Implementation of Agreement Each Party must promptly execute all documents and do all such acts and things as is necessary or desirable to implement and give full effect to the provisions of this Agreement.
MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT This Contract may be supplemented, amended or modified only by a writing signed by both Parties. No oral conversation, promise or representation by or between any officer or employee of the Parties shall modify any of the terms or conditions of this Contract. COMMISSION shall not be deemed to have approved or consented to any alteration of the terms of this Contract, including its Exhibits, by virtue of COMMISSION’s review and approval of, or failure to object to, contracts or other business transactions entered into by CONTRACTOR.
Construction of Contract Both parties have participated fully in the review and revision of this contract. Any rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not apply to the interpretation of this contract.
MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT TERMS The terms and conditions set forth in the Contract shall govern all transactions by Authorized User(s) under this Contract. The Contract may only be modified or amended upon mutual written agreement of the Commissioner and Contractor. The Contractor may, however, offer Authorized User(s) more advantageous pricing, payment, or other terms and conditions than those set forth in the Contract. In such event, a copy of such terms shall be furnished to the Authorized User(s) and Commissioner by the Contractor at the time of such offer. Other than where such terms are more advantageous for the Authorized User(s) than those set forth in the Contract, no alteration or modification of the terms of the Contract, including substitution of Product, shall be valid or binding against Authorized User(s) unless authorized by the Commissioner or specified in the Contract Award Notification. No such alteration or modification shall be made by unilaterally affixing such terms to Product upon delivery (including, but not limited to, attachment or inclusion of standard pre-printed order forms, product literature, “shrink wrap” terms accompanying software upon delivery, or other documents) or by incorporating such terms onto order forms, purchase orders or other documents forwarded by the Contractor for payment, notwithstanding Authorized User’s subsequent acceptance of Product, or that Authorized User has subsequently processed such document for approval or payment.
FORMATION OF CONTRACT This proposed purchase contract, which incorporates by reference these General Provisions and all other terms and conditions set forth in this proposed purchase contract (collectively, the “Contract”), is Buyer's offer to purchase the services and any related goods, materials, and/or other deliverables (collectively, the “Services”) described in this offer. Acceptance is strictly limited to the terms and conditions included in this offer. Unless specifically agreed to in writing by Xxxxx's Authorized Procurement Representative, Xxxxx objects to, and is not bound by, any term or condition that differs from or adds to this offer. Seller's commencement of performance or acceptance of this offer in any manner shall conclusively evidence acceptance of this offer as written. Seller’s provision of the Services shall be governed solely by this Contract. Xxxxx and Seller are referred to herein as a “Party” or collectively as the “Parties.”
EXECUTION OF CONTRACT 20.1 Depending on the type of service provided, one of the following methods will be employed. The method applicable to this contract will be checked below: _ a. PURCHASE ORDER, unless otherwise noted. 1. This contract shall consist of a Lancaster County Purchase Order. 2. A copy of the Bidder’s bid response (or referenced bid number) attached and that the same, in all particulars, becomes the contract between the parties hereto: that both parties thereby accept and agree to the terms and conditions of said bid documents.
Implementation Plan The Authority shall cause to be prepared an Implementation Plan meeting the requirements of Public Utilities Code Section 366.2 and any applicable Public Utilities Commission regulations as soon after the Effective Date as reasonably practicable. The Implementation Plan shall not be filed with the Public Utilities Commission until it is approved by the Board in the manner provided by Section 4.9.
Implementation of Changes If Tenant: (i) approves in writing the cost or savings and the estimated extension in the time for completion of Landlord’s Work, if any, and (ii) deposits with Landlord any Excess TI Costs required in connection with such Change, Landlord shall cause the approved Change to be instituted. Notwithstanding any approval or disapproval by Tenant of any estimate of the delay caused by such proposed Change, the TI Architect’s determination of the amount of Tenant Delay in connection with such Change shall be final and binding on Landlord and Tenant.
Implementation of the Agreement Regulations of this Agreement relating to investments who investors of one Contracting Party realized before or after the entry into force of this Agreement, with what shall apply from the moment of its entry into force, provided that such investments conducted in accordance with the laws of that Party Contracting.
DURATION OF CONTRACT This agreement shall be in effect for 12 months beginning October 1, 2019 and ending September 30, 2020.