Goal and Objectives. A. Non-Public School Intensive Mental Health Services Goal: To maintain clients at the current or reduced level of placement. Objective: At least ninety-five percent (95%) of children served will be maintained in their current or reduced level of placement during their course of treatment. Data to be collected by Contractor.
Goal and Objectives. 2.1. In order to identify the possible situations of the conflict of interest, evaluate and manage these situations and to establish the measures to eliminate the situations of the conflict of interest JSC “Rietumu Asset Management” IMС Policy on Management of Conflicts of Interest (further ‒ the Policy) is developed.
Goal and Objectives. It is the goal of this strategy to ensure the continued persistence of least chub within its historic range and support development of range-wide conservation efforts. The following two objectives will be required to attain the goal of this strategy.
Goal and Objectives. 1 Section 1.1 Compact Goal 1 Section 1.2 Project Objectives 1
Goal and Objectives. The Objective and Goals of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) are:- To ensure strict compliance to the provisions of the “Plateau State Infrastructure Promotion and Regulatory Agency (PIPRA) Law of 2017”, Part III, No. 15 which designates this Agency to: • Issue permits for use of right of Way to all telecommunications operators, electricity generation and distribution companies (gencos and disços); • Disconnect and dismantle cables and other infrastructure laid or erected without obtaining the requisite permission from the Agency; • Authorize a qualified officer of the Agency to inspect infrastructure to determine whether it complies with the provisions of this Law and regulations made hereunder; such inspection shall be between the hours of 8.00am and 4.00pm. • Regulate the placing of urban furniture such as telecommunication antennae, mast and towers on land or buildings; • Implement rates and fees for permits to erect antennae, masts and towers as may be prescribed by the Board; • Compel our clients to disclose information in whatever form relating to public infrastructure; • Investigate or cause an investigation into whether any person has violated any provision of this Law; • Direct any cause of action that will bring the affairs of a Ministry, Department, Extra-ministerial Department, Agency, Community or Local Government in line with the Law or any templates issued pursuant to the regulations made under this Law; • To design and develop infrastructure aerial map; • Liaise with all Federal and International Agencies to implement infrastructure safety.
Goal and Objectives. 2.1 The goal of the PLF is to facilitate expansion of Pacific circular labour mobility to Australia. To contribute to this, the PLF has four end-of-program outcomes (EOPOs):
a) EOPO 1: Labour sending units and communities in participating Pacific countries ensure workers mobilised to Australia meet employer quality and supply needs. This relates to a range of initiatives led by the PLF to not only increase the supply of Pacific seasonal and longer-term workers but also to improve the quality of the workers through a range of activities that will ensure workers are suitable and have access to relevant and appropriate skills development. Activities will be undertaken to target those previously under- represented within circular labour mobility (including women and people living with disability), with a particular emphasis on efforts to improve equity and inclusiveness. The outcome will be facilitated by brokering linkages between relevant Australian Pacific Technical College (APTC) graduates and Australian employers. In addition, efforts will be undertaken to ensure partner governments are better informed regarding Australian employer requirements and expectations.
b) EOPO 2: Australian employers increase their demand for Pacific seasonal and longer-term workers. This relates to efforts to increase the uptake of workers by Australian employers, which include activities to enhance awareness amongst employers who have unmet labour needs. Activities will also be undertaken to improve the facilitation of the placement of workers with employers, ensuring that only those employers who are deemed of high quality continue to employ Pacific workers. High quality ratings will include an emphasis on support services to workers whilst they are in Australia.
Goal and Objectives. 3.1 The goal of this Contract is to promote energy self-sufficiency of the Native American communities and improve reliability in delivery of the benefits of Federal Power to the intended beneficiaries.
3.2 The objectives of this Contract are to utilize and schedule the Project resource in a manner which results in the efficient use of resources; reduce resource costs to the Parties; and deliver the benefits of Project power to the Native American Tribes and other tribal organizations as intended in EPAMP.
Goal and Objectives. 3.1.1. Goal: CAP will establish and maintain an Inspector General program that operates an independent and objective Inspection and Complaints Resolution program. Objective 1: CAP and CAP-USAF will jointly establish and maintain a wing-level inspection program that assesses the CAP wing’s ability to comply with mission critical requirements. Output: CAP Wing Compliance Inspections will be jointly conducted in accordance with CAP regulations. Output: A joint wing compliance inspection report will be published, distributed and retained IAW CAP regulations. Output: CAP will ensure discrepancies are entered into a discrepancy tracking system, and progress will be jointly tracked to ensure corrective action is completed.
Goal and Objectives. A. Juvenile Sexual Responsibility Program Goal 1: Contractor shall achieve low recidivism for sexually- related offenses.
Objective 1: At least ninety percent (90%) of youth served shall not re-offend during the time between four (4) months after admission and one (1) year after completing the program (a re-offense is defined by behavior that required at least a police or a Child Protective Services report regarding a sex offense). Contractor shall provide a list of current clients who are wards of the Court to Juvenile Probation annually. Contractor shall subsequently provide objective data to Mental Health Services. Goal 2: Contractor shall maintain youth served at least restrictive level of care.
Objective 1: At least ninety percent (90%) of youth served for at least four (4) months shall be maintained at current level of residential care or moved to less restrictive level of care. Contractor shall provide data to Mental Health Services. Goal 3: Contractor shall increase service capacity for families by providing family therapy to all clients.
Objective 1: At least thirty-three percent (33%) of all families shall comply with family therapy as part of the youth’s treatment.
B. Mental Health Services (Authorized by MHP) Goal 1: Contractor shall avoid more intensive levels of mental health services for clients. Objective 1: No more than five percent (5%) of cases treated by Contractor shall be admitted to a psychiatric emergency service unit during their course of treatment. County shall collect data.
Goal and Objectives. Goal: Build a regional technical infrastructure and marine spatial planning framework necessary to support sustainable coastal communities along the West Coast.