Methods and data Sample Clauses

Methods and data. Fodder is a market good and therefore can be calculated using market-based methods and exchange values. The market-based methods - rent prices, resource rent, market price approaches and hybrid method of market price and resource rent were tested in order to calculate fodder production for all Estonian grasslands. Data from agricultural statistics, national accounts, Material Flow Account (MFA) and some others were used.
Methods and data. Name of the dataset Data type Source
Methods and data. PREPA reserves the right to review and approve all methods and data, which the Contractor develops hereunder. Such review or approval shall in no way relieve the Contractor from its responsibilities, obligations or liabilities under this Contract. The Contractor shall obtain such reviews or approval in writing from PREPA. The Contractor shall keep at the working area a copy of the Contract and its supplementary documents at all times, give the Engineer access thereto.
Methods and data. Among other things, the GLWQA calls on the two nations to define “the threat to human health from critical pollutants” found in the Great Lakes region. In its December 2001 request, the IJC asked ATSDR to review those health assessments it conducted on hazardous waste sites within AOCs on the United States side of the Great Lakes region. The IJC stated further that It would be most helpful if ATSDR could identify evaluated sites within each AOC, the Hazard Category assigned to each site, any relevant demographic information available to ATSDR concerning the populations at risk, completed exposure pathways identified, and the priority substances following these pathways. This request was more complex than it appeared. AOCs do not correlate well geographically with waste sites that ATSDR has evaluated. Some waste sites occupy small parts of an AOC while others may be only partly contained within the AOC. Sources of contamination may lie close to but not within an AOC while still contributing to environmental pollution within the AOC. Many sources of contamination exist that are not ATSDR-evaluated sites. Finally, many sites that have been evaluated by ATSDR have since been remediated and thus do not provide current information environmental contamination in the AOCs. Therefore, in assembling this report, ATSDR scientists considered whether additional data sources might be useful in answering the request. We surveyed many sources of data on environmental exposures and human health (see Appendix 3 for the environmental and health data that were considered). At the core of the final report are the ATSDR site assessment/public health assessment data from hazardous waste sites in the AOCs or in counties that are in close proximity to AOCs. This report compiles previously published public health assessment documents for the 26 U.S. AOCs and for 54 counties in geographic proximity to those AOCs. We have updated those assessments with additional information from the U.S. EPA and other sources to reflect remediation efforts since the time of the initial assessment. In addition, to provide a more complete and holistic picture of ongoing chemical inputs into the Great Lakes AOCs and add value to the final report, ATSDR provided examples of data from three other major U.S. EPA data sources, including U.S. EPA 2001 chemical release data from its Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), U.S. EPA 2004 data on pollutant discharges into water, from its National Pollutant Discharge Eli...
Methods and data. For the net carbon sequestration in grasslands, two methods were discussed: the social cost of carbon and payment for ecosystem service. The latter was considered relevant. - Reference values (Emission Factors) Greenhouse gas reporting of the LULUCF sector European Union Allowance Price Spot price xxxxx:// Ecosystem unit map Spatial data Statistics Estonia
Methods and data. Analysing a qualitative case study, this paper acknowledges its limits: it reveals only a part of the debates and dilemmas connected with memory issues in the Estonian society. However, it aims to point out some of the concerns and problems in the society that need to be dealt with. The fact that these problems have arisen in the context of art exhibition is also meaningful, since this indicates the sensitivity of these topics perhaps even more vividly. As previously stated, the case study concentrates mainly on two exhibitions presented in Kumu. The main criterion for choosing the exhibitions was their appeal to social memory. As the field work took place from February till October 2012, one of the exhibitions (N) is analysed retrospectively, the other (FCW), however, was still open when the fieldwork ended. Thus, both cases have their limitations as well as bonuses. Being studied retrospectively, there can be aspects that are forgotten about the exhibition. Yet, only the most meaningful aspects of the exhibition stay in mind, which make them valuable for the research purposes of this article. By the same token, examining of an exhibition recently opened enables studying the immediate expressions and reactions, while being unable to see the project in its entirety, since the reception process is still going on. Nonetheless, having studied exhibitions at different stages enables having two different angles hopefully complementing each other.
Methods and data. The benefit transfer method is not a valuation method as such, but it is a method where benefits calculated for one place and time are transferred to another place and time or to the same place but another time.56 In general, this is an acceptable method in environmental economics, under certain conditions (e.g resource constraints). Main steps of benefit transfer are: 1. Identification of environmental goods and services to be valued. 2. Identification of the affected population and their socio-economic characteristics. 3. Literature search to identify relevant studies. 4. Estimated value transfer to the study site. 5. Calculation of total costs. 6. Assessment of the uncertainty and transfer error. The benefit transfer method can be applied to all ecosystem goods and services. However, it is more reliable for transferring use values (e.g. recreation). We are aware that pollination is often regarded as an intermediate service and results obtained from this calculation are not usable in the national accounts. For benefit transfer we chose three studies: Xxxxxxxx, S.D., Xxxxxx, N., Xxxxxxxxx,X.X., Xxxxxxxx, M., Xxxxx A.M. (2013) Economic gain, stability of pollination and bee diversity decrease from sothern to northen Europe. Basic and Applied Ecology 14, 461 – 471. Xxxxxx, T.D., Xxxxxx, X.X., Xxxxx, X.X., Xxxxxxxx, K.G. (2015) A stated preference valuation of the non- market benefiits of pollination services in the UK. Ecological Economics 111, 76-85 Xxxxxxxx, P., Xxxxxxx, G.,C., Xxxxx, X., XxxXxxxx, X., Jonesa, X., Xxxxxx, G.,E. (2018) Measuring public perception and preferences for ecosystem services: A case study of bee pollination in the UK. Land Use Policy 71 (2018) 355–362 55 Xxxx, X. et al (2019) The economic value of ecosystem services and assets in the Netherlands. Wageningen University and Research. 56 Oxford Research Encyclopedia. Available: xxxxx:// re-9780199389414-e-455 (20.11.2019) Xxxxxxxxx, et al. (2013) calculated the economic value of pollination based on the contribution of pollinators to agricultural production. The total economic value of insect pollination (EVIP) of crops was calculated according to the following equation: where Pict is the unitary producer price of crop i for country c for year t; Qict is the overall quantity of crop i for country c for year t; Di is the dependence ratio of crop i on insect pollinators. As produc...
Methods and data. This research required secondary data sources, provided by the World Bank (development indicators) and Statistical Offices of the CEFTA member countries. Based on the 30 22,1 24,5 16,2 15 8,3 8,3 8,4 5 0 2013 2014 2015 EU import EU export Balance Albania 35.4 27.1 47.3 44.3 Bosnia and Herzegovina 33.9 No data 56.9 No data Kosovo* 19.6 19.1 50.5 49.8 Macedonia 47.9 48.5 65.1 64.8 Montenegro 40.1 43.3 60.0 61.0 Serbia 41.2 47.7 54.3 57.4 Moldova 41.5 43.4 78.5 73.7 Source: World Bank, development indicators data collected, the main tendencies in trade between CEFTA countries were analyzed. The 2010-2015 period was examined for each member state. Each country’s volume of trade was analyzed in relation to the CEFTA member states, as well as in relation to the volume of general trade.
Methods and data. To assess the usage of MySpace among artists in the music industry, the current work embarked on a comprehensive content analysis of a sample of MySpace Music profile pages. In order to facilitate data collection and input, initial research efforts were shared among six individuals: Emory University Associate Professor Xx. Xxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxx University Ph D. candidates Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxx Xxx, and Jin Won Xxxxx, and Emory College BA Honors candidates Xxx Xxxx and myself. Subsequent data collection and data analysis were my individual effort. As noted by Fields et al. (2010) in their analysis of online social networks, the MySpace social network presents a variety of challenges for gathering a representative sample of musician pages. Since each MySpace profile is uniquely assigned a numeric identifier upon its creation, Hinduja and Xxxxxxx (2008) utilized a random number generator in their content analysis of adolescent MySpace profile pages. Unfortunately, the numeric identifiers assigned to MySpace profiles do not distinguish between MySpace Music profiles and general user profiles. Hinduja and Xxxxxxx examined the population of general user profiles, which comprise the overwhelming majority of profiles in the MySpace network. Moreover, at the time of their sampling efforts – less than one year following the inception of MySpace, there were substantially fewer orphaned/deleted accounts. Hinduja and Xxxxxxx’x sampling method – executed in the summer of 2006 – rendered only 5.9 percent error due to deleted accounts. Today, a sampling method similar to that used by Hinduja and Xxxxxxx would derive an exponentially greater error because “[the MySpace network is] plagued by spammers and orphaned accounts… and noisy data” (Fields et al., 2010, p. 2). Thus, gathering a random sample of MySpace artist profiles via a random number generator was not a feasible sampling method for this study. The difficulty in gathering a representative sample of artists on MySpace mirrors sampling difficulty in broader studies of the music industry. Historically, those who research the music industry have struggled to collect a representative sample of musicians because “no source of any kind… offers an exhaustive listing of every [musical] act… in the U.S. mainstream market” (Xxxx, 2004b, p. 1448). These researchers have traditionally relied on popularity charts to track performing acts (Xxxxxxx, 2010; Xxxxx, 1992; Xxxx, 2004b). Since there is no exhaustive listing of every artist ...
Methods and data. Hunting is an activity that requires very specific equipment and licences. Therefore we can consider that the expenditure a hunter makes with the purpose to engage in the activity is the expenditure made to use the ecosystem service recreational hunting and we can consider the consumer expenditures as a marginal value of the ecosystem service. Hunted game 2018/19 Statistics Estonian Environment Agency Value and cost of hunting, 2016 Literature Xxxxx Xxxxx (FACE). The economic value of hunting in the EU. Presentation. 2016 Map of hunting districts in Estonia Spatial Data Estonian Environment Agency Ecosystem unit map Spatial data Statistics Estonia Hunting in Estonia is regulated so that every hunter who wishes to xxxx needs to have a valid hunting licence and pay a yearly fee for hunting rights. Expenditures to obtain a hunting licence include specific schooling and taking exams, but this is a one-time process and statistics about these are difficult to acquire. A hunter needs to pay a yearly fee for hunting rights which is 10 € per year. To widen the scope, we included other expenditures a hunter makes. No suitable data was found in Estonia but using benefit transfer method we adapted the data about the average yearly expenditures of German hunters in 201677 for Estonian context in 2018 by applying purchasing power standard (Table 32). According to expert opinion, there is no need to consider lease of a hunting ground which is the biggest contributor for the overall expenditure for a hunter in Germany as an expenditure for a hunter in Estonia due to differences in hunting systems so we excluded the expenditures made for leasing from our calculations.