INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS. Any individual employed in a position within the bargaining unit, or reappointed to a position within the bargaining unit, shall be given an individual contract. The individual contract shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement. In the event of conflict between the terms of an individual employment contract and the terms of this Agreement, the latter shall be controlling.
INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS. Any individual employment contract between the Board and a member of the bargaining unit as set forth in Article I shall be subject to and consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS. 10.1 The Employee shall be required to sign an “Individual Employment Contract” or, as it is sometimes referred to, a “Deal Memo”. When the Employee works in more than one department or category a separate “Deal Memo” must be submitted for each department and category of employment.
INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS. The Board shall enter into written contracts for the employment and re-employment of all unit members. Unit members shall execute and return said contracts to the Treasurer at such time as shall be indicated on said contracts (not less than fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of issuance). Contracts for the employment of unit members shall be of three (3) types:
INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS. 3 A. Annually, The Highline School District, Board of Directors shall contract with each 5 conform to state law, Washington Administrative Code, Rules and Regulations of 6 the State Board of Education, policies of the Employer, and this Agreement.
7 B. The District may issue individual employee contracts prior to the end of the school 8 year. In the event negotiations for the ensuing school year have not been 9 completed, individual contracts will include a rider which states, “The terms of this 10 individual employment contract shall be subject to amendments and adjustments 11 to conform to applicable terms of a collective bargaining Agreement subsequently 12 executed by the Board of Directors and the Highline Education Association for the 13 ensuing year and applicable policies lawfully adopted thereafter by the Board of 14 Directors”.
15 C. Contracts must be signed and returned by the employee within fourteen calendar 16 days of date of issuance. If not signed and returned by the staff member by that 17 date, said contract will be presumed to be rejected and the employment 18 relationship shall be severed unless other arrangements have been made through 19 the Human Resources Department.
20 D. Signed contract shall be binding on the District and on the employees and may not 21 be abridged or abrogated during its term by either party except by mutual consent 22 or as may be provided in this Agreement or in the Employer’s Policy.
23 E. Employees may request “release from contract” in writing with justification for the 24 requests, however, the District Board of Directors have every right to hold 25 employees to their contracts and the Board will do so unless extreme and 26 unpredictable circumstances are properly documented.
INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS. (a) All contracts and agreements made by the EMPLOYER with ARTISTS employed under this Agreement shall be subject to applicable law, shall conform in every respect to all the provisions of this Agreement and shall be executed only on the “Individual Employment Contract” form appended to this Agreement as Exhibit “A”, subject to such additions thereto and modifications thereof as may be agreeable to the ARTIST and to AGMA, but in no event inconsistent with the Agreement or less favorable to such ARTIST.
(b) Individual Employment Contracts shall be executed in quadruplicate: the original copy to be retained by the EMPLOYER; the duplicate by the ARTIST and the triplicate and quadruplicate to be filed with AGMA by the EMPLOYER at least thirty (30) days prior to ARTIST’s first performance. AGMA’s copy of all Individual Employment Contracts shall be kept confidential and made available only (1) to the National Executive Secretary, or other officer having equivalent position with AGMA and (2) when a dispute arises under the contract. In accordance with current practice, utilization of electronic signature software (such as DocuSign), is an approved method for contract execution.
(c) The EMPLOYER agrees to file with AGMA, at its New York Office, copies of all artist’s contracts engaged under the terms of this Agreement, not later than two (2) weeks prior to the specific performance for which engaged.
(d) Failure of the EMPLOYER to file copies of contracts with AGMA shall constitute a breach of contract by the EMPLOYER. In such a breach, the ARTIST may at any time, AGMA consenting, terminate the same without notice, and the EMPLOYER agrees to pay forthwith to the ARTIST, as damages for such breach in full, for all services rendered by the ARTIST to the EMPLOYER, plus any other amounts then owing, not already paid, the total of which being a sum equal to the total amount contracted for in the ARTIST’s contract for all performances or weeks of engagement, as the case may be. In no case shall any offsets be allowed to the EMPLOYER for the earnings of the ARTIST in a new or subsequent engagement.
(e) No ARTIST is permitted to take part in any performance or rehearsal, without first signing an Individual Employment Contract. Individual contracts shall specify the Opera and roles for which the ARTIST is engaged, the role (if any) which he is understudying, dates of performance and any other services contracted for and covered by this Agreement, such as transportation com...
INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS. Any individual employment contract between the College and an individual, as defined in Article 1 of this Agreement, shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If such an individual employment contract contains language contrary to this Agreement, this Agreement during its duration shall be controlling.
INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS. Except as set forth on Schedule 8.2(e), effective as of the Closing Date, Buyer shall assume, or cause an Affiliate to continue to be obligated under or assume the Company’s and the Subsidiaries’ obligations under all individual employment, termination, retention, severance or other similar contracts or agreements with any current or former employee of the Company and the Subsidiaries and all of the obligations as the employer under such contracts and agreements, as set forth in Schedule 5.18.
INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS. (A) An individual employment contract shall be provided to each person employed in a certificated instructional staff position.
(B) The District shall be responsible to prepare and distribute individual employment contracts in a manner which assures that renewed employees receive the contract by not later than May 20th. Such contract shall be due or received in the district office by not later than June 1st. These contracts shall be consistent with the existing terms of this Agreement. Any subsequent change in the salary schedule shall be applicable to the individual employment contract.
INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS. 5.1 Individual Employment Contracts will be issued upon initial employment. Thereafter, for each succeeding year of continuous employment, the Board will only be required to issue Notification of Assignment and Salary.
5.2 The provisions contained in Individual Employment Contracts and Notifications of Assignment and Salary shall not conflict with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In the event such a conflict arises, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall supersede the terms and conditions of the Individual Employment Contract and Notification of Assignment and Salary.