Lead Hand Premium. Employees who are appointed to work as a Lead Hand shall receive a premium of one ($1.15) dollar and fifteen cents per hour in addition to his or her regular hourly rate of pay for all time so appointed.
Lead Hand Premium. An employee designated as a lead hand by management shall be paid the skilled 2 rate plus seventy-five (75¢) cents per hour for all hours worked as lead hand. All Lead Hand positions will be posted to allow interested employees to apply, but the position will be designated by Management.
Lead Hand Premium. In stores where night stocking is in effect, there will be one
(1) clerk appointed to be “in charge” of the night stocking crew to be known as the “Lead Hand”. A premium rate of one ($1.00) dollar per hour will be paid to the “Lead Hand” for all full hours so appointed.
Lead Hand Premium. The employee who, at the request of the Board, acts as lead hand for a group of five (5) employees or more shall receive for each hour of work when he or she acts as such an hourly premium according to the rate in effect: $0.89/hour $0.90/hour $0.91/hour $0.93/hour $0.95/hour The premium does not apply to employees whose class of employment involves the supervision of a group of employees.
Lead Hand Premium. There shall be one (1) employee appointed on night stocking crew to act as Lead Hand. A premium of one ($1.00) dollar per hour will be paid to the Lead Hand over and above any other premiums they would be entitled to under the terms of the Collective Agreement for all time so appointed, including General Holiday pay and overtime. On days where the Lead Hand is not available, another employee on that shift will be given the premium.
Lead Hand Premium. The Lead Hand Premium shall be one dollar ($1.00) per hour worked by Driver and Sorter Lead Hands.
Lead Hand Premium. In recognition of additional departmental duties including but not limited to some of the day to day decision making, some staffing assignments, primary contact with management, training and training assignments the Employer shall pay a fifty ($.50) cent per hour lead hand premium to a lead hand in the recycling, wood working, sewing, packaging and direct service professional departments. Lead hand postings will contain a job description with exact skills and qualifications required to perform all aspects of the job. In all cases the position will be awarded to the successful applicant based on seniority, skills and ability.
Lead Hand Premium. Where the College determines that it is required, a Lead Hand may be designated within a work group, giving due consideration to the ability, qualifications required for the position and seniority, in making the appointment. Where the College assigns an employee to Lead Hand responsibilities, the employee shall be entitled to a premium in the amount of seventy-five (75) cents per hour over his/her then current classification rate for all hours worked during such assignment. The premium shall be payable for all hours worked but shall not form part of the employee's straight time hourly rate for the purposes of overtime or other premium pay.
Lead Hand Premium. The Company will post onto the bulletin board(s) all vacancies forLead Hand positions providing an opportunity for all employees to apply. The Company will make the selection at its sole discretion and such selection shall not be subject to any provisions in the Collective Agreement including, but not limited to, seniority, job postings and grievance procedures. The parties agree to a Lead Hand rate of eighty-five cents ($0.85) per hour over and above the employee’s normal rate of pay effective September 26, 2020. The parties further agree that the lead hand rate mentioned above will be increased to one dollar ($1.00) effective November 1
Lead Hand Premium. The Company will post onto the bulletin board(s) all vacancies forLead Hand positions providing an opportunity for all employees to apply. The Company will make the selection at its sole discretion and such selection shall not be subject to any provisions in the Collective Agreement including, but not limited to, seniority, job postings and grievance procedures. The parties agree to a Lead Hand rate of seventy-five cents ($0.75) per hour over and above the employee’s normal rate of pay. The employee selected as Lead Hand may be returned to their original position at their request or at the Company’s request.