Permanent and Probationary Employees Sample Clauses

Permanent and Probationary Employees. Except in the case of dismissal for just cause, thirty (30) calendar days notice in writing shall be given to permanent and probationary employees whose services are to be terminated. If such notice is not given, the employees shall be paid for the number of days by which the period of notice was reduced.
Permanent and Probationary Employees. Permanent and probationary employees shall give the President thirty (30) calendar days written notice of intention to terminate employment.
Permanent and Probationary Employees. Pursuant to the provisions of Education Code Sections 44955 and 44949, seniority shall be determined by the first day of rendered paid, unbroken service as a probationary Adult School Teacher. As between employees who first rendered paid, unbroken service to the District on the same date, the following criteria shall be used: Education Code Section 44955(b); The greater number of hours as an hourly certificated employee at the end of the year preceding the ranking shall have the highest seniority; In the event that ties still exist, the remaining ties shall be broken by lot.
Permanent and Probationary Employees. When a permanent or probationary employee is injured in the performance of his duties, or incurs an industrial illness, and the accident or illness is compensable under the provisions of The Workers' Compensation Act, the following provisions shall apply: Total compensation received by an employee shall not exceed normal earnings. Permanent and probationary employees shall be compensated on the following basis: A) From and including the date of injury until not more than one (1) year from the date of injury, the employee shall receive his normal earnings and any benefits payable from Workers' Compensation shall be paid directly to the Corporation on behalf of the employee; B) After one (1) year from the date of injury to not more than two
Permanent and Probationary Employees. (I) All Permanent and Probationary Employees within the Scope of this Agreement shall be paid eight (8) hours pay at their regular rate for each of the following Holidays. Permanent employees on sick leave of absence with pay shall receivethe same consideration and remuneration. X. Xxx Year's Day Good Friday Easter Monday Victoria Day Canada Day Civic Holiday Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Remembrance Day Christmas Day Boxing Day Proclaimed Holidays In addition to the above-noted Holidays, any other Holidays proclaimed by the Lieutenant-Governor or Governor-General shall be subject to the provisions of this Article. Limitation the provisionsof this Article, any entitlement to Holiday Pay therein described, will cease when an employee becomes eligible-to receive Long Term benefits or when the employee has been in' receipt of Worker's Compensation benefits for a period of six (6) or more continuous months. Work Performed on Holidays Permanent and Probationary Employees called upon to work on any of the Holidays provided for under Article and Article shall be paid, in addition to the pay under Article time and one-half (1%) their regular rate per hour for all hours worked with a guaranteed of four (4) hours pay for four (4) hours work or less. A Permanent or Probationary Employee to qualify to be paid for a Holiday (Article or Proclaimed Holiday (Article must work the Employee's regular shift before and after such Holiday or Proclaimed Holiday unless said employee is on annual vacation sick leave of absence with pay or on an approved Leave of Absence. Day or Civic Holiday The lieu days for all holidays may be taken prior to the actual date of the paid holiday. Should an employee who has taken a lieu day prior to the actual date of the holiday, leave the employ of the Corporation, the cost of same shall be recovered from his or her final pay. Student Employees (1) eight (8) hours pay at their regular rate for each of the following Holidays: New Year's Day Good Friday Victoria Day Canada Day Labour Day Christmas Day
Permanent and Probationary Employees. 1 - TERM OF AGREEMENT 13 2 - SCOPE 13
Permanent and Probationary Employees. This Part shall be applicable to permanent and probationary employees within its scope as follows:
Permanent and Probationary Employees. ARTICLE 3 -
Permanent and Probationary Employees a) When a Permanent or probationary employee is injured in the performance of his duties, or incurs an industrial illness, and the accident or illness is compensable under the provisions of The Workers' Compensation Act, the following provisions shall apply: b) Total compensation received by an employee shall not exceed normal earnings. Permanent and probationary employees shall be compensated on the following basis: i) from and including the date of injury until not more than one (1) year from the date of injury, the employee shall receive his normal earnings and any benefits payable from Workers' Compensation shall be paid directly to the Employer on behalf of the employee; ii) after one (1) year from the date of injury to not more than two (2) years from the date of injury or until the employee's sick leave credits are exhausted, whichever occurs first, the employee shall receive his normal earnings and any benefits payable from Workers' Compensation shall be paid directly to the Employer on behalf of the employee. The difference between the employee's normal earnings and the benefit payable from Workers' Compensation will be charged against the employee's available sick leave credits; iii) for purposes above the Permanent Part-Time employee's normal earnings shall be the average of his last four (4) pay periods or as defined by the Workers’ Compensation Board whichever is greater; iv) pending receipt of payments from the Workers' Compensation Board, an employee shall receive normal earnings, provided however, that the Employer in its discretion may limit such earnings to the amount of an employee's accumulated sick leave credits as at the commencement of the employee’s disability. Proof of disability will be required before such payments are made; v) after two (2) years from the date of injury or when the employee's sick leave credits are exhausted, whichever occurs first, the employee shall receive payments directly from the Workers' Compensation Board only. 2024 – 2025 2.1%; Retro; bump the bottom pay band for the Inspectors to $24 f 2025 – 2026 2% Effective October 1, 2023 3% Accounting Administrator $21.229 – $26.602 Brands Register and Licensing Officer $22.927 – $28.730 Livestock Inspector $22.927 - $28.730 Accounting Clerk $24.759 - $31.032 Effective October 1, 2024 2.1% Accounting Administrator $21.675 - $27.160 Brands Register and Licensing Officer $23.408 - $29.333 Livestock Inspector $24.000 - $29.333 Accounting Clerk $25.279 - $31.684 Effec...

Related to Permanent and Probationary Employees

  • Probationary Employees Employees with permanent status will not be separated from state service through a layoff action without first being offered positions they have the skills and abilities to perform within their current job classification within the layoff unit currently held by probationary employees. Probationary employees will be separated from employment before permanent employees.

  • Probationary Employee The term "probationary employee" as used in this Agreement refers to a full-time bargaining unit employee who has received a probationary appointment and is serving a period of probation.

  • Probationary Employment All employees will initially be engaged on a three month probationary period on a Grade as nominated by the employer with monthly reviews during which time the employee's suitability for continued employment will be assessed. During this period the employer undertakes to provide monthly feedback to the employee in terms of the employee's progress. At the end of this three month period or before at the discretion of the employer should performance not be satisfactory the employee's services will be terminated by giving one (1) days notice. Should the employee choose to resign one (1) weeks notice must be provided to the employer. This period can be extended with the mutual agreement of both the employer and employee prior to completion of the probationary period. Upon satisfactory completion of the probationary period, the employee's position will be confirmed in writing

  • Probation for Newly Hired Employees (a) The Employer may reject a probationary employee for just cause. A rejection during probation shall not be considered a dismissal for the purpose of Article 11.2

  • Active Employees Active Employees who have not terminated service during the Plan Year and who meet the following requirements (select all that apply; leave blank if no exclusions): a. [ ] The Employee must be at least age (e.g., 55) b. [ ] The value of the sick and/or vacation leave must be at least $ (e.g., $2,000) c. [ ] A contribution will only be made if the total hours is over (e.g., 10) hours d. [ ] A contribution will not be made for hours in excess of (e.g., 40) hours

  • Permanent Employees The allocations outlined in paragraphs b) and c) above will be provided on the first day of each fiscal year, or the first day of employment, subject to the exceptions below: Where a permanent Employee is accessing sick leave and/or the short-term disability plan in a fiscal year and the absence continues into the following fiscal year for the same medical condition, the permanent Employee will continue to access any unused sick leave days or short-term disability days from the previous fiscal year’s allocation. A new allocation will not be provided to the permanent Employee until s/he has returned to work and completed eleven (11) consecutive working days at their regular working hours. The permanent Employee’s new sick leave allocation will be eleven (11) days at 100% wages. The permanent Employee will also be allocated one hundred and twenty (120) short term disability days payable at ninety percent (90%) of regular salary reduced by any paid sick days already taken in the current fiscal year. If a permanent Employee is absent on his/her last regularly scheduled work day and the first regularly scheduled work day of the following year for unrelated reasons, the allocation outlined above will be provided on the first day of the fiscal year, provided the employee submits medical documentation to support the absence, in accordance with paragraph (h).

  • Supervisory Employees ‌ For the purposes of this Article, the parties agree that Supervisory positions are those that are not excluded under Article 2.0 above and that satisfy the following criteria: a) Employees on Salary Schedule 01 who under Plan A "Nature of Supervision" have either Degree 3 (or higher) or its equivalent; b) Employees on Schedules 02 or 03 on condition they normally supervise other employees.

  • Project Employment A. Permanent project employees have layoff rights. Options will be determined using the procedure outlined in Sections 35.9 and 35.10, above. B. Permanent status employees who left regular classified positions to accept project employment without a break in service have layoff rights within the Employer in which they held permanent status to the job classification they held immediately prior to accepting project employment.

  • Permanent Employment (FULL - TIME & PART-TIME)

  • Permanent Part-Time Employees (1) Pay and benefits will be computed on a prorated monthly or pay period basis, such as one-half (½) monthly or pay period pay for a half-time employee, or pay will be computed on an hourly basis, and pay and benefits will be normally prorated on a pay period, pay status basis. Permanent part-time employees in permanent full-time positions will be treated as permanent part-time for purposes of this Article. (2) Employees paid on a fixed partial monthly basis shall have all extra hours worked over the regular part-time schedule paid at the hourly rate. Employees paid on a fixed partial monthly basis who work less than the regular part-time schedule shall have time deducted at the hourly rate.