Landscape Plans Sample Clauses

Landscape Plans. When the design has fulfilled the program requirements, submit a PDF set of land- scape plans to the CITY'S project manager. After the project manager approves the plans, he/she will submit the same to the Park Department for review and comments. When the Park Department has approved the plans, the ENGINEER may proceed with placing them on the Design Council agenda for review and comment, as directed by the CITY.
Landscape Plans. The Consultant shall provide landscape plans prepared by a registered Landscape Architect. The plans shall identify the location and type of plant materials to be installed. Unless otherwise directed by the County, plantings shall be limited to drought tolerant trees of a species that will not require irrigation after establishment. Species and location shall be coordinated with clear zone requirements, sight distance requirements, proposed signage, ground conditions, streetlight locations, billboard locations, and utility conflicts and clearance. The location of the streetlights, structures, and pipes shall also be shown on the landscaping plans to ensure there are no conflicts with existing trees to remain or proposed trees. The landscape plans shall also include General Notes and Details and a summary of Pay Items sheet (s). Design shall be based on a landscaping construction budget not to exceed $100,000 per mile of total project length.
Landscape Plans. This must be on separate plan sheets or written documents. This cost estimate will not be part of the construction contract documents. The cost estimate is intended solely for use by the Department. This estimate is to be provided to the Project Manager. Modification for Non-Conventional Projects: Delete PPM 9.4.
Landscape Plans. The plans will initially be used to demonstrate how the proposed project complies with SFWMD permit requirements (water treatment and conveyance). After the permit is obtained, the plans will be supplemented with detailed construction information and construction specifications sufficient for bidding purposes. Consultant will prepare a cost estimate for the proposed improvements. Task 7 – SFWMD ERP Consultant will assist the owner in applying for a SFWMD ERP. Consultant will prepare the permit applications and cover letter and collate them with the construction plans prepared in Task 6, surface water management report prepared in Task 5 and information provided by the City into one permit application package and submit it to SFWMD for review. Consultant will respond to up to two requests for additional information from SFWMD staff. Each response will include preparing a response letter, modifying the construction plans, modifying the surface water management report, modifying the SWMM model and collating this information with information provided by the City. Task 8 – Nutrient Loading Calculation components. Reimbursable Expenses REVISED 7/18/02 To complete the tasks outlined in the contract, the Consultant will incur costs associated with printing, making copies and postage. These costs will be billed on a T&M basis. END OF EXHIBIT A REVISED 7/18/02 EXHIBIT B BASIS OF COMPENSATION SEE EXHIBIT A END OF EXHIBIT B. REVISED 7/18/02 EXHIBIT B – ATTACHMENT A SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR BASIC SERVICE REVISED 7/18/02 EXHIBIT B - ATTACHMENT B CONSULTANT' S EMPLOYEE HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE SEE EXHIBIT B REVISED 7/18/02 EXHIBIT B - ATTACHMENT C CONSULTANT' S ESTIMATE OF ADDITIONAL SERVICES (INCLUDING DETAILED OBSERVATION OF CONSTRUCTION) REVISED 7/18/02 EXHIBIT C PROJECT SCHEDULE REVISED 7/18/02 EXHIBIT D INSURANCE COVERAGE (1) The amounts and types of insurance coverage shall conform to the following minimum requirements with the use of Insurance Services Office (ISO) forms and endorsements or their equivalents. (2) The insurance required by this Agreement shall be written for not less than the limits specified herein or required by law, whichever is greater. (3) Coverages shall be maintained without interruption from the date of commencement of the work until the date of completion and acceptance of the Project by the Owner or as specified in this Agreement, whichever is longer. (4) Certificates of insurance (3 copies) acceptable to the Owner shall be filed with the Owner w...
Landscape Plans. This item consists of the final design and drafting of the work area landscape restoration and planting plan, specifically for the BMPs and within the non-paved right-of-way of the project area.
Landscape Plans. MD SHA shall provide the landscape plan and the vegetation removal plan.
Landscape Plans. The Town acknowledges that only the golf course grasses will be installed in conjunction with the golf course in Phase 1 and Phase 2, while other trees, boulders, shrubs, and other landscape material will be installed as the golf course and residential community continues to develop. An as-built of the landscape plan depicting the initial location of trees, boulders, shrubs, irrigation plans, and any other landscaping improvements shall be submitted to the Town within two (2) years of the execution of this Agreement. As-built landscape plans shall be submitted annually until the installation of new trees, boulders, and other landscape features is complete. Landscaping for future commercial and/or residential development shall be submitted with said future filings.
Landscape Plans. Prior to final site plan shall have submitted to the Director of Planning landscaping plan for the entire Property for the Direct-or Planning to review and approve for general consistency Plan and landscape ordinance requirements.
Landscape Plans. Drawing sets to consist of: layout, grading, and planting plans, as well as sections, details, materials, and specifications as required. • Two (2) copies, drawn to scale in metric & one (1) copy 11x17.
Landscape Plans. KAIZEN will prepare a full, detailed landscape plan including trees, shrubs, grasses, and groundcovers for the project site. The plan will include plantings for the proposed bioswale areas. Plan will include applicable planting details and final plan schedule.