Mandated Reporting. CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to annually train all staff members, including volunteers, so that they are familiar with and agree to adhere to its own child and dependent adult abuse reporting obligations and procedures as specified in California Penal Code section 11164, et seq., and maintain documentation of such trainings. To protect the privacy rights of all parties involved (i.e., reporter, child and alleged abuser), reports will remain confidential as required by law and professional ethical mandates. The contractor shall acknowledge the legal requirements and maintain written documentation and verification of staff training and adherence to such reporting including timelines, which shall be submitted upon request to the SELPA and the LEA (EC § 44691). CONTRACTOR shall further ensure that its SUBCONTRACTORS are similarly trained.
Mandated Reporting. Immediate reporting required from a mandated reporter of suspected maltreatment when the mandated reporter has reasonable cause to believe that an individual known to the mandated reporter in a professional or official capacity may be Abused or Neglected
Mandated Reporting. CONTRACTOR shall provide initial and on-going training and staff development that includes 2 but is not limited to the following:
Mandated Reporting. Contractor, and their employees, must comply with any applicable laws concerning the mandated reporting of abuse or neglect of children, elders age 60 and older or dependent adults, ages 18 to 59. Appropriate mandated reporter training is available from the County's Human Services Department through the Family, Youth and Children Services and Adult Protective Services Divisions. Any person who is not a mandated reporter, who knows or reasonably suspects, that a child or elder or dependent adult has been a victim of abuse may report that abuse to the appropriate Human Services Division or local law enforcement.
Mandated Reporting. The Family Resource Center staff are, by law, mandated reporters, and as such will report a child’s disclosure of abuse or a suspicion of abuse to the Department of Children and Families. It is not the responsibility of the FRC staff to investigate the accuracy of the disclosure or suspicion. In developing the Family Resource Center’s gift-giving policy, for supervised parenting time, the following issues are considered: • The potential for manipulation of the child by the parent through gift-giving; • The potential for the gift to create a trigger that reminds the child of prior abuse; • The opportunity for the parent/visitor to use the gift as a means to communicate with the other parent, contrary to court order; • The socio-economic constraints of some parents, and the possible embarrassment a child may feel when seeing other children receive gifts at visits; • The potential for other families to feel as though they must compete with the gifts; • The need to treat all program participants fairly; • The fact that, in dependency out-of-home cases, parents are often encouraged to bring toys, clothes, food, etc. to visits with their child(ren); • The “normal” expectation of a child to receive a gift on or around his/her birthday, or certain holidays; • The degree to which (if at all), food brought to the visit is to be considered a gift; • The degree to which (if at all), money, gift cards, or items such as diapers and formula are to be considered gifts, when provided by the parent/visitor for the benefit, care, and/or maintenance of the child. The Family Resource Center permits gift-giving with the following minimum provisions: • For the safety of children and other individuals present at the supervised parenting time, all gifts brought for the child must be unwrapped or in a gift bag to allow for staff inspection prior to the visit; • Any items brought to the supervised parenting time session but not permitted in the visitation room will be secured and returned to the parent/visitor at the conclusion of the visit; • The Executive Director (or designated staff person) has the authority to prohibit the giving of a gift in any situation where it appears that the gift may be inappropriate, potentially harmful, or disturbing to the child or non-supervised parent. The gift giving policy also includes the following minimum provisions in cases involving allegations (or known issues) of domestic violence and/or sexual abuse: • FRC staff will require that the paren...
Mandated Reporting. AD. CONTRACTOR shall provide initial and on-going training and staff development that includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Orientation to the program’s goals and P&Ps, and FSP program philosophies
2. Training on subjects as required by state regulations
3. Recovery philosophy, client empowerment and strength-based services
4. Crisis intervention and de-escalation
5. Co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorder
6. Motivational interviewing
7. EBPs that support recovery 8. Outreach and engagement
Mandated Reporting. All clinical service providers at The Family Institute are mandated reporters. This obligates them to comply with the Abused and Neglected Child Report Act that states that any worker “having reasonable cause to believe a child known to them in their professional capacity may be an abused or neglected child shall immediately report or cause a report to be made to the Department.” All mandated reporters in the State of Illinois are also required to report suspected or reported “abuse, neglect or financial exploitation” of individuals over the age of 60 years to the Department of Aging.
Mandated Reporting. SCCD acknowledges that its faculty and any SCCD employee who has direct contact with minors are considered mandated reporters of child abuse. SCCD representatives whose programs are located on HTHCV campuses will be trained in accordance with the law.
Mandated Reporting. 27 L. CONTRACTOR shall provide initial and on-going training and staff development that includes 28 but is not limited to the following:
29 1. Orientation to the program’s goals, and P&Ps;
30 2. Training on subjects as required by state regulations;
31 3. Orientation to the services section, as outlined in the Services Section of this Exhibit A to the 32 Agreement;
33 4. Recovery philosophy and individual empowerment;
34 5. Crisis intervention and de-escalation;
35 6. Substance abuse and dependence; and
36 7. Motivational interviewing. 37 M. PERFORMANCE OUTCOMES
1 1. CONTRACTOR shall be required to achieve, track and report Performance Outcome
Mandated Reporting. In accordance with applicable law, Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Board of Governors and University policies and procedures/standards, all Sponsor employees, subcontractors and volunteers who provide a program, activity or service under this agreement that are responsible for the care, supervision, guidance or control of minors are considered to be mandated reporters of suspected cases of child abuse and shall be trained as if designated a mandated reporter by Pennsylvania law. All mandated reporters shall make an immediate report of suspected child abuse or cause a report to be made if they have reasonable cause to suspect that a child is victim of child abuse under any of the following circumstances:
16.1 The mandated reporter comes into contact with the child in the course of employment, occupation, and practice of a profession or through a regularly scheduled program, activity, or service;
16.2 A person makes a specific disclosure to the mandated reporter that an identifiable child is the victim of child abuse; or
16.3 An individual 14 years of age or older makes a specific disclosure to the mandated reporter that the individual has committed child abuse. The minor is not required to come before the mandated reporter in order for the mandated reporter to make a report of suspected child abuse. The mandated reporter does not need to determine the identity of the person responsible for the child abuse to make a report of suspected child abuse.