NEW PRACTICES. New practices within the scope of bargaining shall not be initiated which are inconsistent with present District policy, practices, and regulations, or with this Agreement.
NEW PRACTICES. RMCHCS has implemented security-related improvements related to its cybersecurity since the Data Breach. RMCHCS agrees to provide Plaintiffs with information regarding these improved security-related measures implemented by RMCHCS no later than 60 days after execution of the Settlement Agreement.
NEW PRACTICES. Except as prohibited or restricted in Paragraph 5 or Exhibit E of this Grant, and subject to obtaining Grantee’s prior approval in accordance with the notice and approval provisions contained herein, it shall be permissible to carry on agricultural practices, and other practices or activities, that differ from historical agricultural practices, so long as such practices do not result in significant soil degradation, or significant pollution or degradation of any surface or subsurface waters, and such practices are consistent with and do not diminish or impair the Conservation Purposes of this Conservation Easement. The following new practices are hereby found to be consistent with the Conservation Purposes of this Conservation Easement and do not require compliance with the notice and approval procedures described above so long as such new practices shall not result in significant soil degradation, or significant pollution or degradation of any surface or subsurface waters and such new practices are consistent with and do not diminish or impair the Conservation Purposes of this Conservation Easement:
a. grazing of livestock;
b. cultivation and harvest of alfalfa, clover and other permanent pasture; and
c. substitution of new fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides for those Grantor presently uses, provided that such use, including, but not limited to, the amount, frequency, and manner of application shall be in accordance with all applicable Laws, and such use does not diminish or impair the naturally occurring ecosystems existing on the Property (not including any impacts caused to such ecosystems that are the intended result of the application of such fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and/or biocides as long as the application of such substances has been conducted in accordance with the instructions for application set forth for such substance and such application is consistent with those good farm management practices that are customary in the general geographic area in which the Property is located); and
d. the planting of native trees and shrubs anywhere on the Property except within the Agricultural Area of the Property as identified in the Report. Except as expressly permitted in the immediately preceding sentence, the cultivation and harvest of any non-annual crops on the Property requires Grantee’s prior approval in accordance with the notice and approval provisions contained above.
NEW PRACTICES. Xxxxx has implemented improvements, and planned for future implementations, to improve its cybersecurity since the Data Security Incident (including endpoint detection software with 24/7 SOC monitoring, required multifactor authentication for all administrator accounts and VPN access accounts, new email service with enhanced security including MFA, increased frequency of vulnerability and penetration testing, and a company-wide security awareness training program including phishing simulations) and will continue to analyze and implement potential additional information security enhancements in each of years 2022 and 2023. The value of implemented cybersecurity improvements is approximately $500,000/annually..
NEW PRACTICES. Teen Challenge has implemented improvements to improve its cybersecurity since the Incident and shall continue in its efforts to improve its cybersecurity. These efforts included Teen Challenge ensures that personally identifiable information and electronic protected health information (ePHI) that is accessed via a remote computer is protected by utilizing the verification measures provided by Xxxxxxx, its EMR system. In March 2020, Teen Challenge transitioned to a HIPAA-compliant eFax system. In addition, these technical safeguards are augmented by the rules on electronic transmission of ePHI that are set forth in the HIPAA Security Policy and Procedures, Policy and in the Teen Challenge Cyber Security Policy. These rules are reinforced in the training provided on HIPAA compliance and on IT Policy and Cybersecurity Awareness. Furthermore, a number of the procedures to ensure that the person or entity seeking access to ePHI is the one claimed are implemented within the Teen Challenge EMR system. The Xxxxxxx platform is password protected and encrypted with a valid SSL certificate. User accounts are issued only upon the request of the hiring manager or a supervisor for the department into which a particular employee is being hired, and that access is managed by the IT department. A ticket is required for each request for Xxxxxxx security access. The request must be submitted by an individual with supervisor-level authority for that department. Each user account is then assigned to the specific security group corresponding to their role or position (e.g., “medical care nurses” or “counselor_PATC”), which determined their level of data access within the Xxxxxxx platform. No user of the system can be assigned security access that was created for a different role or for a different department without express approval from someone who is designated as senior management with responsibility for that role or department. In short, Teen Challenge uses the technical safeguards within Xxxxxxx to limit access to ePHI and ensure that only those individuals authorized to access the ePHI are able to do so. When an employee separates from Teen Challenge for any reason, user accounts are deleted as part of the termination proceedings. Teen Challenge requires that any account access for individuals who work at any of its locations be terminated within two business days of the employee’s last day, or sooner if circumstances warrant an escalation. Additionally, Xxxxxxx generate...
NEW PRACTICES. Xxxxx has implemented improvements, and planned for future implementations, to improve its cybersecurity since the cybersecurity incident (including [DEFENDANT TO FILL IN) and will commit to additional information security enhancements in each of years 2022 and 2032. The enhancements may include, [DEFENDANT TO FILL IN]. The value of implemented cybersecurity improvements is approximately $xxxx/annually.
NEW PRACTICES. Defendant has implemented improvements, and planned for future implementations, to improve its cybersecurity since the Cyberattack. Defendant shall provide Plaintiffs Counsel with a confidential declaration or affidavit, suitable for filing under seal with the Court, attesting that agreed-upon security-related measures have been implemented on or before December 31, 2023. Costs associated with these security-related measures shall be paid by Defendant separate and apart from other settlement benefits.
NEW PRACTICES. Xxxxxxxx has implemented improvements, and planned for future ocument Submitted for Filing to MI Oakland County 6th Circuit Court. implementations, to improve its cybersecurity since the cybersecurity incident (including multifactor authentication) and will commit to additional information security enhancements in each of years 2021 and 2022. The enhancements may include, as applicable, third party security monitoring, third party logging, network monitoring, firewall enhancements, email enhancements, and equipment upgrades. The estimated value of the cybersecurity improvements already implemented is over $3,000,000 and the estimated amount of additional improvements is at least $2,000,000.
NEW PRACTICES. Defendant has implemented and/or agreed to implement certain data security measures, which have been disclosed to Class Counsel but are not identified here given their sensitive nature. Defendant values these enhanced data-security measures at approximately $175,000. The costs associated with these measures (aka injunctive relief) shall be paid by Defendant separate and apart from other settlement benefits. If requested, Defendant shall provide Class Counsel with a confidential declaration or affidavit, suitable for filing under seal with the Court, attesting that agreed upon security-related measures have been implemented.
NEW PRACTICES. IvyRehab has implemented improvements, and planned for future implementations, to improve its cybersecurity since the cybersecurity incident (including multifactor authentication) and shall continue in its efforts to improve its cybersecurity.