MANAGEMENT AND UNION STEWARDS MEETING. (a) Upon request a person or persons designated by the Employer and empowered to act on a subject will meet with the Union Stewards on a monthly basis, to review problems that may arise concerning the application and operation of the collective agreement. It is agreed that the Union staff representative may attend these meetings from time to time.
(b) All Stewards will be permitted to attend such meetings without loss of pay. Meetings will be scheduled at the Employer’s discretion.
(c) Minutes shall be kept as a record of the matters discussed during these meetings.
(d) Where the Shop Chairperson agrees there are no problems it will not be necessary to convene the monthly meetings.
(e) It is agreed that this Article satisfies the requirement for a joint consultation committee for the purposes of Section 53 of the Labour Relations Code.
MANAGEMENT AND UNION STEWARDS MEETING. (a) Upon request a person or persons designated by the Employer and empowered to act on a subject will meet with the Union Stewards on a monthly basis, to review problems that may arise concerning the application and operation of the Collective Agreement.
(b) All Stewards will be permitted to attend such meetings without loss of pay, but there must be no resulting overtime or other premium costs to the Employer.
(c) Minutes shall be kept as a record of the matters discussed during these meetings.
(d) Where the Shop Chairperson agrees there are no problems, it will not be necessary to convene the monthly meeting.
(e) The Shop Stewards will meet once a month as provided by the terms of this subsection.
MANAGEMENT AND UNION STEWARDS MEETING. (a) Upon request, a person or persons designated by the Employer and empowered to act on a subject will meet with the Union Stewards on a monthly basis, to review problems that may arise concerning the application and operation of the Collective Agreement. It is agreed that the Union staff representative may attend these meetings from time to time.
(b) The timing of the meeting referred to in paragraph (a) above shall be mutually agreed to between the Employer and the Chief Shop Xxxxxxx, and shall be consistent with the needs of the operation. A Shop Xxxxxxx, who is otherwise scheduled to be working at the time the meeting is to be held, shall be entitled to leave his/her work duties to attend the meeting without loss of regular pay.
(c) Minutes shall be kept as a record of the matters discussed during these meetings.
MANAGEMENT AND UNION STEWARDS MEETING. (a) Upon request a person or persons designated by the Employer and empowered to act on a subject will meet with the Union Stewards on a monthly basis, to review problems that may arise concerning the application and operation of the Collective Agreement. It is agreed that the Union staff representative may attend these meetings from time to time.
(b) All Stewards will be permitted to attend such meetings with pay, but there must be no resulting overtime or other premium costs to the Employer.
(c) Minutes shall be kept as a record of the matters discussed during these meetings.
(d) Where the Shop Xxxxxxx agrees there are no problems it will not be necessary to convene the monthly meetings.
(e) The scheduling of such meetings will be consistent with the needs of the operation.
(f) It is agreed that this Article satisfies the requirement to establish a joint consultation committee for the purposes of Section 53 of the Labour Relations Code.
(a) Upon request a person or persons designated by the Employer and empowered to act on a subject will meet with the Union Stewards on a quarterly basis, unless the parties mutually agree that more frequent meetings are required, to review problems that may arise concerning the application and operation of the Collective Agreement. It is agreed that the Union’s local staff representative and/or the National Union’s Staff Representative may attend these meetings. Each party may place any item it wishes on the agenda for meetings under this section, by written notice to the other party, provided that only items that are placed on the agenda at least seven (7) calendar days before the meeting may be discussed, unless both parties mutually agree otherwise.
(b) The meetings referred to in Article 5.02(a) shall consist of not more than six (6) management representatives, and not more than one (1) shop xxxxxxx per department, and the meetings will be scheduled outside the scheduled working hours of the shop stewards. Attending shop stewards shall be paid straight time wages for all time spent in these meetings.
(c) Minutes shall be kept as a record of the matters discussed during these meetings. (d) When the Shop Chairperson and the Management Representative agree that there are no problems, it will not be necessary to convene the quarterly meetings.
MANAGEMENT AND UNION STEWARDS MEETING. Upon request a person or persons designated by the employer and empowered to act on a subject will meet with the Union Stewards on a monthly basis, to review problems that may arise concerning the appli- cation and operation of the Collective Agreement. All Stewards will be permitted to attend such meetings without loss of pay, but there must be no resulting overtime or other premium costs to the employer. Minutes shall be kept as a record of the matters discussed during these meetings. Where the Shop Chairperson agrees there are no problems, it will not be necessary to convene the monthly meeting.
MANAGEMENT AND UNION STEWARDS MEETING. (a) Upon request a person or persons designated by the Employer and empowered to act on a subject will meet with the Union Stewards on a monthly basis, to review problems that may arise concerning the application and operation of the collective agreement. It is agreed that the Union staff representative may attend these meetings from time to time.
(b) A maximum of three (3) Shop Stewards will be permitted to attend such meetings and they will be paid for the time spent in such meetings at straight time rates. The time and location of such meetings will be mutually agreed between the Parties.
(c) Minutes shall be kept as a record of the matters discussed during these meetings. The Union Stewards and the Employer shall agree on the minutes within two (2) weeks of each meeting.
(d) Where the Parties mutually agree that there are no problems, it will not be necessary to convene the monthly meetings.
(e) It is agreed that this Article satisfies the requirement for a joint consultation committee for the purposes of Section 53 of the Labour Relations Code.
MANAGEMENT AND UNION STEWARDS MEETING. (a) Upon request a person or persons designated by the Employer and empowered to act on a subject will meet with the Union Stewards on a monthly basis, to review problems that may arise concerning the application and operation of the Collective Agreement.
(b) All Stewards will be permitted to attend such meetings without loss of pay, but there must be no resulting overtime or other premium costs to the Employer.
(c) Minutes shall be kept as a record of the matters discussed during these meetings.
(d) Where the Grievance Chairperson agrees there are no problems it will not be necessary to convene the monthly meeting.
MANAGEMENT AND UNION STEWARDS MEETING. Upon request a person or persons designated by the employer and empowered to act on a subject will meet with the Union Stewards on a monthly basis, to review problems that may arise concerning the appli- cation and operation of the Collective Agreement. All Stewards will be permitted to attend such meetings without loss of pay, but there must be no re- sulting overtime or other premium costs to the em- ployer. Minutes shall be kept as a record of the matters discussed during these meetings. Where the Shop Chairperson agrees there are no problems, it will not be necessary to convene the monthly meeting.
MANAGEMENT AND UNION STEWARDS MEETING. On the request of either part, the parties shall meet at least once every two (2) months until this agreement is terminated, for the purpose of discussing issues relating to the workplace that affect the parties or any employee bound by this agreement.