 App’s & T’ships (AQF 1-4) = $11.35 App’s & T’ships (AQF 5-6) = $11.35 Aerospace, Eng...
Funding Rates. Funding rates to providers are calculated via the Early Years Funding Formula (EYFF). The current EYFF was agreed in January 2018 following consultation with all providers and is available on the BFC website. Of note are the following changes from the previous formula: • the deprivation supplement will be fixed for the entire year and not recalculated on a termly basis • providers must notify BFC of changes to the qualification level of the staff member leading the Early Years Foundation Stage. o A change resulting in a provider becoming entitled to the quality supplement will result in a change to the settings funding rate from the start of the next term. o A change resulting in a provider losing its entitlement to the quality supplement will result in a change to the settings funding rate from the end of the next term o Eligibility for the quality supplement will be audited as part of the Early Years Census process in the spring term. BFC reserves the right to clawback funding where a setting has lost its entitlement to the quality supplement but not notified BFC of the change. BFC will publish a funding timetable (schedule of dates) in the spring term of each year.
Funding Rates. The Rate per SCH identified in Table 1 of this Schedule will be applied to Training Services funded under Parts B to D of this Schedule as determined by the Industry Sector classification for the course/qualification undertaken (or where relevant, the Eligible Individual’s particular Cohort classification, whichever is greater), and the course commencement date. For the purposes of reconciliation, industry sector classifications will be valued as per the mapping identified in the relevant NAT 30 file at the time of contracting. Table 1: Rate per SCH for training delivery in 2011 Industry Sector classification: Business and Clerical, Community Services, Cross Industries, Finance, First Aid and Occupational Health and Safety, Government Administration and Services, Property Services, Scientific and Technical or Wholesale and Retail $7.57 Foundation = $7.80 Skills Creation = $7.46 Skills Building = $7.19 Traineeships = $7.19 Apprenticeships = $7.73 Skills Deepening = $5.63 Industry Sector classification: Communications, General Preparatory, Information Technology, Language and Literacy, Languages Other Than English (LOTE), Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) $8.52 Foundation = $8.78 Skills Creation = $8.39 Skills Building = $8.09 Traineeships = $8.09 Apprenticeships = $8.70 Skills Deepening = $6.34
Funding Rates. Funding rates to providers are calculated via the Early Years Funding Formula (EYFF). The current EYFF was agreed in January 2018 following consultation with all providers and is available on the BFC website. Of note are the following changes from the previous formula:  the deprivation supplement will be fixed for the entire year and not recalculated on a termly basis  providers must notify BFC of changes to the qualification level of the staff member leading the Early Years Foundation Stage. o A change resulting in a provider becoming entitled to the quality supplement will result in a change to the settings funding rate from the start of the next term. o A change resulting in a provider losing its entitlement to the quality supplement will result in a change to the settings funding rate from the end of the next term o Eligibility for the quality supplement will be audited as part of the Early Years Census process in the spring term. BFC reserves the right to clawback funding where a setting has lost its entitlement to the quality supplement but not notified BFC of the change. BFC will publish a funding timetable (schedule of dates) in the spring term of each year. Funding claims will be processed via the provider portal. Each provider will register one or more staff members to use the provider portal by completing and returning a Provider Portal Access Form for each user. Login details should not be shared between users and it is the user’s responsibility to keep their login details secure. Autocomplete options that remember passwords should not be used. If a provider portal user leaves the setting or changes roles, you must contact the Early Help Team to remove the user’s access from the system. If the device you use to access the portal (laptop, tablet, mobile phone etc.) is lost or stolen you must contact the Early Help Team immediately so that you password can be reset. As per the schedule of dates, BFC will set ‘tasks’ for providers to complete on the provider portal. These tasks require providers to update personal and attendance data for the children they are claiming funding for. Each task will have a deadline for submission. Failure to meet the deadline may delay the funding payment for that provider. Providers will receive reports after each payment. The reports will include information such as payment amounts, funded hours, funded weeks and EYPP per child. Private, Voluntary and Independent Providers (PVIs) and Childminders will be set 3 tas...
Funding Rates. 4.1 The Rate per SCH identified in Table 1 of this Schedule will be applied to Training Services funded under Parts B to D of this Schedule as determined by the Industry Sector classification for the course/qualification undertaken (or where relevant, the Eligible Individual’s particular Cohort classification, whichever is greater), and the course commencement date. 4.2 For the purposes of reconciliation, industry sector classifications will be valued as per the mapping identified in the relevant NAT 30 file at the time of contracting. Table 1: Rate per SCH for training delivery in 2011 Industry Sector or Cohort Classifications** Rate per Student Contact Hour for training delivered to Continuing Students who enrolled in and commenced their course prior to 1 July 2009* Rate per Student Contact Hour for training delivered to Continuing Students who enrolled in and commenced their course on or after 1 July 2009*, according to the course categories detailed in Schedule 2 Attachment 2 of this Agreement Industry Sector classification: Business and Clerical, Community Services, Cross Industries, Finance, First Aid and Occupational Health and Safety, Government Administration and Services, Property Services, Scientific and Technical or Wholesale and Retail $7.57 Foundation = $7.80 Skills Creation = $7.46 Skills Building = $7.19 Traineeships = $7.19 Apprenticeships = $7.73 Skills Deepening = $5.63
Funding Rates. 5.1 For all Continuing Students the rate per Scheduled Hour (SCH) will be determined in accordance with the hourly rate per scheduled hour for the course as described in Clause 12.6 and 12.7 of Schedule 1. This will include any relevant loading and/or RPL adjustment as described in Clause 12.6 of Schedule 1. 5.2 In instances where the course that a Continuing Student is enrolled in is not listed on the Funded Courses Report, the rate per Scheduled Hour (SCH) will be determined based on the “Course Subsidy” field of the TAFE Continuing Students Courses Report. This will be adjusted in accordance with any relevant loading and/or RPL adjustment as described in Clause 12.6 of Schedule 1. 5.3 In instances where the course that a Continuing Student is enrolled in is not listed on the Funded Courses Report and is not listed on the TAFE Continuing Students Courses Report, the RTO must request that the Commission add the course to the TAFE Continuing Students Courses Report. 6.1 Clauses 12.19 – 12.27 inclusive of Schedule 1 apply to this Schedule 4.
Funding Rates. Training delivery funded under this Agreement will be valued and reconciled in accordance with the following: Table 1: Base funding rates for course categories in 2010 Category* Award Rate per Student Contact Hour** for training delivered to individuals enrolled and undertaking training prior to 1 July 2009 Rate per Student Contact Hour** for all other training delivered in 2010 Foundation Foundation Level & Pre-Accredited Courses $9.46 $9.75 Skills Creation AQF 1-2 $9.46 $9.43 Skills Building AQF 3-4 $9.46 $9.21 Skills Deepening AQF 5-6 $9.46 $7.58 Apprenticeships and Traineeships AQF 1-4 $9.46 $9.46 Apprenticeships and Traineeships AQF 5-6 $9.46 $9.46 * The category refers to the Securing Jobs for Your Future – Skills for Victoria course categories as advised in the Securing Jobs for Your Future – Skills for Victoria policy document and detailed in Attachment 2 of Executive Memorandum 2009-21 and any subsequent updates. ** The Rate per Student Contact Hour will be adjusted according to a weighting determined based on the Industry Sector of the qualification being delivered, or the cohort for whom the training is delivered, as described in Table 2 of this Schedule, whichever is greater. Table 2: Weighted funding rates for training delivery in 2010 Industry Sectors or Cohorts Weighting* applied to the SCH Price** Rate per Student Contact Hour after application of relevant weighting for training delivered to individuals enrolled and undertaking training prior to 1 July 2009 Rate per Student Contact Hour after application of relevant weighting for all other training delivered in 2010 Business and Clerical, Community Services, Cross Industries, Finance, First Aid and Occupational Health and Safety, Government Administration and Services, Property Services, Scientific and Technical, Wholesale and Retail 0.8 $7.57 Foundation = $7.80 Skills Creation = $7.54 Skills Building = $7.37 Skills Deepening = $6.06 App’s & T’ships (AQF 1-4) = $7.57 App’s & T’ships (AQF 5-6) = $7.57 Communications, General Preparatory, Information Technology, Language and Literacy, Languages Other Than English (LOTE), Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) 0.9 $8.52 Foundation = $8.78 Skills Creation = $8.49 Skills Building = $8.29 Skills Deepening = $6.82 App’s & T’ships (AQF 1-4) = $8.51 App’s & T’ships (AQF 5-6) = $8.51 Arts and Design, Hospitality, Personal Services, Tourism 1.0 $9.46 Foundation = $9.75 Skills Creation = $9.43 Skills ...
Funding Rates. Funding rates are determined through the Governments Early years National Funding Formula. Providers will be entitled to receive the payments in accordance with Liverpool City Council’s published hourly rates for 2, 3 & 4 year olds. • Liverpool funding base rates are 2 year olds £5.49 / hour 3&4year olds £4.40 / hour. • Providers will be paid monthly.
Funding Rates. 4.1 For Continuing Students who enrolled and commenced their course after 1 July 2009, the rate per Scheduled Hour (SCH) detailed under the relevant ‘SCH Rate TAFE’ field of the Funded Courses Report as published on the SVTS, will be applied to Training Services funded under Part B and Part C of this Schedule for the course/qualification undertaken (or where relevant, the Continuing Student’s particular Cohort classification, whichever is greater), and the course commencement date. 4.2 The relevant rate per Scheduled Hour detailed on the Funded Courses Report will be adjusted by the Commission for Continuing Students who self-identify as being of Aboriginal or Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander descent (and are reported as such through the “Indigenous Student Identifier” field of the Student Statistical Report) by multiplying the relevant ‘Base Rate TAFE’ for the course (as identified on the Funded Courses Report) by 1.5. 4.3 Except where doing so will result in a lower rate per Scheduled Hour, the relevant rate per Scheduled Hour detailed on the Funded Courses Report will be adjusted by the Commission for Continuing Students if they were aged 15-19 years in the year of the scheduled commencement of training and have not completed a Year 12 or equivalent qualification (deemed to be Certificate II for this purpose), by multiplying the relevant ‘Base Rate TAFE’ for the course (as identified on the Funded Courses Report) by 1.3. 4.4 For Continuing Students who enrolled and commenced their course prior to 1 July 2009, the rate per Scheduled Hour (SCH) identified in Table 1 of this Schedule will be applied to Training Services funded under Part B and Part C of this Schedule as determined by the Industry Sector classification for the course/qualification undertaken (or where relevant, the Continuing Student’s particular Cohort classification, whichever is greater), and the course commencement date. Table 1 Industry Sector or Cohort Classifications** Rate per Scheduled Hour for training delivered to Continuing Students who enrolled in and commenced their course prior to 1 July 2009* Industry Sector classification: Business and Clerical, Community Services, Cross Industries, Finance, First Aid and Occupational Health and Safety, Government Administration and Services, Property Services, Scientific and Technical or Wholesale and Retail $7.57