Maternity Leave Maternity benefits are for the mother only and cannot be shared between the two parents. a) Every Employee who becomes pregnant shall notify the Employer in writing of the pregnancy at least four weeks before the day she intends to commence the leave, and, subject to subsection (b), shall be granted leave of absence without pay for a total period not to exceed seventeen (17) consecutive weeks consisting of two periods as follows: i) a maximum of eleven weeks prior to the expected termination date of the pregnancy; and ii) notwithstanding (i) above, an Employee may elect to use earned vacation and/or compensatory leave credits prior to and subsequent to, use of unpaid maternity leave but total leave shall not exceed 11 weeks prior to and 26 weeks after the termination of pregnancy. b) An Employee who has not commenced maternity leave without pay may elect to use her sick leave credits up to and beyond the date that the pregnancy terminates, subject to the provisions set out in the Sick Leave Article. For purposes of this clause, illness or injury as defined in Article 35 shall include medical disability related to pregnancy. c) At its discretion, the Employer may require an Employee to submit a Medical certificate certifying pregnancy. d) Where an Employee commences maternity leave at a date later than eleven (11) weeks prior to the expected date of termination of the pregnancy, the Employer may request submission of a e) Leave granted under this clause shall be counted for the calculation of “continuous employment” for the purpose of calculating severance pay and vacation leave. Time spent on such leave shall be counted for pay increment purposes. f) An Employee who has requested a leave of absence may return to work before the period is over with the consent of the Employer, or by giving the Employer four (4) weeks of notice in writing of the day of intended return to work. The required notices are to
Parental Leave (a) A nurse who becomes a parent of a child is eligible to take a parental leave in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act, except where amended in this provision. (b) A nurse who has taken a pregnancy leave under Article 11.07 is eligible to be granted a parental leave of up to thirty-five (35) weeks' duration, in accordance with the Employment Standards Act. A nurse who is eligible for a parental leave who is the natural father or is an adoptive parent may extend the parental leave for a period of up to twelve (12) months’ duration, consideration being given to any requirements of adoption authorities. In cases of adoption, the nurse shall advise the hospital as far in advance as possible with respect to a prospective adoption and shall request the leave of absence, in writing, upon receipt of confirmation of the pending adoption. If, because of late receipt of confirmation of the pending adoption, the nurse finds it impossible to request the leave of absence in writing, the request may be made verbally and subsequently verified in writing. (c) The nurse shall be reinstated to her or his former position, unless that position has been discontinued, in which case the nurse shall be given a comparable job. (d) Nurses newly hired to replace nurses who are on approved parental leave may be released and such release shall not be the subject of a grievance or arbitration. If retained by the Hospital, in a permanent position, the nurse shall be credited with seniority from date of hire subject to successfully completing her or his probationary period. The nurse shall be credited with xxxxx worked (hours worked for nurses whose regular hours of work are other than the standard work day) towards the probationary period provided in Article 10.01 (a) to a maximum of 30 tours (225 hours for nurses whose regular hours of work are other than the standard work day). The Hospital will outline to nurses hired to fill such temporary vacancies, the circumstances giving rise to the vacancy and the special conditions relating to such employment. (e) On confirmation by the Employment Insurance Commission of the appropriateness of the Hospital's Supplemental Unemployment Benefit (SUB) Plan, a nurse who is on parental leave as provided under this Agreement who has applied for and is in receipt of Employment Insurance parental benefits pursuant to Section 20 of the Employment Insurance Act shall be paid a supplemental employment benefit. That benefit will be equivalent to the difference between eighty-four (84%) percent of the nurse's regular weekly earnings and the sum of her or his weekly Employment Insurance benefits and any other earnings. Such payment shall commence following completion of the two week Employment Insurance waiting period, and receipt by the Hospital of the employee's Employment Insurance cheque stub as proof that she or he is in receipt of Employment Insurance parental benefits and shall continue while the nurse is in receipt of such benefits for a maximum period of ten