Professional Days Sample Clauses

Professional Days. The President of the College or the President’s designee may assign any faculty member up to seven (7) days during the academic year for scheduled orientation and registration programs, commencement and convocation activities and such other College sponsored activities the Present deems appropriate. Professional days shall be assigned no earlier than three (3) days prior to the first (1st) day of classes in the fall semester and no earlier than four (4) days prior to the first (1st) day of classes in the spring semester. Such duties and responsibilities may be assigned to individual faculty members in blocks in one-half (1/2) day or more; and provided further that a faculty member shall not be required to discharge these responsibilities over more than fourteen (14) days during the academic year.
Professional Days. Teachers will have 4 hours on the last day of each trimester in their classrooms set aside for completing professional duties.
Professional Days. Professional days, not otherwise provided for herein, shall be at the sole discretion of the Superintendent or his/her designee.
Professional Days. Each teacher employed on a regular contract may request one (1) day per school year without loss of compensation for the purpose of attending a meeting in the academic field of the teacher. The teacher must show what benefit may be derived from the activity. This request is subject to approval of the principal and Superintendent. The President of the Federation will be allowed to utilize eight (8) Professional Days per year without loss of compensation. These leave days may be used in half day increments and unused days do not accrue from year to year.
Professional Days. A total of ten (10) release days will be granted the Association to use for meetings of a professional association nature. Additional days may be granted at the discretion of the Superintendent or his/her designee.
Professional Days. Each employee in Unit 7 shall be entitled to two (2) paid professional days per year.
Professional Days. (a) Members will be granted professional leave for attendance at conferences and participation in other professional activities in accordance with procedures developed by the Superintendent/designee with input from a joint committee of the Professional Development Advisory Council on an annual basis. To the extent possible, substitutes will be provided for all members whose request for leave complies with said procedures and those whose participation in an activity is required by the Superintendent/designee. A copy of these procedures, including timelines, daily limitations, access to substitute availability for a specific date, and any other pertinent information will be supplied to all members with their opening day materials. (b) All building administrators will annually involve members in determining a plan for dividing professional days allocated to the building. The plan will be put in writing and distributed to members. The administrator's supervisor will review the plan annually.
Professional Days. At the Principal’s discretion, a teacher shall be allowed three (3) professional leave days each year, for the purposes of visiting other schools or attending meetings or conferences of an educational nature, or for improving his/her effectiveness or performance in his/her classroom assignment. Requests for such days shall be made to the Principal in advance of the time desired. Such days may be granted with shorter notice than one (1) week only if a substitute, if needed, may be obtained and if otherwise approved by the Principal. Professional days shall not be cumulative from year to year. If a teacher is directed to participate in Professional development days by the Superintendent/designee, these days shall not count toward the three (3) day teacher benefit described in this Article. Employees may participate in state or national professional educational conferences, which may be scheduled during a school day with Principal approval. However, travel funds for these conferences may only be granted if such funds are planned for in the regular budget for the year and if the teacher submits a reimbursement request.
Professional Days. ‌ a. Professional days can provide valuable professional experiences and are viewed favorably by the administration. Days for visiting and evaluation must be approved in advance by the building principal and Superintendent. b. The Superintendent may, at his/her discretion, grant permission to a teacher to be absent for professional development and enrichment. The Superintendent of Schools delegates this authority to Principals except that the Principal shall confer with the Superintendent whenever a substitute is required, or the expenditure of money is involved. Whenever the visit requires a day’s absence, a paid substitute may be employed. c. Teachers who serve on evaluation committees for the New England Association of Secondary Schools and Colleges (NEASC) may be granted the days necessary to serve on said evaluation committees. These days are separate from sick leave and personal days. d. Days taken as “Professional Days” will not be subtracted from the days involved with sick leave or personal leave.