Banked Hours. [RESERVED]
Banked Hours. Thirteen (13) hours will be provided for each special education and classroom Para educator to be used throughout the year, to benefit student instruction. The use of these hours is to be approved in advance by the building principal.
Banked Hours. A maximum of one hundred and twenty (120) hours of earned overtime may be accrued as banked hours and may be withdrawn in whole or in part at their regular rate in time off, to be taken at a mutually agreeable time. Seven (7) days’ notice of intent to withdraw banked hours must be given to Management. Employees leaving the service of the Employer shall be paid out all remaining hours in their overtime bank.
Banked Hours. If a full-time faculty member’s total load hours resulting from teaching assignments are in excess of fifteen (15) load hours, the faculty member may elect to bank those overload hours for use in subsequent semesters in place of fifteen (15) regular load hours for teaching assignments. A faculty member may accumulate a maximum of three (3) overload hours to be designated as banked hours. The use of banked hours to establish load shall be done with the approval of the Xxxx or designee and must not cause the academic program undue hardship. The faculty member must notify the Xxxx at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the start of the semester in which they wish to use banked hours. Banked hours may not be claimed as payment in subsequent semesters. When a faculty member declares retirement and has banked hours accumulated, they must use the banked hours as part of their regular load prior to their retirement date and according to any pre-retirement planning guidelines. If a faculty member announces a separation from the College, they must use the banked hours as part of their regular load prior to their separation date. Faculty whose load is determined by clock hours are not eligible to accumulate or apply banked hours.
Banked Hours. A maximum of 120 hours, converted to the equivalent of dollars based on the hourly rate at which it was earned, may be accrued and may be withdrawn by an employee in whole or in part at their regular rate at time of withdrawal. In the event an employee also wishes time off, such time will be by mutual agreement and subject to the operating needs of the business.
Banked Hours. The positive difference, if any, of 125 hours minus the actual curtailment hours for a Calendar Year
Banked Hours. (a) Employees shall have the option to bank overtime, additional earnings, or extra time worked, at the rate of pay at which it was earned, as noted in this Article:
Banked Hours. 1 Employee can bank wages at any time during the year .2 Wages from banked hours can be withdrawn at any time .3 Banked hours cannot be used for additional time off
Banked Hours. The following defines the conditions under which overtime hours may be banked in lieu of receiving overtime pay. Overtime hours may be banked and paid at the rate of one regular hour worked for one hour off. The first four (4) hours will count towards double time (8 Hours overtime worked can be 4 hours banked and 4 hours at 1.5 times. Next overtime hours are double time in the same week)
i. Subject to the requirements of the Employment Standards Act, which require that overtime be paid after 44 hours per week, authorized overtime less than 44 hours per week may be banked one for one, upon the request of the employee and with the agreement of the Manager/Supervisor.
ii. The minimum deposit to banked hours will be at ½ hour increments and ¼ increments thereafter. The maximum deposit to banked hours will be 8 hours in any one week for production/hourly and product service employees and 7.5 hours in any one week for Office/Salaried employees.
iii. Production/Hourly and Product Service employees may bank hours up to a maximum 40 hours and Office/Salaried employees may bank hours up to a maximum of 37.5 hours.
iv. Minimum withdrawal will be ¼ hour for any one transaction. Maximum withdrawal will be 40 hours for Production/Hourly and Product Service employees and 37.5 hours for Office/Salaried employees for any one transaction.
v. Requests to use banked time must be made in advance and mutually agreed upon with the employee and the Manager/Supervisor. Note: business requirements and coverage take precedence when determining whether banked hours can be withdrawn. Permission will not be unreasonably withheld.
15 min 1 day notice
1 day 1 week notice 1 week 2 weeks notice
1 day 2 days notice 1 week 1 weeks notice
Banked Hours a) Full time employees working approved scheduled overtime will be allowed to bank hours at 1.5 times, in lieu of receiving overtime pay.
b) Employees that voluntarily work additional hours at SMILE Services Inc. fundraising events, e.g. Bingo, Parade, will be given time for time. These hours will be banked at straight time.
c) The employees will not be allowed to accumulate banked hours in excess of thirty-two (32) hours.
d) Banked hours can be used by employees at any time with written request and approval by the Manager.
e) Banked hours must be used before the end of the fiscal year and may not be carried over into the next fiscal year except in special circumstances with approval of the Manager.