Illness Policy Sample Clauses

Illness Policy. If your child becomes unwell at the Centre, we will notify you immediately to collect your child. You will be charged the full amount payable per week whether your child has attended or not. Refer to the Centre’s Fees Policy. Public holidays will be charged as a normal care day, with the usual daily charges. Please note that this change will not affect those who currently utilise free ECE hours, or those whose fees are fully paid by WINZ. Where a minimum of two weeks notice is given, absence due to holidays will be charged at 50% of the normal booked rate up to a maximum of three weeks (15 days) per year. Holidays taken without prior notice or greater than three weeks per year will be charged at the normal booked rate.
Illness Policy. 11.1. Please advise the nursery prior to 8:30 am if a child will not be attending due to illness. A child who is ill (e.g., fever, infection, diarrhoea, communicable disease, or any other type of illness that may be passed on to others, with the exception of the common cold) must be kept at home to protect the well-being of the staff and other children in our care. 11.2. Should a child become ill while in our care we will notify you and you agree to make immediate arrangements to collect the child from the nursery. 11.3. Children will not be allowed to return to nursery until they have been symptom free for at least 24 hours for a fever and 48 hours for sickness or diarrhoea. We reserve the right to require a note from a doctor to confirm this. 11.4. You agree that our staff have your permission to seek any necessary emergency medical advice or treatment during their time at our nursery. Please refer to our sickness policy for more information about this topic. Our current sickness policy is displayed at the entrance of each nursery and is available from the Nursery office on request.
Illness Policy. InterNACHI’s online courses are open to all students, can be taken from anywhere, at anytime, and can be taken again and again without limit. A member may, at any time, cancel enrollment in any course or program simply by canceling their membership in InterNACHI. The individual can visit xxxx:// to cancel their InterNACHI membership, and, thereby, cancel their enrollment in all online courses and degree and certificate programs offered by InterNACHI. No credit is provided to any student who does not successfully complete a course.
Illness Policy. In order to provide the minimum required training hours for certification, it is important for participants to be present at all course sessions. In the event of an emergency or illness preventing a participant from attending a class session, contact the session instructor and CAST Administration immediately. For further details see the “Attendance” policy above. Coach Approach Skill Training seeks to ensure equitable treatment of every person and to attempt to solve any grievances in a timely and fair manner. Participants have the right to file a grievance regarding presentation or content, facility concerns, or instructor/faculty behavior. All grievances will be addressed to the best of our ability to prevent further problems. A process for filing grievances can be found below:
Illness Policy. No child may be brought to Preschool when ill or exhibiting a fever. Parents are expected to keep children home for a full 24 hours after experiencing a fever or stomach flu symptoms. If a child becomes ill at school, parents will be notified, and arrangements must be made to have the child picked up immediately. All students are required to be immunized per California SB277 law. Please refer to the Preschool’s most updated Parent Handbook for further information.
Illness Policy. If, at any time, we feel that your child is too sick or contagious to remain at the camp you will be contacted. Please keep your child at home and/or your child will be sent home if he/she has one of the following symptoms: a temperature in excess of 100 degrees, conjunctivitis, diarrhea, bronchitis, severe cold and fever, sneezing and drainage, vomiting, rashes that have yet to be diagnosed, head lice, impetigo, contracted any contagious diseases such as measles, chicken pox, mumps or Roseola.
Illness Policy. Please keep your child at home if he or she is sick. If, at any time, we feel that your child is too sick or contagious to remain at the playground, you will be contacted and asked to pick-up your child immediately.
Illness Policy. We take strong measures to prevent the spread of illness. We wash hands and sanitize toys and surface areas multiple times per day to help prevent the spread of germs. No policy manual can cover every situation. SMES will update and implement new protocols whenever necessary. If your child becomes ill, we follow the regulations as established by the CDC, Texas Health and Human Services Child Care Licensing and the Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools in regards to children’s illnesses as listed below:
Illness Policy. When a private practice therapist is consistently exposed to cold and flu viruses in the office and becomes ill as a result, the office closes down, sessions and groups are cancelled, and everyone suffers. In order to maintain good health and create a safe and relatively germ free environment so that your therapist can support all of his clients, we ask that clients who are experiencing any stage of illnesses to respect safety boundaries and to conduct their sessions via phone until they are recovered completely and are not experiencing any signs of illness, fever, rash or cough or contagious symptoms at any stage. Stage of illness includes: starting to feel flu symptoms, suspect they may be coming down with the flu, dealing with a current cold, head cold, or flu or flu-like symptoms, or are at the end of a flu cycle, currently have the flu, a cough, a cold, pink eye, contagious rashes, scabies, lice, chicken pox (or a child with chicken pox), or any other potentially contagious illnesses no matter how mild. Your therapist will extend the same respect and consideration if ill. If I am ill with a head cold, flu, lice, virus, chicken pox, pink eye, scabies, or any other potentially contagious illness at any stage no matter how mild that would potentially expose my therapist or others in the therapy office, I agree to alert my therapist, and either reschedule my session by the 24-hour cancellation time period, or agree to conduct my individual therapy session via phone if I am ill, feel as if I am becoming ill, or am at the end of a flu virus. (Initial here) I understand that my therapist may, on the rare occasion, ask that my session be conducted via phone if she is ill or recovering from a contagious flu virus. (Initial here) I understand that if I choose to show up for my therapy session, couples session or group session at any stage of a contagious flu virus or other illness, my therapist will use discretion, will uphold safety boundaries, and will ask me to leave the office, conduct the session via phone from my car, or another area outside of the clinical office as not to expose himself/herself, colleagues, or other clients to my flu virus at any stage. (Initial here) I understand that my fee will apply to all sessions that are not cancelled by 24 hours prior to my scheduled session. On the rare occasion that an emergency or grave illness occurs that does not allow me to give 24 hours notice, special consideration will be extended. Otherwise the session...
Illness Policy. InterNACHI’s online courses are open to all students, can be taken from anywhere, at anytime, and can be taken again and again without limit.