Final Evaluation Conference Sample Clauses

Final Evaluation Conference. 1. The teacher will receive his/her final evaluation with preliminary ratings three (3) school days prior to the final evaluation conference, unless otherwise agreed upon to extend up to five (5) school days. 2. The teacher and the principal shall hold a Final Evaluation Conference by the end of the school year. 3. At the conference, each selected criterion shall be rated collaboratively, based on the components in that criterion using a preponderance of the evidence. This analysis will be based on a holistic assessment of the teacher’s performance. If there is a dispute between the evaluator and the employee regarding the rating, the parties shall have three (3) working days to submit additional evidence, unless otherwise agreed to extend up to five (5) school days. A conference will be held upon submittal of additional evidence. The final decision is the responsibility of the evaluator. 4. The teacher shall have the opportunity to submit and attach any additional comments to the final record of the evaluation. 5. By June 1 the teacher will sign two (2) copies of the Final Evaluation Report. The signature of the teacher does not imply that the employee agrees with its contents.
Final Evaluation Conference. 9.9.1 The evaluator will discuss each component of the evaluation during a conference and provide a written evaluation to the unit member no later than 30 calendar days before the end of the school year. 9.9.2 The unit member has the right to have a written reaction or response permanently attached to the evaluation in his/her personnel file.
Final Evaluation Conference. An Evaluation Conference between the faculty member and the School Xxxx or approved Administrator will take place by the established timeline (C-1).
Final Evaluation Conference a. No later than June 1 the evaluator and teacher shall meet to discuss the teacher’s final summative score. The final summative score, including the student growth score, must be determined by an analysis of evidence. This analysis will include a holistic assessment of the teacher’s performance over the course of the year. b. The teacher has the right to provide additional evidence for each criterion to be scored. c. All evidence, measures and observations used in developing the final summative evaluation score must be a product of the school year in which the evaluation is conducted. d. If the teacher reasonably believes the criterion score or final summative score were not objectively scored, they may be granted any of the following: a. An alternative evaluator scoring of evidence whom is mutually agreed upon by the teacher and the Association b. Assignment of a new evaluator for the ensuing school year c. Assignment of a mentor e. The teacher will sign two (2) copies of the Final Summative Evaluation Report. (one copy- employee, one copy-personnel file) The signature of the teacher does not, however, necessarily imply that the employee agrees with its contents. The teacher may attach any written comments to observations and to the final annual evaluation report.
Final Evaluation Conference. 13 a. No later than May 15, the evaluator and teacher shall meet to discuss the teacher’s 14 final score. The final score, including the student growth score, must be determined by 15 an analysis of evidence. The teacher has the right to provide additional evidence for each 16 criterion to be scored but such evidence must be submitted by May 1 in order to give 17 the evaluator sufficient time to review and consider the evidence prior to May 15. 18 b. All evidence, measures and observations used in developing the final evaluation score 19 must be a product of the school year in which the evaluation is conducted. 20 c. The teacher shall sign the District’s copy of the evaluation report to indicate that 22 imply that the teacher agrees with the contents of the evaluation report. The teacher 23 may attach any written comments to observations and/or the final annual evaluation 24 report. 26 SECTION N: FOCUSED EVALUATION 27 1. Focused Evaluation Participants 28 a. The Focused Evaluation is used when a teacher is not evaluated using the 29 Comprehensive Evaluation process, and will include evaluation of one of the eight (8) 30 state criteria. During each school year each employee shall be observed for the 31 purpose of evaluation at least twice in the performance of his/her assigned duties. Total 32 observation time for each employee for each school year shall not be less than sixty (60) 33 minutes. 34 b. If a non-provisional teacher has scored at Proficient or higher the previous year, they may 35 request to be evaluated using the Focused Evaluation. The teacher may remain on the 36 Focused Evaluation for five (5) years before returning to the Comprehensive Evaluation. 37 c. The summative score is assigned using the summative score from the most recent 38 comprehensive evaluation. This score becomes the focused summative evaluation 39 score for any of the subsequent years following the comprehensive summative 40 evaluation in which the certificated classroom teacher is placed on a focused evaluation. 41 Should a teacher provide evidence of exemplary practice on the chosen focused 42 criterion, a Level 4 (distinguished) score may be awarded by the evaluator. 43 d. The District and the Association agree that it is not desirable for a teacher to be placed 1 on probation from a Focused Evaluation. A teacher may be transferred from a Focused 3 of the teacher’s evaluator. This must take place in writing by December 15 of the current 4 year. A decision to move a teache...
Final Evaluation Conference a. No later than June 1 the evaluator and teacher shall meet to discuss the teacher’s final summative score. In circumstances where a summative score that would be considered not satisfactory is to be given, the evaluator will meet with the teacher prior to May 15th. The final summative score, including the student growth score, must be determined by an analysis of evidence against the instructional framework rubric. This analysis will include a holistic assessment of the teacher’s performance over the course of the year. b. The teacher has the right to provide additional evidence for each criterion to be scored. c. All evidence, measures and observations used in developing the final summative evaluation score must be a product of the school year in which the evaluation is conducted. d. If the teacher reasonably believes the criterion score or final summative score were not objectively scored, they may be granted any of the following: • An alternative evaluator scoring of evidence whom is mutually agreed upon by the teacher and the AssociationAssignment of a new evaluator for the ensuing school year • Assignment of a mentor e. The teacher will sign two (2) copies of the Final Summative Evaluation Report. (one copy employee, one copy-personnel file) The signature of the teacher does not, however, necessarily imply that the employee agrees with its contents. The teacher may attach any written comments to observations and to the final annual evaluation report.
Final Evaluation Conference. The final evaluation conference shall take place between the thirteenth (13th) week of the evaluative semester and the fourth (4th) week of the following semester. This does not include off contract periods. One week prior to the final evaluation conference the unit member shall be provided with copies of all evaluation documents including student evaluations, provided grades have been submitted for the courses in which the student evaluations were conducted. The purpose of the final evaluation conference shall be: 1. For the evaluation team and the faculty member to review the results of the observation visitation(s), to identify and communicate the strengths of the unit member, and to identify and communicate any areas that may be in need of improvement. After completion of this portion of the evaluation, the peer evaluator will leave the conference. 2. The unit member and the administrative evaluator shall then discuss the evaluation of professional duties, the student evaluations, and the self- assessment. The administrative evaluator and the unit member may agree to changes to what has been written on the professional duties evaluation, in which case it shall be redrafted and re-submitted to the unit member within three (3) workdays of the final evaluation conference. The unit member shall sign and return to the administrative evaluator the final evaluation forms within five (5) workdays of the date they were submitted to the unit member.
Final Evaluation Conference. No more than fifteen (15) school days following the final observation, except in case of emergency or absence, such as the illness of the evaluator or employee, and before May 15, the evaluator will complete an evaluation conference with tenured employees. The final evaluation conference with non-tenured employees will take place at least forty-five (45) days before the end of the school term. The evaluator will reduce the evaluation to writing on the evaluation instrument, and give a copy to the employee. The evaluator will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the employee, the overall rating, and supporting reasons.
Final Evaluation Conference. By May 15, the employee and evaluator will meet to discuss the employee’s Final Evaluation Report. The employee may append comments.
Final Evaluation Conference. A final evaluation conference between the evaluator and the WEA member to discuss the content of the Final Certificated Self-Evaluation – Plan B (Self Evaluation Form) shall be held no later than May 5. The WEA member shall bring to the Final Evaluation Conference a completed Self-Evaluation Form. The WEA member shall be prepared to discuss and provide evidence to the evaluator of progress made toward goals agreed on at the Initial Conference including revisions. The evaluator will be able to make additional comments on the Self-Evaluation form before signing. If signing does not take place at the Final Evaluation Conference, the evaluator and the WEA member shall meet no later than one week after the Final Evaluation Conference to sign the Final Evaluation Report. The completed Self-Evaluation Form will be placed in their personnel file.