Negotiable Items Sample Clauses

Negotiable Items. Those items defined in Government Code Section 3543.2.
Negotiable Items. This recognition constitutes an agreement between the Board and the Association to attempt to reach mutual understandings regarding all matters pertaining to wages, hours, or other terms and conditions of employment and the continuation, modification, or deletion of any existing provision of this contract.
Negotiable Items. Both parties agree that all negotiable items have been discussed during the gaining process leading to this Agreement and that no additional negotiations on this Agreement will be conducted on any item, whether contained herein or not, except by mutual consent. In the event a successor agreement is not agreed upon before the termination date of this Agreement, all provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until an agreement is reached.
Negotiable Items. Matter pertaining to wages, hours, or terms and other conditions of employment and the continuation, modification, or deletion of an existing provision of a collective bargaining agreement are the items considered negotiable.
Negotiable Items. The parties agree that their duly designated representatives shall negotiate in good faith with respect to salary, fringe benefits, working conditions, school calendar, and such other items as may be mutually agreed upon by the respective parties. Each party shall select its own representatives. Good faith requires, among other things, that the Board and the Association be willing to react to each other’s proposals in the same fashion as the proposals are submitted by either party. Good faith is also determined by the totality of the relationship between the teams. If a proposal is unacceptable to one of the parties, that party is obligated to give its reasons. Neither party shall be compelled to agree to a proposal, nor is either party required to make a concession.
Negotiable Items. Negotiable Items means all items and matters as defined under Section 3543.2 of the Government Code and relevant decisions of the PERB.
Negotiable Items. The Association agrees that all negotiable items have been discussed during the negotiations leading to this Agreement and agrees that negotiations will not be reopened on any item contained herein during the life of this Agreement unless mutually agreed.
Negotiable Items. The Association and the Board of Education agree that areas subject to good-faith negotiation shall encompass only the following items: 1. 3a Basic salary schedule 1. 3b Stipends for additional training 1.3c Stipends for extra duties 1. 3d Intra-district travel – a minimum of 15 minutes be added for intra-district travel, which shall not interfere with the individual’s plan time and duty-free lunch,and will be implemented for the term of this agreement. 1. 3e Insurance programs 1.3f Payroll deductions 1.3g Leaves 1. 3h Negotiation procedures 1. 3i Recognition 1. 3j Grievance procedures 1.3k Other fringe benefits 1.3l Term of Agreement 1. 3m Teacher and Association rights 1.3n Teaching day and work load 1.3o Professional development 1.3p Emergency school closing 1.3q Retirement 1. 3r Teacher protection 1. 3s Nothing in this section shall in any way limit either party from placing any item on the table for negotiations pertaining to contracts, which will become effective after the expiration of this Agreement. ARTICLE II - Negotiations Procedures‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌
Negotiable Items. 1. The Board recognizes that the bargaining unit members as well as the Board have genuine interest in the welfare of the children and in the effective and efficient operation of the school system. It further recognizes that the bargaining unit members have specialized qualifications and knowledge which can assist the Board in establishing policy, but the Board realizes its responsibility and authority to establish policy in all matters relative to the conduct of the public schools within its jurisdiction. 2. The Board and Administration will continue to seek the assistance of bargaining unit members and all other interest groups to develop and maintain the best possible programs that relate to the total educational picture. 3. The Board and the Union shall negotiate in good faith on wages, fringe benefits, working conditions, and other mutually agreed to items of an emergency nature.
Negotiable Items. All matters of wages, hours, working conditions, terms and other conditions of employment, the continuation, modification, or deletion of an existing provision of this collective bargaining agreement.