National Day of Mourning The Company agrees to allow employees one (1) minute silence at 11:00 a.m. on April 28th of each year in observance of those workers killed on the job.
Professional Day The period set forth in the Professional Day Article.
Personal Day All employees shall receive a personal day in each contract year. This personal day is in addition to the holidays listed in paragraph 3 above. The personal day shall be scheduled in accordance with the following provision: Employees may select such day off on five (5) days notice to the Employer provided such selection does not result in a reduction of employees in the building below 75% of the normal work staff. Such selection shall be made in accordance with seniority.
Professional Days The President of the College or the President’s designee may assign any faculty member up to seven (7) days during the academic year for scheduled orientation and registration programs, commencement and convocation activities and such other College sponsored activities the Present deems appropriate. Professional days shall be assigned no earlier than three (3) days prior to the first (1st) day of classes in the fall semester and no earlier than four (4) days prior to the first (1st) day of classes in the spring semester. Such duties and responsibilities may be assigned to individual faculty members in blocks in one-half (1/2) day or more; and provided further that a faculty member shall not be required to discharge these responsibilities over more than fourteen (14) days during the academic year.
International Data Transfers The Company and the Stock Plan Administrator are based in the United States. The Participant should note that the Participant’s country of residence may have enacted data privacy laws that are different from the United States. The Company’s legal basis for the transfer of the Participant's Personal Information to the United States is the Participant’s consent.
Additional Days Where public holidays are declared or prescribed on days other than those set out in subclause 58.2 and subclause 58.3 above in Victoria or a locality thereof, those days will, as applicable, constitute additional holidays for the purpose of this Agreement.
School Day The school day for members of the bargaining unit shall not exceed seven and one-half (7½) hours of consecutive time which shall include a duty-free, uninterrupted lunch period of no less than thirty (30) minutes.
Holiday Falling on Saturday or Sunday For an employee whose normal workweek is from Monday to Friday and when any of the above-noted holidays falls on a Saturday and is not proclaimed as being observed on another day, the following Monday will be deemed to be the holiday. When a holiday falls on a Sunday and it is not proclaimed as being observed on another day, the following Monday (or Tuesday, where the preceding section already applies), will be deemed to be the holiday for the purpose of this agreement.
PAY DAY (a) The Employer shall pay each Nurse every two (2) weeks. The amount shall be in accordance with the applicable hourly rate for the Nurse’s classification and increment level listed in Appendix “A”. Payment will include regular pay and will include any other income earned during the preceding pay period. Every effort will be made to supply requested information to a Nurse as to the amount paid on or before pay day. (b) In the event that an error made by the Employer results in a Nurse not receiving four (4) or more hours or wages earned in any one pay period, the Employer will endeavour to adjust the error and pay the wages within two (2) business days of the error having being identified.
Holidays Falling on Saturday or Sunday For an employee whose workweek is from Monday to Friday, and when any of the above-noted holidays falls on a Saturday and is not proclaimed as being observed on some other day, the following Monday shall be deemed to be the holiday for the purpose of this agreement; when a holiday falls on a Sunday and it is not proclaimed as being observed on some other day, the following Monday (or Tuesday, where the preceding section already applies to the Monday), shall be deemed to be the holiday for the purpose of this agreement.