Performance Evaluation Report Sample Clauses

Performance Evaluation Report. An employee shall be given a copy of any formal performance evaluation report prepared by his/her evaluators before any conference held to discuss it. If the employee is dissatisfied with this evaluation conference, he/she may request one additional conference. The employee shall have the right to one additional observation upon request. Thereafter, the employee shall sign the report. Such signature shall indicate only that the report has been read by the employee and in no way indicate agreement with the contents thereof. The employee may submit a rebuttal which shall be attached to the filed copy.
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Performance Evaluation Report. A. Before the evaluation cycle is final, and not later than May 10, a copy of the formal written evaluation report shall be given to the teacher and a conference shall be held between the teacher and the evaluator. B. The evaluation shall acknowledge, through the evidence gathered, the performance strengths of the teacher evaluated as well as performance deficiencies, if any. C. In the event that significant performance deficiencies are identified and warrant intervention, the teacher and evaluator will develop a strategic plan for addressing such deficiencies. The plan could include but is not limited to the following: 1. Reciprocal observations and collaboration with a teacher identified as high performing in the deficient area. 2. On-site focused professional development with the Curriculum Director. 3. Off-site focused professional development when deemed relevant by the Curriculum Director. D. The evaluator shall note evidence of all the data used to support the conclusions reached in the formal evaluation report. E. The evaluation report shall be signed by the evaluator and by the teacher to verify notification to the teacher that the evaluation will be placed on file. The teacher's signature shall not be construed as evidence that the teacher agrees with the contents of the evaluation report. F. The evaluation report shall be completed by May 10, signed by both parties, and filed with the superintendent.
Performance Evaluation Report. 1. Before the evaluation cycle is final, and not later than May 10, a copy of the formal written evaluation report shall be given to the teacher and a conference shall be held between the teacher and the evaluator. 2. The evaluation shall acknowledge, through the evidence gathered, the performance strengths of the teacher evaluated as well as performance deficiencies, if any. 3. The evaluator shall note evidence of all the data used to support the conclusions reached in the formal evaluation report. 4. The evaluation report shall be signed by the evaluator; and the evaluation report shall be signed by the teacher to verify notification to the teacher that the evaluation will be placed on file. The teacher's signature shall not be construed as evidence that the teacher agrees with the contents of the evaluation report. 5. The evaluation report shall be completed by May 10, signed by both parties, and filed with the superintendent.
Performance Evaluation Report. 1. Before the evaluation is final, and not later than May 10, a copy of the formal written evaluation report shall be given to the teacher and a conference shall be held between the teacher and the evaluator. 2. The evaluation shall acknowledge, through the evidence gathered, the performance strengths of the teacher evaluated as well as performance deficiencies, if any. 3. In the event that significant performance deficiencies are identified and warrant intervention, the teacher and evaluator will develop an improvement plan for addressing such deficiencies. 4. The evaluator shall note evidence of the data used to support the conclusions reached in the formal evaluation report. 5. The evaluation report shall be signed by the evaluator; and the evaluation report shall be signed by the teacher to verify notification to the teacher that the evaluation will be placed on file. The teacher's signature shall not be construed as evidence that the teacher agrees with the contents of the evaluation report. 6. The evaluation report shall be completed by May 10 and signed by both parties.
Performance Evaluation Report. Copies of the written evaluation shall be submitted to the employee at the time of the evaluation meeting or within ten (10) days thereafter. One is to be signed indicating full knowledge of its content and returned to the Superintendent or his or her designee, the other to be retained by the employee. In the event the employee objects to the evaluation, he may put his objections in writing and have them attached to the evaluation report to be placed in the employee’s personnel file.
Performance Evaluation Report. By the second Friday in February of the year of review, tenured and continuing Members will submit a Performance Evaluation Report covering their activities during the period of review as specified in Article to their Program Chair or supervisor. Program Chairs will submit Performance Evaluation Reports to their Deans, Regional Chairs will submit Performance Evaluation Reports to the Director of Regional Operations and Librarian Members will submit Performance Evaluation Reports to the University Librarian by the second Friday of February. If a Member refuses to submit a Performance Evaluation Report or to meet with their Program Chair, Xxxx, Director, or Librarian to review the evaluation report and sign the review memorandum, it will be grounds for discipline under Article 45. In such cases, the Member will not be eligible for CDI or Merit. Non-tenured and non-continuing Members will submit a Performance Evaluation Report annually by the second Friday of February. In years when the Members’ College is being reviewed, the review shall proceed as in In the intervening years, the Member will be evaluated by the Chair or supervisor and the Xxxx or Librarian for CDI. Merit decisions are reserved for the normal biennial review process by the appropriate CEC. In the years between the biennial performance review, Tenured and Continuing Members will submit an updated CV to their Program Chair or supervisor by the second Friday in February and meet with the supervisor by March15 to review the previous year’s objectives. Following the meeting, the Chair or supervisor and the Member will each prepare a brief memorandum reviewing their meeting and provide copies to each other by April 30. Members on July 1 to June 30 sabbatical, study leaves, or academic and professional leave, may be given an alternative reporting deadline by prior approval of the Xxxx or University Librarian or Director of Regional Operations. However, the dates must be consistent with the requirements for CEC review in the biennial review process.
Performance Evaluation Report. A formal report which routinely monitors XXX's activities in comparison to the Performance Plan for the contract year. The report shall also include overall performance of OMI and its relationship with the CITY.
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Performance Evaluation Report. Ea c h r ecipie n t of a Yo u t h b u ild g r a n t m u s t s u b m i t a P e r fo r m a n ce E v a l u a t io n R epo r t o n a c t ivi t ies un de r t a k e n a n d co m ple t ed i n a cco r d a n ce wi t h t h e g r a n t a g r ee m e n t . T h e fo r m a n d s u b- x x x x ce of t h e P e r fo r m a n ce E v a l u a t io n R epo r t s h a ll be p r ovided t o r ecipie n t s. ( App r oved b y t h e Office of M x x x ge m e n t a n d B u dge t un de r co n t r ol nu m be r 2506–0142) ( a) T h e r e a r e t hr ee b a sic t y pes of c h a n ges t h a t r ecipie n t s m a y wis h t o m a k e t o t h ei r p r og r a m s: (1) G r a n t Ag r ee m e n t a m e n d m e n t s. (2) M a t e r i a l c h a n ges, w h ic h i n cl u de, b u t a r e n o t li m i t ed t o c h a n ges i n h o u s- i n g s i t es, c h a n ges i n s ig n ific a n t p a r - t icip a t i n g p a r t ies, a n d c h a n ges i n a p- x x xxxx a c t ivi t ies. All m a t e r i a l c h a n ges r eq u i r e HUD a pp r ov a l . (3) S elf- i m ple m e n t i n g p r og r a m c h a n ges, w h ic h m a y i n xx x xx x x x x ges i n r ecipie n t s t affi n g a n d co n t e n t of c ur- r ic u l u m . All self- i m ple m e n t i n g c h a n ges r eq u i r e doc u m e n t a t io n i n t h e r ecipi- e n t ’s files. ( b) App r ov a l fo r G r a n t Ag r ee m e n t a m e n d m e n t s a n d m a t e r i a l c h a n ges i s co n t i n ge n t u po n t h e a pplic a t io n r a n k - i n g r e m a i n i n g h ig h e n o u g h af t e r t h e a pp r xxxx x x x x xx x x x x ve bee n co m pe t i- t ivel y selec t ed fo r fun di n g i n t h e y e a r t h e a pplic a t io n w a s selec t ed. ( a) Obligation of funds. Wh e n HUD a n d t h e a pplic a n t exec u t e a g r a n t a g r ee- m e n t , fun ds a r e oblig a t xx x x x x rry o u t a pp r oved a c t ivi t ies co n s i s t e n t wi t h § 585.205 o r 585.305 of t h i s p a r t a n d i n a c- co r d a n ce wi t h t h e g r a n t a g r ee m e n t . ( b) I ncreases. Af t e r t h e i n i t i a l oblig a- t io n of fun ds, HUD will n o t m a k e r evi- s io n s t o i n c r e a se t h e a m o un t oblig a t ed.
Performance Evaluation Report. Each recipient of a Youthbuild grant must submit a Performance Evaluation Report on activities undertaken and completed in accordance with the grant agreement. The form and sub- stance of the Performance Evaluation Report shall be provided to recipients. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2506–0142) (a) There are three basic types of changes that recipients may wish to make to their programs: (1) Grant Agreement amendments. (2) Material changes, which include, but are not limited to changes in hous- ing sites, changes in significant par- ticipating parties, and changes in ap- proved activities. All material changes require HUD approval. (3) Self-implementing program changes, which may include changes in recipient staffing and content of cur- riculum. All self-implementing changes require documentation in the recipi- ent’s files. (b) Approval for Grant Agreement amendments and material changes is contingent upon the application rank- ing remaining high enough after the approved change to have been competi- tively selected for funding in the year the application was selected.
Performance Evaluation Report. Evaluation of the work performance of an employee will be recorded in a written performance evaluation to be placed in the employee’s personnel file. The report will be done on the form developed by Human Resources.
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