Management Information and Reporting Sample Clauses

Management Information and Reporting. 9.1 Each month, Support Services will provide the following reporting; 9.1.1 A list of all named Users 9.1.2 Any exceptions on system usage or performance that require local review.
Management Information and Reporting. 4.1 DECC will manage the Contract. An internal agreement will be put in place between DECC and DCLG to ensure EPBD interests are fully represented. 4.2 We would expect the Contractor to appoint a single point of contact for DECC. This point of contact will need to provide a name, telephone number and e-mail address as a minimum. For urgent information, or for Freedom of Information Requests, this nominated person will be directly responsible on behalf of the Contractor for ensuring deadlines are met and all legal requirements are complied with. 4.3 DECC will hold a quarterly meeting to discuss performance over the previous 3 months and demand projections for the next quarter. The Contractor will be expected to submit a quarterly report to DECC ahead of these meetings summarising performance in the previous quarter, the contents and format of this report will be agreed with DECC. 4.4 The Contractor will attend an annual performance meeting to discuss the previous year and the year ahead. This might also include the Contractor producing a short business plan for the year ahead to be approved by DECC (who will consult with other Government Departments). 4.5 The Contractor will be responsible for the collection and presentation of data to satisfy DECC & DCLG’s reporting objectives. This information will need to be supplied to DECC, and may need to be supplied to wider Government and the Devolved Administrations, and other referral partners. 4.6 For the EPBD functions, the Contractor will be required to submit an annual report covering all the tasks set out in the specification and with a particular focus on compliance with the EPBD operating requirements for accreditation schemes, actions taken as a result of weekly reports from accreditation schemes and working with auditors for the purpose of quality assurance, in line with the outputs in the specification. 4.7 Below are examples of management reports which could be requested, however this is not an exhaustive list. The exact level of management information required will be established during the set-up phase in consultation with DECC & DCLG. The type of reports required will centre on service efficiency, customer satisfaction, and management information. • Efficiency reports (including total Advisers, Installers, Providers registered, average waiting time during registration etc.) will be required at regular intervals • Breakdown of monitoring undertaken (including number of site visits, total ex post site ...
Management Information and Reporting. 2.27.1 The Prime Contractor shall supply Government Departments with the information specified in the Contract no later than 7 (seven) Working Days after the end of the agreed reporting period. 2.27.2 In addition to performance reporting the Prime Contractor shall provide the following Management Information, monthly: a) Levels of Fraud incidents and/or known unauthorised encashment of Card(s) which may include the following: Total number and value of Transactions. Card based Cards issued that have not been used within 30 (thirty) calendar days. Number of reported incidents (faulty, stolen, lost and non-received Cards). Number of investigations/referrals to Government Departments. Number and type of internal supplier investigations and outcomes. Number of replacement Cards issued and reasons. Other information reasonably requested by the Government Departments; or such information as agreed between the Parties from time to time. b) Authorised Customer activity Accounts with no activity in preceding 6 (six) months. Payments not accessed within 3 (three) months. Payments not accessed within 7 (seven) days. ePayments not used on day of issue. ePayments not used within 5 (five) calendar days of issue; c) Account activity Accounts receiving individual payments in excess of £3,000 (GBP three thousand) Accounts receiving multiple payments, with individual payments in excess of £3,000 (GBP three thousand). Accounts with balances in excess of £5,000. (GBP five thousand); and d) Management Information requirements in relation to the Faster Payments Service to be agreed when detail of the Service and processes are available, and all other information as agreed between the Parties from time to time.
Management Information and Reporting. 4.7.1 DECC will manage the contract. We would expect the service provider to appoint a single point of contact for DECC. This point of contact will need to provide a name, telephone number and e-mail address as a minimum. For urgent information (e.g. PQs), or for Freedom of Information Requests, this nominated person will be directly responsible on behalf of the service provider for ensuring deadlines are met and all legal requirements are complied with. 4.7.2 DECC will hold a monthly meeting to discuss performance and development over the previous months and projections for the next month. The supplier will be expected to submit a monthly report to DECC ahead of these meetings summarising performance and development in the previous month. The contents and format of this report will be agreed with DECC. 4.7.3 The service provider will be responsible for the collection and presentation of data to satisfy DECC’s reporting objectives for the annual and monthly updates to the ETL as well as other requirements as necessary. This information will need to be supplied to DECC, and will need to be supplied to wider Government and may be the Devolved Administrations. 4.7.4 In addition to Section 4.6, further information is likely to be required on an ad hoc basis. The type of reports required will centre on service efficiency, service impact, customer satisfaction, and management information. 4.7.5 The exact reporting requirements will be agreed with the supplier during the first six months of the service going live. 4.7.6 The service provider will also be required to hold regular meetings with the IT contractor, and possibly DECC, to discuss any IT issues or updates that need to be made to the IT infrastructure to deliver the ETL requirements.
Management Information and Reporting. The Schedule sets out the management information and reporting requirements applicable in the Contract
Management Information and Reporting. The Contracting Authorities shall: 4.5.1. Provide to the Supplier by a date specified by the Contracting Authorities following the month in which the salary has been paid, notification of Payroll Giving deductions from the Contracting Authority’s payroll. 4.5.2. Provide the notification of Payroll Giving deductions by encrypted data upload, using the Government Gateway. The Supplier shall accept the notification in this format and potentially others as listed below:  ‘Soft Copyelectronic format provided by email  ‘Hard Copy’ document. The Supplier shall provide: 4.5.3. A monthly report which includes, as a minimum: Total funds received in arrears; Time taken to distribute funds; Details of any issues there have been regarding the distribution of funds; Details of any donations that have not been distributed and the reasons; Any information received from Users about the level of service provided; Any complaints, issues or suggestions for improvement and any corresponding actions being taken or recommendations for action. 4.5.4. Suppliers shall provide to Contracting Authorities at no additional cost a quarterly report of the top 20 charities supported via Payroll Giving and totals for each.
Management Information and Reporting. 4.12.1. The Supplier shall provide to CSL, a monthly report which includes, as a minimum: ● User satisfaction survey of digital provision ● Spend by CSL and its customers ● Performance against KPIs / SLAs, including the availability of the learning ● Web platform and issues arising within warranty ● Change controls ● Any information received from Users about the level of service provided ● Any information that will ensure the continued security and maintainability of the website. ● Any complaints, issues or suggestions for improvement and any corresponding actions being taken or recommendations for action. 4.12.2. The Supplier shall provide to CSL tailored Management Information to an agreed frequency of delivery, which shall include the above information and any additional information requested. This shall be agreed at Call Off contract Stage.
Management Information and Reporting. 4.7.1. The Supplier shall inform the Contracting Authorities via the monthly report of all instances where vouchers / gift cards have been issued incorrectly for any reason; what the remedies were; how long it took to correct matters, and what the effect was on the recipient. 4.7.2. The Supplier shall provide a monthly report which includes, as a minimum: Total monthly spend; Number of vouchers / gift cards issued by recipient name; Number of vouchers / gift cards issued by retail outlet; Confirmation that recipients are receiving the correct payment on the dates specified by ordering officers; Any information received from recipients about the level of service provided; and Any complaints, issues or suggestions for improvement and any corresponding actions being taken or recommendations for action. 4.7.3. The Supplier shall provide to CSEP and the Contracting Authorities tailored Management Information to an agreed frequency of delivery which should include the above information and any additional information where requested. 4.7.4. The Supplier shall provide to the Authority, CSEP and Contracting Authorities any Freedom of Information Act (FoIA) information that the Supplier holds within mutually agreed timescales.
Management Information and Reporting. The Supplier shall provide to Contracting Authorities, a monthly report which includes, as a minimum:  Spend by Contracting Authority  Spend through SME’s  Performance against KPI’s / SLA’s  Savings  Any information received from Users about the level of service provided  Any complaints, issues or suggestions for improvement and any corresponding actions being taken or recommendations for action.
Management Information and Reporting. 4.4.1. The Supplier shall provide Contracting Authorities with Management Information for which it can measure usage against its investment. 4.4.2. The Supplier shall provide to Contracting Authorities, a monthly report which includes, as a minimum: Number of Users registered; Number of Users that have placed an order; Total monthly spend; Spend per User; Any information received from Users about the level of service provided; Any complaints, issues or suggestions for improvement and any corresponding actions being taken or recommendations for action. 4.4.3. The Supplier shall provide to CSEP and the Contracting Authorities tailored Management Information to an agreed frequency of delivery which should include the above information and any additional information where requested. 4.4.4. The Supplier shall provide to the Authority, CSEP and Contracting authorities any Freedom of Information Act (FoIA) information that the Supplier holds within mutually agreed timescales.