PERFORMANCE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. A Performance Incentive Program is established for “service-critical” employees at the Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA) in each of the following Occupational Groups: • Maintenance Group • Operations Group • Administration Group Service Standards are developed for each Occupational Group, and Performance Goals are established for each Service Standard. Service-critical employees responsible for achievement of Performance Goals are identified for each goal. The following Service Standards are established for each Occupational Group:
PERFORMANCE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. A Performance Incentive Program is established for “service-critical” employees at the Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA) in each of the following Occupational Groups: • Maintenance Group • Operations Group • Administration Group Service Standards are developed for each Occupational Group, and Performance Goals are established for each Service Standard. Service-critical employees responsible for achievement of Performance Goals are identified for each goal. The following Service Standards are established for each Occupational Group: Percentage of vehicles that run on time according to published schedules. Increase vehicle miles between road calls by mode. Total number days of unscheduled absences. Total number of lost days due to industrial injury/illness. Percentage of vehicles that run on time according to published schedules. Percentage of scheduled hours delivered. Total number of lost days due to industrial injury/illness Total number days of unscheduled absences. Percentage of vehicles that run on time according to published schedules. Total number days of unscheduled absences. Performance Goals will be developed each fiscal year for the above listed Service Standards. For each Performance Goal, a Mode and/or Division Goal may be established. Progress toward achievement of these Performance Goals will be tracked and measured each fiscal year. A “Qualifying Fiscal Year” is defined as follows: July 1, 2001 – June 30, 2002 July 1, 2002 – June 30, 2003
PERFORMANCE INCENTIVE PROGRAM a) Include a letter to provide for an annual incentive program to commence no later than July 1, 2008 with a maximum payout of 5% annually. Pay out to be considered pensionable as of the effective date on a go forward basis.
PERFORMANCE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. All employees covered by this Agreement will participate in an annual incentive program that aligns the interests of management and other employees.
a. Prior to each calendar year beginning with 2004, the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors ("BOD") will establish a performance incentive formula (the "Annual Incentive Formula") that will provide a "Threshold" or minimum incentive payment, a "Target" or average incentive payment and a "Maximum" incentive payment for senior management, other management, pilots and other employees.
PERFORMANCE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. 3.1. The Contractor may earn an incentive payment to reimburse it for a portion of its cost sharing as described in this Section 3.
PERFORMANCE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. Regular employees who were hired on or before January 1, 1981, who are entitled to longevity pay will not be eligible for the PIP. Regular employees who were hired on or after January 1, 1981, but before December 2, 2008 may be eligible to receive Service Recognition pay. If employees receiving service recognition pay choose to participate in the PIP, their pay shall be adjusted to reflect the difference between the SRP and the PIP once the PIP criteria has been obtained. For employees participating in the PIP program, participation in the SRP is terminated but earned SRP pay remains in effect until PIP pay increases are obtained. Employees will enter the appropriate performance step that provides them an increase in pay upon successful completion of the required number of quarters. Regular employees hired before January 1, 2014, are eligible to participate in the PIP pursuant to the following requirements:
1. Participation eligibility begins only after an employee has reached step 6 on the pay schedule. If an employee enrolled in the PIP program is reclassified and is no longer at step 6 of their pay schedule, they will continue in the PIP program. If an employee is promoted, the employee will bank quarters already earned, but will not be able to earn additional quarters in PIP until such time that the employee is again at step 6 of their pay schedule.
2. Employees must complete eight (8) cumulative quarters successfully for each step in the PIP program.
3. Eligible employee may begin the program at the start of the next quarter after meeting eligibility requirements.
4. Employees shall notify their supervisor of their intention to begin the program prior to the start of the first eligible quarter.
5. Each quarter shall be signed off by the supervisor and the employee to reflect satisfactory or unsatisfactory completion of the quarter. Within ten (10) business days after the end of a calendar quarter, or as extended by mutual agreement, the supervisor and the employee will complete a checklist to verify whether the performance criteria has been met. If not completed within the ten (10) business days, that calendar quarter shall be considered a successful quarter. The question as to whether or not a calendar quarter is "successful" is not grievable, but is appealable in accordance with the procedure outlined below. Successful completion of the following shall be deemed as having met the criteria to reflect satisfactory completion of the quarter:
PERFORMANCE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. A Performance Incentive Program is established for “service-critical” employees at the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) in each of the following Occupational Groups: Service Standards are developed for each Occupational Group, and Performance Goals are established for each Service Standard. Service-critical employees responsible for achievement of Performance Goals are identified for each goal. The following Service Standards are established for each Occupational Group:
PERFORMANCE INCENTIVE PROGRAM a. All United pilots will participate in an annual incentive program that aligns the interests of management and other domestic employees.
b. Prior to each calendar year beginning with 2004, the Compensation Committee of the UAL Corporation Board of Directors ("BOD") will establish a performance incentive formula (the "Annual Incentive Formula") that will provide a "Threshold" or minimum incentive payment, a "Target" or average incentive payment and a "Maximum" incentive payment for senior management, other management, pilots and other domestic employees.
PERFORMANCE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. An initiative aimed at improving the quality, efficiency, and overall value of Member care that provides financial incentives to BHOs that achieve optimal outcomes for members.
PERFORMANCE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. In order to recognize employees’ productivity through their accomplishment of established goals and objectives, special acts toward the accomplishment of agency initiatives, demonstrated leadership in meeting agency program and/or project goals and/or the District’s Strategic Plan initiatives, the Employer, in accordance with criteria established by the Agency and the Union, agrees to establish pilot incentive programs within agencies, including time off without loss of pay or charge to leave as an incentive award.