Handover Sample Clauses
Handover. 14.1 It is a fundamental requirement by SANParks that the transfer of the AENP Xxxx Braai Facility is undertaken on the basis that:
14.1.1 there is no or minimal disruption in the provision of goods and services to visitors to the Protected Area and includes use of vehicles for products on offer to visitors to the Protected Area;
14.1.2 any structural alterations do not cause the AENP Xxxx Braai Facility to be closed unless alternatives are provided (unless it was closed in any event);
14.1.3 the handover shall be undertaken in such a manner to cause the least disruption and/or intrusion to SANParks and employees and then only in a manner which is mutually acceptable to both SANParks and the Private Party;
14.1.4 the Business will be conducted in the usual manner throughout the Handover Period; and
14.1.5 SANParks shall not be liable for any claims or actions which arise during the Handover Period irrespective of the cause or nature of same.
14.2 During the Handover Period:
14.2.1 the Private Party and SANParks shall co-operate and work together to achieve an effective transfer of control and management of AENP Xxxx Braai Facility to the Private Party on the Operation Commencement Date;
14.2.2 the Private Party shall be entitled to nominate one or more representatives to be stationed at the AENP Xxxx Braai Facility , to work with SANParks management to effect a smooth handover. The Private Party’s representatives shall however have no authority in relation to SANParks operations or employees during the Handover Period.
14.3 On the Operation Commencement Date, the Private Party shall assume full responsibility under this PPP Agreement for the operations, and expenses thereof, relating to the AENP Xxxx Braai Facility , and be entitled to the fruits hereof.
Handover. Unless otherwise agreed, a handover in order to ensure that the Delivery is in accordance with the Agreement shall be conducted immediately after assembly. Both Parties must be represented when the handover is carried out. Any shortcomings/deficiencies will be registered in the shortage list in a handover form and the shortcomings/deficiencies must be rectified without undue delay by the Supplier. The Supplier is aware that there will be limited time for rectifications, as the place of delivery, cf. clause 5, may have limited space and rehearsals may start immediately after assembly. The Supplier must adjust to the circumstances. The Supplier shall be liable for any deficiencies in accordance with clause 22.3 and 22.4, irrespective of whether or not the deficiencies have been stated in the shortage list.
Handover. If the Buyer requests it, the Supplier will provide all reasonable assistance to support any replacement supplier to supply the Goods.
Handover. Finalise and assemble record information which accurately reflects the infrastructure that is acquired, rehabilitated, refurbished or maintained.
Handover. (a) The Developer is responsible for the delivery and care of the Works at all times prior to Handover of the Works.
(b) Handover will occur and Council will assume responsibility for the Works:
(i) following dedication to Council of the land on which Works are located; or
(ii) if Works are carried out on land already owned by Council, on the issue of a Certificate of Practical Completion for those Works.
Handover. The Seller shall handover the Object of Purchase or its parts to the Buyer at the Place of Delivery within the stipulated delivery deadlines and, if applicable, along with technical and legal documentation, e.g. user manuals, guides, warranty certificates etc. During the handover and takeover procedure, the Buyer shall be entitled, in particular, to visually inspect the delivered deliverables. The Buyer may, provide to the Seller any comments regarding the delivered deliverables and the Seller shall be obliged to act on the basis of these comments or justify why these are unacceptable. The Buyer shall not be obliged to verify accuracy of any calculations and details of the technical solution constituting the Object of Purchase. The handover of the Object of Purchase or its individual parts shall be subject to a handover protocol on the course of the handover and takeover procedure to be drawn up and executed by the Parties; the protocol must include: details on the Seller and Buyer; description of the items that are the subject of handover and takeover; output sheet from each photomultiplier containing following parameters: cathode luminous sensitivity; anode luminous sensitivity; anode dark current; cathode blue sensitivity index/blue filter measurement (CS 5-58, half stock); declaration of the Buyer as to whether the Buyer accepts or does not accept the supply; the date of execution of the protocol on handover and takeover of the supply (hereinafter the “Handover Protocol”). The part of the Object of Purchase - partial deliverable in question shall be considered duly completed only by its acceptance effected by execution of the relevant Handover Protocol by both Parties. Assessment and subsequent acceptance of individual part of the Object of Purchase does not affect the Seller’s liability for other parts of the Object of Purchase. In case of any defects of the delivered Object of Purchase or its part, the Buyer shall be entitled to refuse the takeover of that defective delivery. Whenever technically possible the Seller shall remedy the deficiencies within one (1) month, unless Parties agree otherwise; however, these periods do not imply that the Seller is not in delay with delivery of any deliverable. The Buyer shall be entitled at his discretion (but not obliged) to take over the defective deliverable despite its defect, in particular if such defect does not have a material impact on its functionality. If the Buyer does not exercise his right not to ta...
Handover. 1.1 The Ready For Service Date (or “RFS Date”) is deemed to be the day on which Dial Telecom informs the Subscriber that the Service is operational.
1.2 The Subscriber shall within 2 (two) Working Days after the receipt of the Hand-over Protocol deliver to Dial Telecom:
a. acknowledgement and acceptance of the Service (by signing and delivering the Hand-over Protocol to Dial Telecom); or
b. rejection of the Service, should the Service not be fault free (the Subscriber however shall not be entitled to reject the Service for minor defect or shortcoming which can not cause inoperability of the Service). In such case the Subscriber shall be obligated to describe the faults and the non-compliance in his notice of rejection within 2 (two) Working Days from the receipt of the Hand-over Protocol. If the Subscriber rejects the service, the time between service hand-over and reception of the notice of rejection by Dial Telecom, shall not be calculated within the sanctions for RfS non-compliance. If Dial Telecom accepts the failure notice of the Subscriber, Dial Telecom shall perform such works as are reasonably required to remedy such notified defects. Upon completion of such works Dial Telecom shall re-perform the tests and the provisions of this part 2 of the Service Level Agreement shall continue to apply repeatedly.
1.3 The date on which the Subscriber accepts the Service (or is deemed to have accepted the Service, which is the case especially, when the Subscriber in conflict with the signed treaty refuses to accept the service; in such case it is deemed the service has been accepted.) under this clause 2 is the “RFS Date”. Dial Telecom is entitled to start invoicing the Subscriber for each Service with accepted RFS Date by the Subscriber.
Handover. 17.1 Upon payment of the First Installment, the Transferors and the Transferee shall organize a team responsible for the Hydropower Project handover and take joint and active actions to conduct the handover of the Object Company, the Hydropower Project and the Object Equity Interest, including but is not limited to handing over the production, operation and management, accounting and finance, assets checking and accounting, file documents, certificates and licenses, seals and project construction to the Transferee.
17.2 The Transferor shall assure that the assets of the Object Company and all rights and interests handed over to the Transferee shall not have any loss or damage compared with the result of Appendix 7 and the audit by the Transferee listed in Appendix 2. The Transferors shall make a comprehensive and complete handover to the Transferees pursuant to the aforesaid result of such handover is confirmed by the Transferees.
17.3 The handover shall include but is not limited to:
(1) The business seals, special financial seals and special contract seals, [to list all] of the Object Company shall be handed over to the Transferee;
(2) The Transferors and the Transferee shall check and count the assets of Object Company, compile the assets inventory and perform the handover with confirmation via signatures of the jobsite representatives of the Transferors and Transferee. The assets loss ascertained through the assets check and count procedure shall be compensated by the Transferors at the replacement value for such missing assets;
(3) All original engineering drawings, contracts, agreements (including but not limited to project contracts, equipment contracts, installation contracts and material contracts) and any other file documents of the Hydropower Project shall be handed over to the Transferee;
(4) The financial books and the accounting files shall be handed over to the Transferee;
(5) The Transferors shall make technical disclosure to the Transferee about the companies responsible for the construction of the Hydropower Projects, equipment supply (manufacturer), design, supervision, quality inspection, output line and otherwise; and
(6) Handover of all materials and files of the Object Company;
(7) Other handover procedures as may be reasonably required by the Transferee.
17.4 The handover shall be completed within seven (7) days upon the First Installment. The completion of the handover shall be certified and confirmed by the representatives of the ...
Handover. Demonstration of the stairlift will be carried out to the end user or user’s representative on the day of installation once complete and a report signed to confirm this.
Handover. 3.1. A corresponding protocol ("handover protocol") is created for the handover of the apartment to the tenant, in which any damages or functional impairments to the rental property are recorded.
3.2. If the start of the lease falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday, the rental property will be handed over to the tenant on the next working day.