Health Benefit Fund. Effective May 1, 2002, two dollars and thirteen cents ($2.13) per hour or part hour of employment in any job classification will be paid by the Employer to the Trustees of the Sheet Metal Workers’
Health Benefit Fund a) The parties agree that the University shall provide the Union with an annual Health Benefit Fund (“HBF”) for Graduate Assistants, Teaching Assistants, and Lab Monitors. The University will transfer the HBF to the local union as outlined in this Article on January 31st of each year of this collective agreement, and each year thereafter, subject to the terms of this Article. The annual amounts shall be $297,120.00 for 2021, $319,637.00 for 2022 and $342,556.00 for 2023.
b) The Union will be solely and exclusively responsible for managing and administering the HBF and the HBF will be used solely for the reimbursement of health benefit related expenses.
c) Subject to the Union meeting the terms of this Article, the University will transfer $25,000 for the corresponding year to the local union funds on January 31st of each of year of this collective agreement, for the purpose of managing and administering the HBF.
d) The Union will establish, maintain and address the following:
i) Claim process;
ii) Claim approval/denial process;
iii) The reimbursement process;
iv) Appropriate record keeping processes;
v) Accounting and reconciliation process
vi) Processes to ensure adherence to tax reporting requirements; and
vii) Any and all claims, grievances, or demands, including interest and penalties made by Canada Revenue Agency or by an employee as it relates to the distribution of the professional development reimbursement funds.
e) The Union agrees to provide the University with an Annual Report on the use of this money, identifying how much and to whom it has been disbursed and identifying the nature and purpose of the financial assistance. This report will be accompanied by a special purpose report prepared and signed by the Union’s external auditors. This will be provided no later March 15th for the time period of January 1st to December 31st of the previous year.
f) The parties understand and agree that the transfer of the above noted funds shall be subject to the Union providing the Annual Report(s). Any unused funds not spent from previous collective agreements will be retained by the Union and shall only be used in future years for reimbursement of HBF expenses under this Article to a maximum carry forward of 50% of the annual allocation. Notwithstanding this, upon written request and agreement, the unspent amounts may be transferred to be used as a supplement to the General Assistance Fund. Such agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld.
g) The Union wi...
Health Benefit Fund. Effective May 1, 2004, two dollars and eighteen cents ($2.18) per hour or part hour of employment in any job classification will be paid by the Employer to the Trustees of the Sheet Metal Workers’ Health Benefit Fund. Effective November 1, 2004, two dollars and twenty-three cents ($2.23) per hour or part hour of employment in any job classification will be paid by the Employer to the Trustees of the Sheet Metal Workers’ Health Benefit Fund.
Health Benefit Fund a. The College shall establish a Health Benefit Fund, as follows: 2014-15 $25,000 2015-16 $30,000 2016-17 $35,000 2017-18 $40,000 2018-19 $45,000
b. Any post-probationary adjunct, excluding OCC retirees, who purchases health benefits as per article 9.2 of the contract can apply by October 31st for a portion of the amounts allocated towards the Health Benefit Fund annually to help defray the costs of his/her health benefit. Once enrolled, a post-probationary adjunct’s coverage and application for a portion of the annual Health Benefit Fund allocation will continue as long as the adjunct is employed by the College for at least one course during the calendar year. The annual Health Benefit Fund allocation will be split equally among all adjuncts applying for the funds, except any Senior Adjuncts applying for the funds will be counted twice for the calculation. In no event will the College’s contribution exceed the percentage that the College is contributing towards the full-time faculty’s premium cost, as specified in Article 7.4.b. The funds can only be used for health (and not dental) benefits.
Health Benefit Fund. A. Effective December 1, 2004, two dollars and twenty-three cents ($2.23) per hour for each and every hour or part hour of employment in any job classification will be paid by the Employer to the Trustees of the Standard Sheet Metal Agreement.
B. These monies will be remitted to the Trustees by the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following that which contributions cover, in the manner provided by the Unified Remittance Form.
C. The Health Benefit Fund will provide benefits to employees and participating Employers who become eligible on a schedule to be determined by the Trustees.
Health Benefit Fund. Effective November 1, 2005, two dollars and thirty-nine cents ($2.39) per hour or part hour of employment in any job classification will be paid by the Employer to the Trustees of the Sheet Metal Workers’ Health Benefit Fund. Effective May 1, 2006, two dollars and forty-seven cents ($2.47) per hour or part hour of employment in any job classification will be paid by the Employer to the Trustees of the Sheet Metal Workers’ Health Benefit Fund. November 1, 2006, two dollars and fifty-five cents ($2.55) per hour or part hour of employment in any job classification will be paid by the Employer to the Trustees of the Sheet Metal Workers’ Health Benefit Fund. Effective May 1, 2007, two dollars and sixty-three cents ($2.63) per hour or part hour of employment in any job classification will be paid by the Employer to the Trustees of the Sheet Metal Workers’ Health Benefit Fund. Effective November 1, 2007, two dollars and seventy-one cents ($2.71) per hour or part hour of employment in any job classification will be paid by the Employer to the Trustees of the Sheet Metal Workers’ Health Benefit Fund. Effective May 1, 2005, “Owner Members” shall pay the minimum required hours at the established contribution rate to the Health Benefit Plan.
Health Benefit Fund. 15.01 Two dollars and forty cents ($2.40) for each and every hour or part hour of employment in any job classi- fication will be paid by the Employer to the Trustees of
15.02 These monies will be remitted to the Trustees by the 15th day of the month following that which con- tributions cover in the manner provided by the Unified Remittance Form (Roofers).
15.03 The Health Benefit Fund will provide benefits on a schedule to be determined by the Trustees.
Health Benefit Fund. 17.01 The Employer shall contribute the amount contained in Appendix "A" for each hour worked to the Health Benefit Fund.
17.02 Employers will not contribute Health Benefit Fund contributions on behalf of Pre-Apprentices until after the Pre-Apprentice has worked 800 hours for which the Employer will provide BC Medical payments only.
17.03 These monies will be remitted to the Trustees by the fifteenth (151h) day of the month following that which Sheet Metal Workers Local 280 May 1, 2016 to April 30, 2019 contributions cover, in the manner provided by the Unified Remittance Form.
17.04 The Health Benefit Fund will provide benefits to Employees and participating Employers who become eligible on a schedule to be determined by the Trustees.
Health Benefit Fund. A. The parties agree that the University shall provide the Union with an annual Health Benefit Fund (“HBF”) for Graduate Assistants, Teaching Assistants, and Lab Monitors. The University will transfer the HBF to the local union as outlined in this Article, the following amounts on the following dates subject to the terms of this Article: ● On February 1, 2024, for the period January 1, 2024 to August 31, 2024 - $233,333.33; ● On September 1, 2024, for the period September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025 - $350,000; ● On September 1, 2025, for the period September 1, 2025 to August 31, 2026 - $350,000; and ● On September 1, 2026, for the period September 1, 2026 to August 31, 2027 - $350,000. Each Academic Assistant with an active contract at the time of applying for the Health Benefit Fund (HBF) is entitled to a reimbursement as of August 31st of each year of the Collective Agreement as follows: 2024/2025 up to $700 2025/2026 up to $700 2026/2027 up to $700 This amount represents the Health Benefit Fund that the Union will administer on behalf of its Academic Assistants. By paying the Health Benefit Fund to the Union the University meets its obligations under this Article and no interpretation, application or administration of this Agreement will be made that increases that annual cost.
B. The Union will be solely and exclusively responsible for managing and administering the HBF and the HBF will be used solely for the reimbursement of health benefit related expenses.
C. Subject to the Union meeting the terms of this Article, the University will transfer for the corresponding year to the local union funds, for the purpose of managing and administering the HBF: ● On February 1, 2024, for the period January 1, 2024 to August 31, 2024 - $17,333.33; ● On September 1, 2024, for the period September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025 - $27,000; ● On September 1, 2025, for the period September 1, 2025 to August 31, 2026 - $28,000; and ● On September 1, 2026, for the period September 1, 2026 to August 31, 2027 - $29,000.
D. The Union will establish, maintain and address the following:
1. Claim process;
2. Claim approval/denial process;
3. The reimbursement process;
4. Appropriate record keeping processes;
5. Accounting and reconciliation process
6. Processes to ensure adherence to tax reporting requirements; and
7. Any and all claims, grievances, or demands, including interest and penalties made by Canada Revenue Agency or by an employee as it relates to the distribution of th...
Health Benefit Fund. A. Employees will go on the Corporate Health Benefit Plan in accordance with the terms of the Plan.
B. Employees who choose to have coverage under the Local 280 Health Benefit Plan, if accepted upon application to the SMW Local 280 Health Benefit Plan, can obtain this coverage by contributing the additional cost over the Corporate Health Benefit Plan.