National Board Certified Teachers Sample Clauses
National Board Certified Teachers. A. In order to allow National Board Certified (NBC) teachers to qualify for their mentoring supplement, the Superintendent shall work with such teachers to provide mentoring opportunities. This process shall be conducted in accordance with state law.
B. The Superintendent and Union President shall establish a committee to discuss issues and opportunities related to NBC teachers.
National Board Certified Teachers. Effective for the 2013-14 school year, teachers who have a National Board Certified Teacher [“NBCT”] on file with the Human Resources Department shall receive an annual stipend of $1,000 each year their NBCT is in effect. Teachers who have a NBCT will be eligible to earn additional compensation up to $1,000 per school year for project work or mentorship that is approved in advanced by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
National Board Certified Teachers. 1. During a single school year in which a classroom teacher is completing requirements for National Board Certification, the teacher shall be eligible for two days of paid release time per month to be used for work and study in connection with fulfilling the certification requirements.
2. The LSD and the LSEA shall pursue on behalf of any participating teachers grant resources in support of the expense of a teacher’s participation in the program of activity that leads to National Board Certification.
3. Upon attaining the status of National Board Certified Teacher, the parties agree that this status shall entitle the teacher to advancement of one column on the LSEA teacher’s salary schedule (Example: if the teacher is BA, move to BA+, etc.) For teachers already in the Ph.D. column, the salary advancement shall be equal to the column increase from MA+ to Ph.D. at the teacher’s current step.
4. The Lansing School District retains the exclusive right to determine the number of teachers who will be eligible to receive the above forms of support defined in items 1-3, in any particular school year.
National Board Certified Teachers. Teachers who successfully complete the National Board Certification Process will be awarded 3 hours of educational credit above their current placement on the salary schedule. Certified employees who are not eligible to obtain National Board Certification, but who successfully complete National Certification through the American Speech-Language Hearing Association and are recognized by the State of Illinois Board of Education (by allowing them ten years to obtain their CPDUs for continuing education), shall also receive 3 hours of credit above their current placement on the salary schedule.
National Board Certified Teachers. During a single school year in which a classroom teacher is completing requirements for National Board Certification, the teacher shall be eligible for two days of paid release time per month to be used for work and study in connection with fulfilling the certification requirements.
National Board Certified Teachers. All members of the bargaining unit who are National Board Certified at the start of a school year and who remain employed for the entire school year shall receive a lump sum annual cash payment of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) to be paid within thirty (30) days after the end of the school year.
National Board Certified Teachers. Teachers who complete the certification process of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (hereinafter referred to as “NBPTS”) shall be reimbursed by the District for the costs of certification application fees. Successful completion of NBPTS certification requirements shall be considered as a special qualification for Lead Teacher eligibility.
National Board Certified Teachers. The District will allocate up to $100,000 annually to be used by National Board Certified Teachers and equivalent Related Service Providers as listed below. The budgeted allocation shall be split equally among the number of eligible Employees, in an amount not to exceed $2,500 annually. At the request of the eligible Employee, the money may be disbursed in one or more of the following ways:
a. A stipend
b. Reimbursement for recertification costs
c. Reimbursement for attendance at the annual National Board Conference or the approved program annual conference, for the first five (5) Teachers and five
National Board Certified Teachers. Teachers shall be eligible for an annual stipend of 10% of step 1/column 1 for having earned the National Board of Professional Teachers Standards (NBPTS Certificate) National Board Certified Teachers shall be awarded their stipend the semester following the District receiving confirmation of their successful completion of the program (based on a two semester model). The stipend will be prorated half for the second semester.
National Board Certified Teachers. (NBCT’s) shall also be eligible to receive a mentoring bonus, the amount and rules for which are specified in state law.