Holidays Falling on a Day of Rest. (a) When a paid holiday falls on an employee's day of rest, the employee shall be entitled to a day off with pay in lieu, with scheduling of the lieu day to be by mutual agreement.
(b) If an employee is called in to work on a day designated as the lieu day pursuant to (a) above, he shall be compensated as described in Article 16.6.
(c) Lieu days must be scheduled and taken within 30 days of the holiday.
Holidays Falling on a Day of Rest. (a) Should one of the statutory holidays fall on an employee's normal day(s) off, the employee shall receive an additional day(s) off, with pay, to be taken adjacent to the employee's normal days off or at a time mutually agreed between the employee and the Employer, but not longer than 90 calendar days following the date the holiday occurred.
(b) When a statutory holiday falls on a Monday, and employee(s) are not scheduled to work on that Monday, the employee(s) shall not be required to work on the preceding Saturday in lieu of the statutory holiday which falls on that Monday. Where the Employer plans a change in hours of operation which may impact upon this provision it shall refer the matter to the Joint Union-Management Committee for a mutual determination on how the change will be implemented.
Holidays Falling on a Day of Rest. Should one of the holidays fall on an employee's normal day(s) off or during an employee's vacation, the employee shall receive an additional day(s) off, with pay, to be taken adjacent to the vacation or day off or at a time mutually agreed between the employee and the Employer, but in any event within the calendar year. Scheduling shall be in accordance with Article 16.5.
Holidays Falling on a Day of Rest. When a day designated as a holiday under Article 28.01 coincides with a permanent employee’s day of rest, the holiday shall be moved to the permanent employee’s first working day following the day of rest.
Holidays Falling on a Day of Rest. When any of the above-noted holidays fall on a Saturday and are not proclaimed as being observed on some other day, the following Monday shall be deemed to be the holiday for the purposes of this Agreement; when a holiday falls on a Sunday and is not proclaimed as being observed on some other day, the following Monday (or Tuesday, where the preceding sentence already applies to the Monday), shall be deemed to be the holiday for the purposes of this Agreement.
Holidays Falling on a Day of Rest. When a Paid Holiday falls on an employee’s rest day, the employee shall be entitled to a day off work with pay in lieu of the holiday observed. The day off in lieu will be designated by the Employer at least one (1) month in advance.
Holidays Falling on a Day of Rest. (a) When a paid holiday falls on a full-time employee's day of rest, the employee shall be entitled to a day off with pay in lieu, with scheduling of the lieu day to be by mutual agreement.
(b) When a paid holiday falls on a part-time employee’s day of rest, the employee shall receive statutory holiday pay on a pro rata basis.
(c) If an employee is called in to work on a day designated as the lieu day pursuant to (a) above, they shall be compensated as described in Article 16.6.
(d) Lieu days must be scheduled within 30 days of the holiday and may be taken within 60 days of the holiday.
Holidays Falling on a Day of Rest. (a) When a paid holiday falls on an employee's day of rest, the employee shall be entitled to a day off with pay in lieu.
(1) Earned statutory holiday lieu days for statutory holidays occurring between January 1 and June 30 shall be scheduled by mutual agreement at the local level subject to operational requirements and shall be taken by December 31 of that year.
(2) Earned statutory holiday lieu days for statutory holidays occurring between July 1 and December 31 shall be scheduled as above and shall be taken by June 30 of the following year.
(3) Scheduling of these lieu days shall be by mutual agreement within sixty (60) days following the paid holiday. If not scheduled within sixty (60) days, it shall be immediately scheduled on the vacation roster.
(b) If an employee is called in to work on the day designated as the lieu day pursuant to (a) above, he shall be compensated at double time rate.
Holidays Falling on a Day of Rest. (a) When a paid holiday falls on an employee's day of rest, the employee shall be entitled to a day off with pay in lieu.
(1) Earned statutory holiday lieu days for statutory holidays occurring between January 1st and June 30th shall be scheduled by mutual agreement at the local level subject to operational requirements and shall be taken by December 31st of that year.
(2) Earned statutory holiday lieu days for statutory holidays occurring between July 1st and December 31st shall be scheduled as above and shall be taken by June 30th of the following year.
(3) Scheduling of these lieu days shall be by mutual agreement within sixty (60) days following the paid holiday. If not scheduled within sixty (60) days, it shall be immediately scheduled on the vacation roster.
(b) If an employee is called in to work on the day designated as the lieu day pursuant to (a) above, he shall be compensated at double-time (2x) rate.
Holidays Falling on a Day of Rest.
(a) When a paid holiday falls on an employee's day of rest, the employee shall be entitled to a day off with pay in lieu. Scheduling of these lieu days shall be by mutual agreement within sixty (60) days following the paid holiday. If not scheduled within sixty (60) days, it shall be immediately scheduled on the vacation roster.
(b) If an employee is called in to work on the day designated as the lieu day pursuant to (a) above, he/she shall be compensated at double-time rate.
(c) Employees may opt for pay for the holiday instead of the lieu day noted above.