Media Requirements Sample Clauses

Media Requirements. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Date Revision Name o Name “Media Requirements" replaced with “Media Requirements / Encounter Claims Files Submission Requirements” o Added clarity to segments Manual Override File, Secure FTP Server, Sending Encounter Data, Receiving Error Reports. o CMS Internet Policy was removed. o Removed Segment “Monthly Financial Report” o Removed “Care Management Provider” file • Section 7 Standard Data Values: Reviewed and confirmed CMS value sets; updated CMS Place of Service Telehealth description; added clarity to Table D table name; for Table G, allow use of 00 value if Servicing Provider Type is not listed, provided additional guidance / links for choosing appropriate Unit of Measure (Table O). • Section 8.0 Quantity and Quality Edits, Reasonability and Validity Checks o Added expectation that fields must be valid as well as complete. o MassHealth adding checks for gaps in fields “Diagnosis Code” and “Surgical Procedure Code” sequence. o MassHealth clarification for validations for fields “Void Reason Code”, “Diagnosis code(s)”, “Servicing Provider Specialty”, “Bundle Indicator”, “Bundle Claim Number”, and “Bundle Claim Suffix”. o Enhanced readability and description consistency • Section 9.0 Appendices / Member File / Member Enrollment File Specifications o Removed references to Care Management file o Added completeness validity expectations for Race, Language and Ethnicity and Entity PIDSL. o Revised validation language for consistency o Revised headers for Table of Contents clarity • Standardized terminology throughout for consistency and readability • Updated MCE Names in “Org. Code” fields in all applicable sections. • All references to “PCC Internal Provider ID” changed to match “PCC Provider ID” for consistency, including in Revision History. • Added formatting and minor language changes throughout to improve readability • Updated language to reflect ICD10 and HIPAA EDI use cases 05/03/2019 RENAMED: • Field #232 • old name - “FILLER” • new name - “Provider Payment” Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx 03/19/2019 Removed all the mentioning of potentially duplicate claims Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx
Media Requirements. The accepted media for file exchange are: 650Mb CD ROM or DVD-ROM, or through Email or Internet FTP site. Media will have a label indicating the contents and how the files were loaded, and should be accompanied with a supporting letter of documentation, which describes the contents and downloading procedure. Emailed files will contain the above information. If a FTP site is used, an email or mailed documentation of the above information will be sent in conjunction with the file delivery. NJDOT encourages the consultant community to use the Internet as the simplest and quickest option for delivering/receiving electronic files. Attaching files to E-mail and forwarding those to the appropriate addressee could accomplish this. Files that are to be transferred via the Internet should be in PKZIP compressed format, not to exceed 100 MB in size. The delivery of the files to the NJDOT does not preclude the consultant from delivering a set of mylars as the final deliverable for a project. The deliverables as outlined in this article are for specific use of the electronic information for In-House design activities.
Media Requirements. I agree: to comply with all reasonable media requests made by TA and media outlets in the lead up, during and post the Games; to be filmed, televised, photographed and otherwise recorded during the 2017 World Transplant Games in relation to the promotion of the Games; the Team Manager and Team Captain are the spokespersons for the Team and, as appropriate TA. During the Games they may authorise other officials of the Team to be spokespersons at Team media conferences and on other occasions on matters within their particular Team responsibilities; In giving any interview Team Members and TA’s servants or agents must not disparage or criticise other Team members or in the case of athletes or coaches their sports performances or coaching. TA relies on the common sense of all Team Members and TA’s servants or agents in showing respect in interviews for the dignity of all fellow Team Members and TA’s servants or agents and all athletes competing in the Games, including those of the host country. It is the personal responsibility for each Team Member and TA’s servants or agents to attend media conferences or interviews approved by the Team Manager. In giving any interview with the media, Team Members and TA’s servants or agents must wear the items of Team Uniform as determined and advised by the Team Manager.
Media Requirements. Send all grant-related activity press releases, media advisories, alerts and general public materials to the OTS Public Information Officer (PIO) at, with a copy to your OTS Coordinator.
Media Requirements.  Issue a press release announcing the kick-off of the grant by November 15. The kick-off press releases and media advisories, alerts, and materials must be emailed to the OTS Public Information Officer at, and copied to your OTS Coordinator, for approval 14 days prior to the issuance date of the release
Media Requirements. 7.1. I agree, as a condition of my participation in the 19th Maccabiah Games, to be filmed, televised, photographed and otherwise recorded prior to and during the 19th Maccabiah Games under the conditions and for the purposes authorised by Team Management in relation to the promotion of the 19th Maccabiah Games and the Maccabi movement. 7.2. I agree that the Chef de Mission is the spokesperson for Maccabi Australia Inc and the Head of Delegation is the spokesperson for the Team. During the Games, the Head of Delegation may authorise other officials of the Team to be spokespersons at Team media conferences and on other occasions on matters within their particular Team responsibilities. 7.3. I also agree that unless and until otherwise directed by the Head of Delegation: a) Competitors may comment or communicate with the media only in relation to their events, prospects and performances at the Games; and b) Section Managers and may comment or communicate with the media only in relation to the events, prospects or performances of those competitors they are managing or coaching at the Games. 7.4. In giving any interview Team members must not disparage or criticise other Team members or their sport’s performances. 7.5. Each Team member is at liberty to accept or decline to be interviewed by the media. 7.6. In giving any interview with the television or visual media, Team members must wear items of Australian Team Uniform, as agreed to by Team Management. 7.7. These are guidelines only and may be amended or varied by the Head of Delegation at any time in his absolute discretion.
Media Requirements. 6.5.1 The Participant shall not function and/or act as a journalist in any other news or media capacity in or on any Broadcast Medium during the Games Period, except as permitted by BOC. 6.5.2 The Participant shall not provide exclusive interviews or commentaries or appearance in or on any Broadcast Medium during the Games Period, except as permitted by BOC. 6.5.3 The Participant shall not allow any form or manner of media or social media communication including his voice, tweets, name, photograph or video footage to be used, applied or incorporated for any promotional or advertising purposes during the Blackout Period except as permitted by BOC. 6.5.4 The Participant shall not make any comments or upload any photographs, images or video footages or audio recordings on any blogs or social and/or media networking websites, whether for the purpose of promotional or advertising application or otherwise, during the Blackout Period except as permitted by BOC. 6.5.5 In the event that the Participant infringes Clause 6.5.4 above, the Participant will unconditionally comply with BOC directions to remove all postings and uploads including compliances with BOC sanctions and disciplinary proceedings. 6.5.6 The Participant acknowledges that he can be held personally liable for any commentary posted by him on social media platforms that are deemed to be defamatory, obscene or inappropriate and agrees that he posts the commentary at his own risk and will make it clear that the views expressed are his own. 6.5.7 The Participant agrees to be filmed, televised, photographed or identified as determined by the IOC in relation to the promotion of the Olympic Games and Olympic Movement. 6.5.8 The Participant agrees to seek BOC’s prior written approval before appearing in or allowing his Athlete’s Image Rights to be used in any media productions, including but not limited to sports features or lifestyle programmes, during the Games Period. For the avoidance of any doubt, the Participant does not have to seek BOC’s prior written approval for appearing in or allowing his Athlete’s Image Rights to be used in media productions produced specifically for news coverage. 6.5.9 The Participant shall not cover up or attempt to conceal any trademarks of Sponsors on the Participant’s Team Uniform and/or FBT Attire. 6.5.10 The Participant shall observe his obligation to always promote the positive image of BOC, in Bhutan and other countries through national and international media.
Media Requirements. Issue a press release approved by the OTS XXX announcing the kick-off of the grant by November 15, but no sooner than October 1. The kick-off release must be approved by the OTS PIO and only distributed after the grant is fully signed and executed. If you are unable to meet the November 15 deadline to issue a kick-off press release, communicate reasons to your OTS coordinator and OTS XXX.
Media Requirements. Send all grant-related activity press releases, media advisories, alerts and general public materials to the OTS Public Information Officer (XXX) at, with a copy to your OTS Coordinator. • Use the following standard language in all press, media, and printed materials: Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. • Email the OTS XXX at and copy your OTS Coordinator at least 30 days in advance, a short description of any significant grant-related traffic safety event or program so OTS has sufficient notice to arrange for attendance and/or participation in the event. • Submit a draft or rough-cut of all printed or recorded material (brochures, posters, scripts, artwork, trailer graphics, etc.) to the OTS PIO at and copy your OTS Coordinator for approval 14 days prior to the production or duplication. • Include the OTS logo, space permitting, on grant-funded print materials; consult your OTS Coordinator for specifics.

Related to Media Requirements

  • System Requirements Apple Software is supported only on Apple-branded hardware that meets specified system requirements as indicated by Apple.

  • Data Requirements ‌ • The data referred to in this document are encounter data – a record of health care services, health conditions and products delivered for Massachusetts Medicaid managed care beneficiaries. An encounter is defined as a visit with a unique set of services/procedures performed for an eligible recipient. Each service should be documented on a separate encounter claim detail line completed with all the data elements including date of service, revenue and/or procedure code and/or NDC number, units, and MCE payments/cost of care for a service or product. • All encounter claim information must be for the member identified on the claim by Medicaid ID. Claims must not be submitted with another member’s identification (e.g., xxxxxxx claims must not be submitted under the Mom’s ID). • All claims should reflect the final status of the claim on the date it is pulled from the MCE’s Data Warehouse. • For MassHealth, only the latest version of the claim line submitted to MassHealth is “active”. Previously submitted versions of claim lines get offset (no longer “active” with MassHealth) and payments are not netted. • An encounter is a fully adjudicated service (with all associated claim lines) where the MCE incurred the cost either through direct payment or sub-contracted payment. Generally, at least one line would be adjudicated as “paid”. All adjudicated claims must have a complete set of billing codes. There may also be fully adjudicated claims where the MCE did not incur a cost but would otherwise like to inform MassHealth of covered services provided to Enrollees/Members, such as for quality measure reporting (e.g., CPT category 2 codes for A1c lab tests and care/patient management). • All claim lines should be submitted for each Paid claim, including zero paid claim lines (e.g., bundled services paid at an encounter level and patient copays that exceeded the fee schedule). Denied lines should not be included in the Paid submission. Submit one encounter record/claim line for each service performed (i.e., if a claim consisted of five services or products, each service should have a separate encounter record). Pursuant to contract, an encounter record must be submitted for all covered services provided to all enrollees. Payment amounts must be greater than or equal to zero. There should not be negative payments, including on voided claim lines. • Records/services of the same encounter claim must be submitted with same claim number. There should not be more than one active claim number for the same encounter. All paid claim lines within an encounter must share the same active claim number. If there is a replacement claim with a new version of the claim number, all former claim lines must be replaced by the new claim number or be voided. The claim number, which creates the encounter, and all replacement encounters must retain the same billing provider ID or be completely voided. • Plans are expected to use current MassHealth MCE enrollment assignments to attribute Members to the MassHealth assigned MCE. The integrity of the family of claims should be maintained when submitting claims for multiple MCEs (ACOs/MCO). Entity PIDSL, New Member ID, and the claim number should be consistent across all lines of the same claim. • Data should conform to the Record Layout specified in Section 3.0 of this document. Any deviations from this format will result in claim line or file rejections. Each row in a submitted file should have a unique Claim Number + Suffix combination. • A feed should consist of new (Original) claims, Amendments, Replacements (a.k.a. Adjustments) and/or Voids. The replacements and voids should have a former claim number and former suffix to associate them with the claim + suffix they are voiding or replacing. See Section 2.0, Data Element Clarifications, for more information. • While processing a submission, MassHealth scans the files for the errors. Rejected records are sent back to the MCEs in error reports in a format of the input files with two additional columns to indicate an error code and the field with the error. • Unless otherwise directed or allowed by XxxxXxxxxx, all routine monthly encounter submissions must be successfully loaded to the MH DW on or before the last day of each month with corrected rejections successfully loaded within 5 business days of the subsequent month for that routine monthly encounter submission to be considered timely and included in downstream MassHealth processes. Routine monthly encounter submissions should contain claims with paid/transaction dates through the end of the previous month.

  • Specific Requirements compensation insurance with statutory limits required by South Dakota law. Coverage B-Employer’s Liability coverage of not less than $500,000 each accident, $500,000 disease-policy limit, and $500,000 disease-each employee.

  • Network Requirements Customer shall be responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the applicable network environment(s) adhere to the applicable standards and requirements specified in the Documentation and are configured appropriately to its proposed use of Ordered SaaS Services.

  • Basic Requirements To be eligible for PayPal’s Seller Protection program, all of the following basic requirements must be met, as well as any applicable additional requirements: • The primary address for your PayPal account must be in the United States. • The item must be a physical, tangible good that can be shipped, except for items subject to the Intangible Goods Additional Requirements. Transactions involving items that you deliver in person in connection with payment made in your physical store, may also be eligible for PayPal’s Seller Protection program so long as the buyer paid for the transaction in person by using a PayPal goods and services QR code. • You must ship the item to the shipping address on the Transaction Details page in your PayPal account for the transaction. If you originally ship the item to the recipient’s shipping address on the Transaction Details page but the item is later redirected to a different address, you will not be eligible for PayPal’s Seller Protection program. We therefore recommend not using a shipping service that is arranged by the buyer, so that you will be able to provide valid proof of shipping and delivery. • The shipping requirement does not apply to eligible transactions involving items that you deliver in person; provided, however, that you agree to provide us with alternative evidence of delivery or such additional documentation or information relating to the transaction that we may request. • You must respond to PayPal’s requests for documentation and other information in a timely manner as requested in our email correspondence with you or in our correspondence with you through the Resolution Center. If you do not respond to PayPal’s request for documentation and other information in the time requested, you may not be eligible for PayPal’s Seller Protection program. • If the sale involves pre-ordered or made-to-order goods, you must ship within the timeframe you specified in the listing. Otherwise, it is recommended that you ship all items within 7 days after receipt of payment. • You provide us with valid proof of shipment or delivery. • The payment must be marked “eligible” or “partially eligible” in the case of Unauthorized Transaction claims, or “eligible” in the case of Item Not Received claims, for PayPal’s Seller Protection program on the Transaction Details page. • In the case of an Unauthorized Transaction claim, you must provide valid proof of shipment or proof of delivery that demonstrates that the item was shipped or provided to the buyer no later than two days after PayPal notified you of the dispute or reversal. For example, if PayPal notifies you of an Unauthorized Transaction claim on September 1, the valid proof of shipment must indicate that the item was shipped to the buyer no later than September 3 to be eligible for PayPal’s Seller Protection program. PayPal determines, in its sole discretion, whether your claim is eligible for PayPal’s Seller Protection program. PayPal will make a decision, in its sole discretion, based on the eligibility requirements, any information or documentation provided during the resolution process, or any other information PayPal deems relevant and appropriate under the circumstances. To be eligible for PayPal’s Seller Protection program for a buyer’s Item Not Received claim, you must meet both the basic requirements and the additional requirements listed below: • Where a buyer files a chargeback with the issuer for a card-funded transaction, the payment must be marked “eligible” for PayPal’s Seller Protection on the Transaction Details page. • You must provide proof of delivery as described below.

  • Match Requirements There is no match required on the part of the Grantee under this Agreement.

  • Software Requirements 7 Developer shall prepare the Project Schedule using Oracle’s Primavera P6.

  • DBE Requirements A. Notice is hereby given to the CONSULTANT and any SUB-CONSULTANT, and both agree, that failure to carry out the requirements set forth in 49 CFR Sec. 26.13(b) shall constitute a breach of this Contract and, after notification and failure to promptly cure such breach, may result in termination of this Contract or such remedy as INDOT deems appropriate. The referenced section requires the following assurance to be included in all subsequent contracts between the CONSULTANT and any SUB-CONSULTANT: The CONSULTANT, sub recipient or SUB-CONSULTANT shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this Contract. The CONSULTANT shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the CONSULTANT to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this Contract, which may result in the termination of this Contract or such other remedy, as INDOT, as the recipient, deems appropriate. B. The CONSULTANT shall make good faith efforts to achieve the DBE percentage goal that may be included as part of this Contract with the approved DBE SUB-CONSULTANTS identified on its Affirmative Action Certification submitted with its Letter of Interest, or with approved amendments. Any changes to a DBE firm listed in the Affirmative Action Certification must be requested in writing and receive prior approval by the LPA and INDOT’s Economic Opportunity Division Director. After this Contract is completed and if a DBE SUB- CONSULTANT has performed services thereon, the CONSULTANT must complete, and return, a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Utilization Affidavit (“DBE-3 Form”) to INDOT’s Economic Opportunity Division Director. The DBE-3 Form requires certification by the CONSULTANT AND DBE SUB-CONSULTANT that the committed contract amounts have been paid and received.

  • Program Requirements The parties shall comply with the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program requirements established in 49 CFR Part 26.

  • Training Requirements Grantee will: A. Authorize and require staff (including volunteers) to attend training, conferences, and meetings as directed by DSHS. B. Appropriately budget funds to meet training requirements in a timely manner, and ensure staff and volunteers are trained as specified in the training requirements listed at xxxxx:// and as otherwise specified by DSHS. Grantee shall document that these training requirements are met. C. Follow the appropriate DSHS POPS by funding opportunity (as per Section I: General Requirements for All Grantees) for training and observation requirements.