Ministerial Chauffeurs. Employees will be employed within one of these Grades based on work requirements in accordance with the corresponding Grade and Classification Descriptors set out in Schedule E to this Agreement.
Ministerial Chauffeurs. This schedule applies only to those employees bound by this Award and who are also classified as “Ministerial Chauffeurs” pursuant to the Chauffeurs (Ministerial) Public Service Award (the Award) and are employed in the Ministerial/VIP Chauffeur Service of Fleet SA, Department of Treasury and Finance (or any successor of Fleet SA). This schedule will come into effect on and from the first full pay period to commence on or after the date of approval of this Enterprise Agreement.
Ministerial Chauffeurs. Identification and acknowledgement of Security related activities
(a) A review will be undertaken during the life of the Agreement by the OCPE, in liaison with Premier and Cabinet, and the Public Service Association as to the Identification and acknowledgement of Security related activities that are required to be undertaken by Ministerial Chauffeurs.
(b) Any implementation of outcomes of this review can only occur by agreement between the parties and such agreement will be subject to clause 9 – Variation contained in this Agreement.
(c) The above provisions do not preclude the reviews identified at clause 39 or matters arising therefrom; nor preclude the outcomes of the review of security related activities as contained in Appendix 3.4
Ministerial Chauffeurs. A proposal or request for or to make a Workplace Flexibility Agreement will not be considered as a claim or extra claim, nor in relation to reviews identified at clause 39 that may be progressed during the life of this Enterprise Agreement by agreement as between the particular agency and employees (or representative/s), provided that in no circumstances whatsoever will there be any actual or threatened industrial action, nor threatened or actual cessation or limitation of duties or service delivery in relation thereto.
Ministerial Chauffeurs. Hours of Work
Ministerial Chauffeurs. This schedule provides for Programmed Day Off (PDO) arrangements for Ministerial Chauffeurs. This Schedule applies only to those employees bound by the Enterprise Agreement and who are classified as “Ministerial Chauffeurs” pursuant to the Chauffeurs (Ministerial) Public Service Award (the Award) and are employed in the Ministerial/VIP Chauffeur Service of Fleet SA, Department of Treasury and Finance (or any successor of Fleet SA). This schedule will come into effect on and from the first full pay period to commence on or after the date of approval of this Enterprise Agreement.
Ministerial Chauffeurs. Application
Ministerial Chauffeurs. 85 Appendix 3.5 – Shared Services Principles ........................................................................................................ 87 APPENDIX 4: WORKPLACE FLEXIBILITY AGREEMENTS ......................................................................... 88 Appendix 4.1 Department of Environment and Natural Resources ................................................................... 88 APPENDIX 5: AWARD MATTERS ............................................................................................................... 98 APPENDIX 6: WORK LEVEL DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................ 100 Schedule 1: Child Care Workers – TAFE SA ................................................................................................. 100 Schedule 2: South Australian Government Stores Employees Interim Award .......................................... 104 Schedule 3: South Australian Government Civil Construction And Maintenance Award ........................ 106 Schedule 3.1: Construction and Maintenance Worker ...................................................................................... 107 Schedule 3.2: Technical Support Operative ..................................................................................................... 114 Schedule 3.3: Plant Operator ........................................................................................................................... 118 Schedule 4: South Australian Government Health Etc. Ancillary Employees Award ............................... 123 Schedule 4.1: Catering ..................................................................................................................................... 125 Schedule 4.2: Client, Theatre And Allied Care ................................................................................................. 131 Schedule 4.3: Direct Care ................................................................................................................................. 137 Schedule 4.4: Sterilisation Services.................................................................................................................. 141 Schedule 4.5: Utility Services ........................................................................................................................... 145 Schedule 4.6: Gardening And Grounds Services ............................................................
Ministerial Chauffeurs. 54 Appendix 4.2 Department of Environment and Natural Resources ............................................................................. 55 APPENDIX 5: AWARD MATTERS ................................................................................................................................ 65 APPENDIX 6: 2010 TRANSLATION ARRANGEMENTS ............................................................................................... 66 Schedule 1: Child Care Workers - Department Of Further Education, Employment, Science And Technology ...... 66
Ministerial Chauffeurs can ‘bank’ up to 20 hours of overtime in a ‘Time Bank’ on the following basis:
(a) the Time Bank will operate from 1 March to 28 February of the following year (or 29 February of a leap year). Ministerial Chauffeurs will ensure that a zero balance of time credits exists at each 1 March.