On-Time Performance Sample Clauses

On-Time Performance. Table 13 shows the 4 month averages for on-time performance for the 95 Express Bus Service. Figure 8 shows the overall trend line from January 2008 to April 2010. A trip is defined as late if the bus arrives at a scheduled stop more than 5 minutes after the scheduled time and early if it arrives more than five minutes ahead of schedule. It should be noted that these data represent the entire length of the 95 Express routes in both directions, as it was not possible to isolate the direction or the I-95 section of the routes. Also, the data is based on time-points along the route. Both Table 13 and Figure 8 show that the 95 Express Bus was already performing well, but there was also some improvement. Average on-time performance improved from 76% in 2008 to 81% in 2010. For the UPA evaluation, Miami-Dade Transit conducted occupancy counts once a month at the Golden Glades Park and Ride Lot. This lot lies southwest of Golden Glades Interchange where Highway U.S. 441 and State Road 9 converge. It provides parking for the Golden Glades Tri-Rail Station, Miami-Dade Transit, Broward County Transit, and Greyhound. For much of the evaluation period, the lot’s capacity was 1,007 spaces. Then in December 2009, 535 spaces were added increasing the capacity to 1,542. Table 14 shows the four- month average utilization figures for the Golden Glades Park and Ride Lot. Shortly after Phase 1A began in December 2008, lot utilization increased 15%. For the first half of 2009, the lot was operating at or over capacity. The 2009 Phase 1A transit report even speculated that the lot’s capacity was hampering further ridership growth on the 95 Express Bus Service. However, utilization went on a downward trend beginning in the second half of 2009 and continued through the rest of the year. Average utilization from January to April 2010 was 23% lower compared to 2009. Why did utilization drop between 2009 and 2010? At first glance, it would appear that declining ridership on Tri-Rail was the source. Table 15 shows that over the same time period that utilization dropped 23%, average weekday Tri-Rail boardings at Golden Glades Station dropped 17%. Avg. Lot Utilization 899 1,036 797 -23% Avg. Tri-Rail Boardings 2,709 2,681 2,213 -17% However, when we looked at more detailed month-by-month data, it does not appear that the decline in Tri-Rail boardings was the contributing factor. Figure 9 compares by month the average weekday boardings for Tri-Rail at Golden Glades Station to the vehicle...
On-Time Performance. During the Term, Gulfstream agrees to use its reasonable best efforts to achieve and maintain on a monthly basis at least a seventy five percent (75%) on-time performance level. For purposes of this Agreement, “On-Time Performance” shall mean for each calendar month during the Term the quotient (expressed as a percentage) equal to the number of arrivals no later than 14 minutes, 59 seconds after its scheduled arrival divided by the number of scheduled arrivals, excluding in both the numerator and the denominator any flights that are late as a result of weather or Air Traffic Control. At a minimum, however, Gulfstream shall maintain on a monthly basis a minimum On-Time Performance rating of at least seventy percent (70%) (the “Minimum On-Time Performance Rating”), and Northwest shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 18(b)(iii) hereof in the event Gulfstream fails to achieve the Minimum On-Time Performance Rating for any six (6) month period during the Term.
On-Time Performance. Bus Drivers and Van Drivers (collectively, “Drivers”) are subject to the following on-time performance standards: A. Drivers are subject to discipline if they run more than five (5) minutes earlier than the published stop schedule at any stop. B. Drivers are subject to discipline if they run more than five (5) minutes later than the published stop schedule at any stop on more than five (5) days in any calendar month. (1) No Driver will be disciplined for running late due to circumstances beyond the Driver’s control, such as but not limited to slow traffic, route deviations, using the restroom, detours, mechanical breakdown, inclement weather, wheelchair customers and similar circumstances beyond the Driver’s control. C. Any Driver who is running more than five (5) minutes later than the published stop schedule is required to, as soon as reasonably possible, radio into dispatch to explain that the bus is running late and the reasons why the bus is running late. Failure to radio into dispatch as required in this Article will result in disciplinary action. Drivers who radio into dispatch to explain that the bus is running late and the reasons why the bus is running late will be provided with a memorandum from the Company, within seven (7) calendar days, to document this call to dispatch. D. Discipline pursuant to this Article for on-time performance (i.e., running late and/or early) will be progressive, but will be combined with other disciplinary actions (other than attendance) for purposes of discipline progression; however, no Driver will be discharged for a first incident of on-time performance discipline pursuant to this Article. E. One (1) prior disciplinary action for on-time performance pursuant to this Article will be removed from a Driver’s record when he or she is not disciplined for on-time performance reasons pursuant to this Article a period of three (3) consecutive months. F. The time limits for discipline found in Article 7(A) of this Agreement shall apply to discipline for running early. The time limits for discipline found in Article 7(A) of this Agreement shall not apply to discipline for running late. Rather, charges for running late must be filed within fourteen (14) calendar days after the end of the calendar month in which the Driver ran more than five (5) minutes later than the published stop schedule at any stop on more than five (5) days during that calendar month. With this sole exception, all provisions of Article 7 apply to discip...
On-Time Performance. Should CONTRACTOR fail in any month to meet an on- time performance level of eighty-five percent (85%) for directly operated Get About services, PVTA may deduct the amount of $2,500.00 from sums due CONTRACTOR. On-time performance is defined as the percentage of passengers picked up within five minutes before to 15 minutes after the reservation time given to the passenger when the ride reservation is made, PVTA reserves the right to audit the accuracy of the on-time checks performed by CONTRACTOR. Determinations made by PVTA regarding the accuracy of on-time checks shall be final.
On-Time Performance. 1. The standard shall be to maintain a minimum On Time Performance (OTP) rating of 95% or higher on all ADA/DAR trips. 2. The standard shall be to maintain a minimum On Time Performance (OTP) rating of 95% or higher on all Corona Cruiser routes. On- time performance is defined as not departing early (zero tolerance) and five minutes late at all timed-points along a route. Monitoring: Monthly OTP report submitted by contractor, supplemented by spot checks by City staff and its representatives and Contract Operations staff. OTP data will be captured by standardized reports from RouteMatch GPS data.
On-Time Performance. Level - SSA shall maintain, at each Distribution Center, an On-Time Performance Level of [****], which shall be calculated as follows: (x) the number of scheduled deliveries made by the Distribution Center to all Restaurants serviced by that D.C. under this Agreement during the subject week that were made earlier than or within one hour following the scheduled delivery time; divided by (y) the total number of scheduled deliveries made by such Distribution Center to all Restaurants under this Agreement during such measurement period; (z) with the resulting ratio expressed as a percentage. Notwithstanding the foregoing the parties acknowledge and agree that the Primary customer’s expectation is that the on time performance level will be [****]. If the on time performance level falls below [****] the parties will work in good faith to achieve that standard. Key Drop Deliveries shall be considered “on time” if delivered between 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. local time.
On-Time Performance. CONTRACTOR shall maintain On Time performance and shall not establish a pattern of untimely pick ups. On Time is as defined in Article I herein. For scheduled service requests, ninety-five percent (95%) shall be picked up within the established On Time definition. COUNTY reserves the right to arrange/provide transportation as it deems appropriate for any client who has been waiting more than sixty (60) minutes past their scheduled pick up time.
On-Time Performance. Two hundred dollars per month that CONTRACTOR fails to obtain an on-time performance level of: a. Ninety percent (90%) or better for Dial-A-Ride Reservation Reliability based on the standards set forth under Exhibit “A’ - Scope Of Work, Section 2.5. b. Ninety percent (90%) or better for Fixed Route Schedule Reliability based on the standards set forth under Exhibit “A’ - Scope Of Work, Section 2.5. c. Ninety percent (90%) or better for Route Deviation Schedule Reliability based on the standards set forth under Exhibit “A’ - Scope Of Work, Section 2.5.
On-Time Performance a) Contractor shall arrive at pickup location for 95% of scheduled trips before scheduled pickup time. b) Scheduled pickup time shall be determined by Contractor at the time the ride is initially scheduled with passenger and communicated to passenger at that time. c) Contractor shall arrive at destination location for 95% of scheduled trips within 10 minutes before or 10 minutes after scheduled drop-off time. d) Scheduled destination drop-off time shall be determined by Contractor at the time the ride is initially scheduled with passenger and communicated to passenger at that time.
On-Time Performance. NetScout's on-time performance shall be measured as [*] early, [*] days late. Cisco has the right to cancel any late product providing that the order was placed within the normal lead time parameters ** and expedited service is not requested** . All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect except as modified herein by Amendment #5.