Grievance Procedure - Step One. In the event the teacher believes there is a basis for a grievance, he/she shall first discuss the alleged grievance with the building principal or immediate supervisor, either personally or accompanied by an Association Representative. The discussion must take place within ten (10) work days of the act or condition. The teacher must notify the principal when a grievance is being initiated and the meeting is to be considered as the informal level of the grievance procedure.
Grievance Procedure - Step One. It is the mutual desire of the parties hereto that legitimate complaints of employees shall be adjusted as quickly as possible. If an employee has any complaint or question which the employee wishes to discuss with the Company, other than discharge as outlined in Article 10.02, which is not subject to grievance or arbitration, the employee, along with the Store Xxxxxxx, shall discuss the matter with the employee’s Store Manager. If the complaint or question is not settled to the employee's satisfaction by the end of the following working day, the employee either along with or through the employee’s Union Xxxxxxx, may file a grievance in writing concerning the matter with the Store Manager. Such grievance shall state the nature of the grievance, the clause or clauses alleged to have been violated and shall be signed by the employee. Such grievance must be delivered personally to the Store Manager by the Grievor or the employee’s Store Xxxxxxx within seven (7) working days of the alleged occurrence said to have caused the grievance or the right to grieve shall be forfeited. Within three (3) working days of its presentation to the Store Manager, he/she shall give his/her reply in writing to the Grievor on the grievance form. If the grievance is not settled to the satisfaction of the employee concerned within three (3) working days of its presentation to the Store Manager in writing, the grievance shall be turned over to the Union Representative who shall determine if the grievance has merit before taking the matter to Step Two. In such case, it is agreed that no member of Management will discuss the grievance with the employee, nor will the employee discuss the grievance with any member of Management, without a union xxxxxxx or representative being present.
Grievance Procedure - Step One. Grievances filed with respect to Clause 21.6 and 21.7 shall be set forth in writing in accordance with Clause 21.2 and within twenty (20) working days of the occurrence giving rise to the grievance and sent to the appropriate Department Head with a copy to the appropriate Staff Relations Officer in Human Resources. The Department Head or their designate shall have ten (10) working days from the date of receipt of the grievance to reply in writing to the Union. If the work unit in which the employee(s) is employed has no Department Head the grievance shall commence at Step Two, however, the time limits as set out in Step One shall apply. If the reply provided at Step One does not resolve the grievance and the Union wishes to proceed with the grievance, then the grievance shall be, within ten (10) working days from the date of the reply at Step One, delivered to the appropriate Xxxx/Director with a copy to the Staff Relations Officer. Upon mutual agreement between the Union and the Employer, a meeting between the Parties shall be held within ten (10) working days from the date of receipt of the grievance, and the employee may be required to attend. The Xxxx/Director or designate shall have ten (10) working days from either the date of the meeting or, if no meeting is convened, the date of receipt of the grievance in which to reply in writing to the Union with a copy to the Staff Relations Officer. If the reply provided at Step Two does not resolve the grievance and the Union wishes to proceed with the grievance, within ten (10) working days of the Step Two reply the grievance shall be referred to the Vice-Xxxxxxx (Academic Affairs) with a copy of the referral notice to the Staff Relations Officer. The Vice-Xxxxxxx (Academic Affairs) or designate, within ten (10) working days of receipt of the grievance, may convene a meeting with the Union and the appropriate Employer representatives to discuss the grievance. The Vice-Xxxxxxx (Academic Affairs) or designate shall have ten (10) working days from the date of the meeting or, if no meeting is convened, the date of receipt of the grievance to reply in writing to the Union and the Staff Relations Officer. The grievor with their Union representative may be required to attend a meeting at this step. If the reply provided at Step Three does not resolve the grievance and the Union wishes to proceed with the grievance then, within twenty (20) working days of the Step Three reply, the grievance shall be referred to arbi...
Grievance Procedure - Step One. Any employee or group of employees having a grievance shall present the grievance to the immediate supervisor within 21 calendar days of the occurrence of the grievance. The immediate supervisor shall be given 14 calendar days to resolve the problem.
Grievance Procedure - Step One. A grievance shall be presented in written form by the aggrieved employee and/or a Union Shop Xxxxxxx to the aggrieved employee's immediate supervisor within thirty (30) calendar days after the date the employee became aware, or should have become aware, of the facts over which he/she is aggrieved. Said supervisor shall have seven (7) calendar days to respond in writing on the grievance form pursuant to the issue(s) raised in the grievance. Any settlement or adjustment of a grievance by the immediate supervisor at Step One shall be binding only for the particular grievance and shall not constitute precedent. Such settlements shall not be used in any legal or arbitration proceeding except in connection with a claim that the settlement has been violated.
Grievance Procedure - Step One. If the employee or the Union is not satisfied with the verbal decision of their Manager/designate, the employee may, within ten (10) working days of receiving the decision of the Manager, present her grievance in writing to the Corporate Director/designate. The Corporate Director/designate shall give her decision in writing within ten (10) working days.
Grievance Procedure - Step One. An employee may initially present their grievance to a Union representative. A grievance is not at the first step, Step I, until it has been presented to an authorized representative of the EBCHR management team. At Step I, the grievance will be presented to the employee's immediate supervisor or, if appropriate, the manager who took the action that the employee and Union consider to be a violation of the parties' Agreement. A Step I Grievance may also be submitted directly to EBCHR's Director of Finance and Operations or designee at the discretion of the employee and / or Union with the employee's express or implied consent. Step I Grievances will be processed as follows: Prior to the Step I Grievance meeting, the Union's written presentation of the grievance to management will include the nature of the grievance; the date of the occurrence; and the Agreement article/ section alleged to have been violated, the name of the grievant, and the remedy sought. EBCHR will provide the Union with information and/or reasons it used or relied upon as a basis for the action (or omission) no later than ten (10) calendar days following presentation of the Step I Grievance.
(1) paid Union representative designated by the Union may attend this meeting, in addition to the grievant. EBCHR will inform the Union of the organization's position and rationale for its action or decision at the conclusion of the Step I Grievance meeting.
Grievance Procedure - Step One. Where an Employee or the union has a grievance, the Union shall submit the grievance in writing to the Employee’s immediate supervisor within fifteen (15) working days after the circumstances giving rise to the grievance have occurred or ought to have reasonably come to the attention of the Employee. The Supervisor shall give a response to the grievance in writing within fifteen (15) working days from the date the grievance was submitted. STEP TWO: If the Employee or the Union is not satisfied with the decision of the immediate Supervisor, the Union, may, within ten (10) working days of receiving the Step One decision of the immediate Supervisor, present the grievance in writing to the Director. The Director shall respond in writing within ten (10) working days after receipt of the grievance. STEP THREE: Failing a satisfactory settlement being reached in Step Two, the Union may refer the dispute to arbitration within fifteen (15) working days of the decision of the Director in Step Two. The provisions for arbitration contained in the Trade Union Act shall apply.
Grievance Procedure - Step One. The grievance will be presented to the employee's immediate supervisor or, if appropriate, the manager who took the action that the employee and Union consider to be a violation of the parties’ Agreement. Prior to the Step I Grievance meeting, the Union's written presentation of the grievance to management will include the nature of the grievance; the date of the occurrence; and the specific article / section alleged to have been violated, the name of the grievant, and the remedy sought. It shall be presented on the Union's official grievance form. WFC will provide the Union with information and/or reasons it used or relied upon as a basis for the action (or omission) no later than ten (10) calendar days following presentation of the Step I Grievance.
(1) paid Union representative/shop xxxxxxx designated by the Union may attend this meeting. WFC will inform the Union of the organization's position and rationale for its action or decision at the conclusion of the Step I Grievance meeting.
Grievance Procedure - Step One. An employee, through the Union, or the Union itself, on behalf of one (1) or more employees, or on its own behalf shall initiate a grievance by submitting such grievance in writing to the supervisor involved within fourteen (14) calendar days after the occurrence or omission giving rise to grievance or the grievance shall be considered dropped. The supervisor shall reply in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days thereafter. If no reply is received from the supervisor within the prescribed time limit, it will be deemed to be settled in the Union or employee's favor.